Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Presidential Debate: Evolving comments in progress

Presidential Debate: Evolving comments in progress

Photo from economist.com

In my Zoom group Saturday evenings 21:30 PDT, Vancouver time; I estimate five of my friends think Donald Trump will easily defeat Joe Biden, and approximately three friends reason Joe Biden will easily defeat Donald Trump. 

I have no definitive, definite opinion: Biden is the more experienced statesmen, while Trump is the aggressive attacking type.


Debate comments

Dr. Russ


Biden is the more polished debater and wisely looks at the camera on key points.

Anonymous One

Debate comments 

Trump keeps calling Covid "The Chinese plague". Very racist. 

Dr. Fauci was initially against mask wearing according to Trump. 

Trump also said if Biden could get the crowds he would hold rallies with no social distancing just like he does. Chris needs to jump on Trump more. 

Poor moderating. He's letting Trump steamroll Biden.

Anonymous Two 

Hey, dude, did you know “they’re going to take out all the cows.”

Dr. Russ

CNN Dana Bash "That was a shitshow".

CNN Video

Anonymous Three

Trump was clearly beaten soundly. End of story.

Anonymous Four

Biden, “if you’re going to vote, vote early and vote often”. ie vote more than once omg

Dr. Russ

President Trump appeared strong on law and order, against violence from the far left, then did not clearly enough condemn violence and lack of law and order from the far right.

Anonymous Two

It was only a shit show when Trump was talking. Biden was policy oriented, calm, rational, and clearly concerned about his country. I think he likely won the presidency tonight.

Anonymous Five

I didn't warch it...can't do anything about the American election. Americans don't think like normal people...i only watched a few minutes...

Anonymous Six 

Anon 5 = Chucky? 

Trump clearly exasperated Biden a few times tonight with talking over him. Remember when Biden said “will you shut up man” and called him a “clown?” A BS tactic intended to disrupt that worked more than once this evening.

Dr. Russ

No word from Charles Nelson Chuckles as of yet...

Anonymous Six

I have no way of verifying any claims by either candidate but did burst out laughing a few times as both talked over the other, mostly Trump using it as a tactic to steal Biden's thunder and belittle his points. 


Anonymous Seven

I kept thinking, Trump bite your tongue...you’ll come out of it better if you appear as a civil debater...but that’s just not his style. Wallace should have had a loud Jeopardy style buzzer to stop the interruptions.