Friday, March 09, 2007

Practical Theology

Dunkley, BC

From my current research for my practical and empirical theology work, here are some ideas. Stephen Pattison writes that the word theology seems to frighten people. Pattison (2000)(2007: 137). Millard J. Erickson defines theology as the study or science of God. Erickson (1994: 21). My basic definition is that theology is the philosophy of God, as in the human study of God. Pattison goes on to state that many understand theology as being profound but irrelevant work written by elderly and authoritative men. Pattison (2000)(2007: 137). Most persons are unable to compete in the academic theological arena and this prohibits theological reflection. Pattison (2000)(2007: 137). He suggests that one solution to this problem is to free theology from academic bondage and look at it instead from the perspective of contemporary inquiry. Pattison (2000)(2007: 137). He notes that that there are different theologies with varying features and methods. Pattison (2000)(2007: 138). Pattison indicates that perhaps there is no one best way to do theology. Pattison (2000)(2007: 138).

Some no-exhaustive points:

1. I agree with Pattison that theology has different features and methods. However, although there may not be one best way to do theology, some ways would be better than others. From a Biblical, conservative, Christian perspective there are some essential aspects of theology.

2. Theology needs to be Biblical taking its primary source of information from the Old and New Testaments. Erickson (1994: 21). Scripture in the original languages and translated to other languages needs to be evaluated in context paying attention to grammar and the type of literary methods used.

3. Theology is systematic and consistent. Theology must be created using all of the Bible in context. Scripture should be understood in entirety and not in isolation. Erickson (1994: 21).

4. Theology should be contemporary without distorting the original Biblical message. Erickson (1994: 21). I am all for making theology relevant as long as the modern theological reflection accurately understands ancient theological concepts in modern terms. If ancient theological concepts are altered to fit modern philosophy the theology becomes untrue to the original text. According to Harold Lindsell the orthodox Christian concept is that God inspired persons through the Holy Spirit to accurately present God’s word. Lindsell (1976: 30). Biblical theology should not therefore be revised due to modern philosophical pressures.

5. Theology should be practical. It should relate to living as well as belief. Erickson (1994: 21). Although I agree with Pattison that many persons do have a negative perception of theology, I think that theology should always be practical and is practical if properly understood. Every theological point within the Christian faith has practical theological ramifications. If I accept for example the idea that Christ atoned for my sins on the cross and was resurrected as believers shall be, then I can live a practical life as one forgiven of my sins. Although I still face a physical death sentence, I will one day experience a body free from suffering and pain. I can live my life knowing that I fail morally but that God has dealt with my sins through forgiveness and grace. If I reject the atoning work of Christ and the resurrection for a naturalistic view for example, I may practically live as though this life is all there is and since there is no God I am accountable to, I can live a moral life by my own means. I may understand that I am imperfect and have done wrong, but view my imperfection and wrong actions as simply part of human evolutionary development.

6. I think that perhaps children in elementary and secondary school should be taught basic philosophy and logic. This would include the discussion of religions and atheism. I reason that it is as important for persons to learn basic concepts about reasoning philosophically at a young age as it is learning reading, mathematics, science, and language(s). If this was done in Western society theology would not be as intimidating to many as Pattison suggests. Fortunately persons with basic intelligence can always learn more about philosophy and theology.

ERICKSON, MILLARD. (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

LINDSELL, HAROLD. (1976) The Battle for the Bible, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.

PATTISON STEPHEN. (2000)(2007) ‘Some Straw for Bricks: A Basic Introduction to Theological Reflection' in Woodward, James and Stephen Pattison (eds.) The Blackwell Reader in Pastoral and Practical Theology, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing.