Thursday, October 04, 2018

Key Muslim Objection to Christianity (Brief)

The book review continues:

WALLACE TOM Jr. (2015) Refuting Islam, The Christian Patriots Guide to Exposing the Evils of Islam, Bellingham, Fundamental Publishers.

Chapter 16: Muslims Tops Objections To Christianity

These objections provided by Mr. Wallace:

A key objection and his first objection noted:

'Christians and Jews have corrupted the bible and that it is no longer trustworthy.' (122).

Wallace counters that the Qur'an actually teaches:

1. Christians are to stand by their Scriptures (122).

Wallace cites

Surah 5: 68 (122).

2. There is no difference between the Qur'an and the Bible (122-123).

In the context of the Muslims being required to reverence (123).

Surah 2: 136 (123)

3. The Bible is inspired of God (123).

Surah 21: 7 (123).

4. The Scriptures will be kept from corruption. This includes the Bible (123).

Surah 15: 9 (123).

Surah 5: 48 (123).

These citations can be researched. But, of course an Islamic theological view that the Qur'an is the later more progressive scripture, will have Islamic theology negate the Bible and biblical theology where there is significant disagreement with the newer revelation.

The orthodox Christian position is that Islamic scripture, although it contains truth at points, is not inspired scripture in unity with the Gospel message.

My recent archived presentations in regard to Biblical manuscript evidence...

Trusting the Bible

Are the copies inspired?

New Testament text numbers

Lecture on New Testament manuscripts

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