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@University of British Columbia |
BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
British, philosopher, Simon Blackburn explains that the concept of golden age is a myth in regard to the original condition of humanity. (160). The biblical story of the garden of Eden is viewed as myth. (160). In other words, fiction.
A similar objection was raised by my temporary tutor at the University of Manchester, philosopher of religion, David Palin. In other words, the story of Eden and the fall was not recorded history. He reasoned, the bible was not recorded history.
I can 'half-agree' in that Genesis is not modern recorded history. It does not present itself with modern historical techniques, as in attempts to cite every key source, as we would see from BBC News. We have no quotations from Adam and Eve, for example.
While likely presented with degrees of literalness, the story of the garden of Eden is documented, religious history supported by manuscript evidence for the Genesis text. The creation plan of God is further documented by manuscript evidence supporting the Hebrew Bible and New Testament.
I do not use the terminology 'golden age' in regard to history, religious or not. Adam and Eve, although in finite perfection, were deceived by the powers of darkness and a fall occurred as they embraced disobedience to God. Was this a golden age? Further, within a context of our present corrupt realm, I do not support the idea of any golden age. Every age on this planet where human beings have existed, has been tainted by human sinfulness and a fallen creation.
A true golden age, if we care to call it that, will not occur until God, through Jesus Christ, culminates the Kingdom of God (Revelation 21-22), with perfect human beings (1 Corinthians 15). Satanic opposition will reside within the lake of fire, and the problem of evil, for humanity, solved.
BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.