Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Well-done, friend, I do look like...

A good friend just emailed me to inform me that I look like this actor in an "Oh Henry!' 'Bite Sized', commercial, that as of yet I have not personally seen.

I agree with my friend there is a resemblance with the hair (pre-pandemic as my hair has since gone 'Frankennuts'). I agree with the glasses being similar to mine.

I will add that this actor's jawline looks similar to mine.

Physical differences include that I am older, and the fact that with my muscle build-up and age, I have not recorded a similar weight to that actor since I lived in England. I always scale down when I am there for a while. I think it is a difference in the food, even with my very low carbohydrate diet, and the fact I am walking much here in British Columbia, I am still not as light as I was in England.
My weight is higher before England, goes down, and then goes up again in 'Oh Canada'.

I also dress in more solid colours.

I also do not share his 'deer in the headlights' facial expression.