Monday, October 12, 2020

And forgive us our debt?


And forgive us our debt?

Thank you for this video to Mr. Arne Kaare Novik.

Personally, having overcome, by God's guidance and human financial assistance, student loans; I very much live a life of limited debt. 

I sought some reasonable Proverbs on the subject of debt, somewhat connected to the video. I found one verse that may suffice.

King James Version (KJV)

Proverbs 22:7

7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

To quote one commentary based on this verse:

'If you're constantly borrowing, you'll always be in a subevent position and therefore prone to bitterness.' (Courson: 248).

And another states that it is the job of good government to make sure that rule does not lead to oppression, nor cruel slavery. (Martin: 680).

COURSON, JON (2005) Application Commentary, Thomas Nelson, Nashville.

MARTIN, CHARLES G (1986) 'Proverbs' in The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.

Photo: Courtesy J.C. Zombie: Las Vegas