Saturday, January 23, 2021

PhD:Twitter quote 48

PhD:Twitter quote 48

Photo: Flexpeditions Revelstoke January 4 2021

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter


I reason that the atoning and resurrection work of Christ for believers must remain an essential element of Christian preaching, teaching and ministry. 

However, Brown believes the Bible teaches that there is hope for those in the world who are poor and oppressed. Brown (1984: 14). Gebara (2002: 107). Brown explains that if God sided with these suffering persons in Biblical times, he also does today. Brown (1984: 14). I can grant this proposition (Brown (1984: 14), and state that although the salvific work of Christ for humanity should remain the core of Christian faith and philosophy, simultaneous to this Christians must help in an earthly physical sense, those they are attempting to assist in a spiritual sense. This is an important and essential way of making theology practical. 

BROWN, ROBERT MCAFEE (1984) Unexpected News, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press. 

GEBARA, IVONE (2002) Out of the Depths, Translated by Ann Patrick Ware, Minneapolis, Fortress Press.

Twitter version I

I reason that the atoning and resurrection work of Christ for believers must remain an essential element of Christian preaching, teaching and ministry. 

Twitter version II

The salvific work of Christ for humanity should remain the core of Christian faith and philosophy, simultaneous to this Christians must help in an earthly physical sense.