Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Happy 2023: Brief bullets on career/confidence

• Hotel del mar by @the_line_visualization [IG] January 4 2023, from LinkedIn

• Quite the hotel...

• Besides basic training, I now have two main work disciplines completed, course wise.

• I am now quite good at the first discipline, and I am improving with the second.

• It is a good career, as with government there are various departments I could transfer to, as I gain experience and status.

• This is completing over 60 self-directed online courses since late September...

• And then the real, career work is the actual, real data processing.

• Time will tell whether I relocate eventually.

• Most likely, not a permeant relocation, but work travel, as I am in good financial shape with my condominium, etcetera, by God's grace.

• In regards to the TikTok video below, IMHO, a significant reason there are so many negatives with romantic relationships in 2023, particularity in the western world, is the philosophical idea of what we 'deserve'.

• I do not deserve a potential wife with a PhD, because I have a PhD.

• I do not deserve a potential wife that is significantly blessed within some academic discipline.

• No one deserves a potential romantic partner based on his/her youth, looks and overall attractiveness.

• No one deserves a potential romantic partner based on age, lack of looks and lack of overall attractiveness.

• Clearly with the attitudes of many in today's western world, much of his/her worldview embraces the idea that a person should seek out, and only be presented with, what they deserve, romantically.

• To be presented with less than what is supposedly deserve, can be viewed as an offence.

• This can be a shunning offence...

• However, based on a New Testament worldview, as the regenerate (John 2, Titus 2, 1 Peter 1) are saved by grace through alone (Ephesians 1-2 as example), everyone is a universally sinful person (Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, as examples).

• Each and every person is not deserving of God's blessing of abundant life.

• Certainly, would not, a good romantic partner be an aspect of abundant life?

• I suggest that any concept of 'deserve' should be dropped within romantic considerations.

• Instead within the gospel, a single person without a gift of contentment (1 Corinthians 7) should seek mutual spiritual, intellectual and romantic/physical attraction.

• In other words, reasonably, prayerfully, within the Christian community, but not perfectly, the spiritual, intellectual and romantic/physical needs are mutually met.

• I suggest, that people considered for a potential romantic relationship under the philosophical, worldview umbrella of what we 'deserve' would at times differ VASTLY, from people considered within the concepts of significant, but not perfect, mutual, spiritual, intellectual and romantic/physical attraction.

• The young woman speaking on the TikTok video.

• (Paraphrased) Sometimes short guys have too much confidence. 

• Typically, most men, even under six feet tall would still be taller than she appears.

• To be blunt, she is an average, at best, looking young adult woman.

• Her attitude is very unattractive, IMHO.

• In regards to male confidence...

• Many men lack confidence that a western woman will choose him romantically.

• The female 'group think' mentality is a negative consideration for a man...

• This however, does not necessarily equate to a man that is overall, lacking confidence.

• The presenter, confidently presents his material.

• The presenter, confidently makes some good points.

• The man seemingly has some significant value (I know little about him).

• A person's overall value, as a Christian, or potential husband or wife, is not measured by what a person deserves.

• But instead, by the significance of any mutual attraction.

• Love (and equally truth) is key here as opposed to a market value dating approach...

• Galatians 5:14 NASB2020 For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” NASB2020: New American Standard Bible - NASB