Monday, December 24, 2018

The Orthodox Study Bible: Merry Christmas!

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy,Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. 

Purchased from my employer, the Canadian Bible Society @ Cafe Logos, Vancouver.

This text review continues...

This Christmas Eve, almost Christmas Day, in the Pacific time zone, I share from this scholarly text some academic, intellectual support for incarnation of God the Son, the eternal Word.

Contrary to some, theologically and philosophically, I do not view sin against the infinite God as infinite. Sin had a beginning and is, in fact, finite, not infinite.

Ontologically, God (and attributes) is the only infinite entity.

This text is correct that within the New Testament atonement, it took a perfect man and the perfect God, and I will add the infinite God, to outlast and atone for the human sin against the infinite, eternal God.
Page 801
Northview Community Church: Christmas Eve
The new residence of the Boss, starting today...