Monday, October 14, 2019

The second coming and remedy for problems of evil



2003 The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives: MPhil thesis, Bangor University

Statement eighteen: This statement stated: The remedy set in motion through Christ’s atoning work on the cross will not culminate until Christ’s second coming.

For Anglicans, 68% agreed, 18% were not certain, 14% disagreed. For Baptists, 66% agreed, 12% were not certain, and 22% disagreed. I am in agreement with this statement that obviously Christ’s work will not be culminated until he returns and fully establishes his kingdom.


2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Erickson writes that God plans to eventually eliminate evil from the culminated Kingdom of God which will not contain sin or evil of any kind. From a Reformed, Calvinistic perspective for this Kingdom to be inhabited by human beings as God created them there is first a period of time, the duration only known by God, for which the problem of evil exists.

The doctrines of the last things, including the Second Coming of Christ, the Resurrection, Judgments, the Millennium and the Final State. Thiessen (1956: 440).

(In contrast)

Clarence Darrow doubts there are proofs available for life after death, and states there is strong evidence against the idea of personal consciousness after death. For Darrow the immaterial soul does not exist and cannot be reasonably conceived. It is true that a culminated Kingdom of God is not presently empirical, but has been presented as Biblical teaching and theology in academic circles for two millennia.

October 14, 2019 

The scripture presents documented, religious history that claims God revealed self in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament (manuscripts full and in part). This is in a sense, empirical evidence for Christian faith and philosophy.

I am not stating that the immaterial, infinite, eternal, triune, God is ontologically, empirically provable  God is immeasurable and untraceable by scientific, finite, means. But there is biblical evidence for God revealing self to humanity. There are the writings of the Church Fathers that quote and rely on the New Testament books.

The New Testament does present a documented, resurrection of Jesus Christ as the God-man. This historical premise supports the second coming and restored creation as premises.

DARROW, CLARENCE (1928)(1973) ‘The Myth of the Soul’, in The Forum, October, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds.), A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.

DARROW, CLARENCE (1932)(1973) ‘The Delusion of Design and Purpose’, in The Story of My Life, October, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds.), A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (2003) What Does God Know and When Does He Know It?, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.

THIESSEN, HENRY C. (1956) Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.