Sunday, March 22, 2020

Being innovative?

Vernazza, Italy: Travel and Leisure, Facebook.
Besides praying for others, I am praying for innovative ideas in regards to the new realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, and for divine direction in regards to new realities that will likely occur post-pandemic.

Facebook has in error blocked my second Blogger website, Satire Und Theology from posting entries on my Facebook business page, Russell Norman Murray, PhD. Facebook falsely claims I violated community standards with a recent entry where Kenneth Copeland is on a YouTube video stating...

Quote: The Devil's tryin' to give me the flu

Further, the Blogger entry and the associated Facebook entry contained the following comments from me:

Presumptive theology in regards to God, Satanic beings and humanity, and making money in the process.

Obviously, my entry was not supporting Kenneth Copeland's claim.

I will double post my Satire Und Theology entries until Facebook fixes this mistake on their part, in order for my work to appear on my Facebook business page. I have reported this Facebook error to Facebook twice now. I have not yet received any reply.