Saturday, August 14, 2010

E-books and Blogger Next Blog

Trees, Versailles, France (


As many of you will realize, with my four academic degrees (my PhD pass is promised to arrive soon in the mail) and two theological blogs, I have spent a lot of time on Christian/religious studies for free.

At times it was 30+ hours on thesis and 20-30 hours on blogging, weekly.

But in reality this is both ministry and business.

I will soon look for work as a professor with my upgraded Curriculum Vitae.

I have started an e-book (or ebook) business.

My first e-book is done and now I am just finalizing the new website, payment plans and related.

I will market the e-books on thekingpin68 and satire and theology as well.

The first e-book is concerning the philosophical, political, aspects of writing a successful PhD thesis, especially in a semi-hostile department and via distance learning. It will present a non-politically correct way of looking at the topic.

It will not be like materials written by employees of Universities/Colleges where one is instructed how to write a thesis. Although, I do provide some technical advice.

My second e-book will probably concern the problem of evil.

Big surprise to my readers...

Blogger Next Blog

I have stated on this blog previously:

'Theology is not to be done at the expense of the Scripture, but within a correct study of that Scripture. Shedd reasons that ‘methods of investigation are continually undergoing correction and modification’ and this can lead to better organization of the subject. Shedd (1874-1890)(1980: 4 Volume 1). Theology is always considered in the light of cultural and historical setting of the day, the implication being that a culture will influence theology and therefore theology needs to be scrutinized with this concept always in mind. This however, should never alter essential Biblical doctrines found by studying Scripture in context.'

'Erickson explains that although Scripture presents objective truth, the application of Scripture may be different for each person. Even if one reasons that objective truth exists, each person subjectively with his/her own mindset deals with data and knowledge in an individualistic way. There needs to be solid church teachings that adequately explain Biblical doctrines within their original context, staying true to Biblical theology, and yet teaching should be flexible enough to provide explanations that vary at times in order to be relatable to differing modern groups and individuals.'

I use Blogger Next Blog and web searches to help find Christian bloggers.

I reason:

Christian theological blogging can include various types of bloggers which can be found via web seaching. As one can see from my links lists on thekingpin68 and satire and theology, I link with a variety of people, mostly Christians, from various countries and of various ages, both male and female.

As a result various theological perspectives are provided when persons comment.

To me, this constitutes a cultural development of theology.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

SHEDD, WILLIAM G.T. (1874-1890)(1980) Dogmatic Theology, Volumes 1 and 2, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers.

In this post I will feature ten of my favourite desktop photos I have collected.

I picked this up off of StumbleUpon. I have never seen or touched in person light blue water like that.

South Wales, United Kingdom (

I would love that as my backyard.

Campo Del Moro, Madrid, Spain (

This seems like such a cool place to take in a lecture, or teach one. Either in the building or even better out on the grass on a sunny day.

Conwy Gardens, Wales, 2001 (thekingpin68)

Conway overview, Wales 2001 (thekingpin68)

I am in no way a profession photographer but I like a few of my photos. They are not the best technically in my collection, but a few of mine have the scenes I want.

Grand Canyon, Australia

Princeton University

Seems like a very scenic place.

Maple Ridge, BC (thekingpin68)

A photo I took here at my complex. I have no plans at staying here long term, but it is a reminder that despite all my troubles from situations and people there is beauty where I am at.