PhD: Twitter quote 115: This is necessary/Bonus-Catching some Red Pill problematic philosophy
2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter
PhD: Twitter quote 115: This is necessary
Twitter version I
From: Shedd (1874-1890)(1980: 191 Volume 1).
My #1 life priority as a biblical Christian appears to be to use my God-guided, earned, complex, yet practical, PhD in Theology and Philosophy of Religion, and related academic work, to serve the Lord, with online websites and with official employment. An academic type ministry of sorts.
Twitter version II
God as a necessary being is therefore the cause of contingent creation.
January 28, 2022
Note that angelic beings, human beings, and all created entities are finite and contingent. See Genesis 1-3, John 1, Colossians 1, as biblical examples.
Colossians 1: 16 New American Standard Bible (1995) NASB
For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things have been created through Him and for Him.
In Colossians 1, God the Son, that became God incarnate, Jesus Christ, created all things. The infinite, eternal, co-creator along with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1-3).
BAVINCK, HERMAN (1918)(2006) Reformed Dogmatics Volume 2: God and Creation, John Bolt (gen.ed.), Translated by John Vriend, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids.
BAVINCK, HERMAN (1918)(2006) Reformed Dogmatics Volume 3: Sin and Salvation in Christ, John Bolt (gen.ed.), Translated by John Vriend, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids
BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BONJOUR, LAURENCE. (1996) ‘A Priori’, in Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.
ERICKSON, MILLARD (2003) What Does God Know and When Does He Know It? Grand Rapids, Zondervan.
FEINBERG, JOHN S. (2001) No One Like Him, John S. Feinberg (gen.ed.), Wheaton, Illinois, Crossway Books.
FRAME, JOHN M. (2002) The Doctrine of God, P and R Publishing, Phillipsburg, New Jersey.
GEIVETT, R. DOUGLAS (1993) Evil and the Evidence for God, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
POJMAN, LOUIS P. (1996) Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, New York, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
SHEDD, WILLIAM G.T. (1874-1890)(1980) Dogmatic Theology, Volume 2, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
SHEDD, WILLIAM G.T. (1874-1890)(1980) Dogmatic Theology, Volume 2, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2014) (2017), The Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
WEBBER, OTTO (1955)(1981) Foundations of Dogmatics, Volumes 1 and 2, Translated and annotated by Darrell L. Guder, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Catching some Red Pill problematic philosophy
My #1 life priority as a biblical Christian appears to be to use my God-guided, earned, complex, yet practical, PhD in Theology and Philosophy of Religion, and related academic work, to serve the Lord, with online websites and with official employment. An academic type ministry of sorts.
My #2 life priority, in Jesus Christ and the gospel, within a biblical Christian worldview, appears to be to stay single, or find a youthful woman to marry where there is significant, mutual, spiritual, intellectual, romantic, mutual attraction.
By my definition, Red Pill, is a largely online, men's movement which attempts to realistically look at dating and marriage with the use of reason. This is not to be confused with MGTOW, which is Men Going Their Own Way, which is related, and is more radically against romantic relationships, in general, it seems to me.
As a biblical Christian, I am absolutely pro-marriage in a biblical sense, and follow the New Testament for standards. I do agree with much of what I have heard on You Tube in regards to Red Pill, as far as reasonable and often true evaluations of the secular dating and marriage scene, and philosophies within the western world system, in 2022.
I do not overall, support the sexual ethics of the Red Pill movement, for example:
Example 1
On the one hand, from more the one source within the Red Pill movement, I have heard and read it suggested and taught that a man that does choose to date, should not date a woman again, if the man does not receive sexual benefits from her on the first date or soon once dating.
On the other hand, from more than one source within the Red Pill movement, I have heard it suggested and taught that a man should only date and marry a woman with as few previous sexual partners as possible, preferably zero sexual partners.
If a person embraces both of these concepts, every dating encounter that features pre-marital sex (biblically known as fornication if both partners are unmarried, or adultery when a married person has sexual relations with someone not his/her spouse), that does not lead to a committed, life-long marriage, actually makes the western dating and relationship pool decrease in quantity and quality for other men trying to find a female partner with less, little or no sexual experience.
Here with these two points, Red Pill philosophy is working against itself...
Example 2
Some recently listened to videos...
On the one hand, I heard a generally astute, Red Pill coach state, that a young woman with a casual boyfriend, that is not engaged or married, is quote 'fair game', to attempt to date. This could even be as a secret, not public, relationship.
On the other hand, in another video, this coach wisely states (paraphrased)
Don't be her backup plan
Don't be her backup man
A secondary dating partner is a backup...
Love triangles to me oppose biblical ideals of courtship and marriage.
Further, secret relationships, outside of Church, family knowledge, and mutual, spiritual, intellectual, romantic attraction, highlight spiritual darkness, instead of the light of the gospel.
John 3:19, NASB: "And this is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the Light; for their deeds were evil."
Here with these two points, Red Pill philosophy is working against itself...