Monday, October 02, 2017


Playboy founder, Hugh Hefner passed away on September 27.

For my MPhil research thesis (degree), I  read briefly on and reviewed Playboyism under secular worldviews from B.W. Woods.

I have read a couple of very critical, conservative reviews of the man personally, since his death; but this is a brief review of the philosophy associated with the man. It is under the umbrella of the problem of evil.

From 2003 The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives: MPhil thesis, Bangor University

April 7 2014

Woods mentioned Playboyism, and stated of Hugh Hefner, Publisher of Playboy Magazine: "Hefner rejects any philosophy that holds a man must deny himself for others. The Playboy outlook says a man should love himself preeminently and pursue only his own pleasure." Woods (1974)(1982: 108). 

Considering Playboy, where women are viewed as objects sexually by both Hefner and the willing women participating, this magazine brings its participants money, fame and sexual gratification, but the Playboy philosophy represented in the magazine, through mass media influence, also causes women in society to be viewed as objects by many men.

This can cause many women to be overlooked for their intellect, and looked upon more for their sexual beauty. So, in a subtle fashion, the Playboy philosophy can bring pain to many people in society because Playboy Magazine exploits sexuality when, in reality, sexuality belongs in the context of marriage/committed relationship where the inner beauty of the person is more important than their outer image. With the Playboy philosophy, the outer beauty is far more important than the inner beauty.

WOODS, B.W. (1974) Christians in Pain, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.