Thursday, October 28, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 108

PhD: Twitter quote 108

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter 

Photo: Civil Engineering Discoveries, Quebec, September 4 2021 

From the main body

Twitter version I 

An infinite eternal God can be understood as the first cause not needing a cause. 

From PhD footnotes 

Twitter version II

Karl Barth explains within The Doctrine of Creation that the essence of God himself is eternal, he is before time, above time and after time. Barth (1932-1968: 67). 

Twitter version III

God is ‘infinite spirit’ and eternal. Shedd (1874-1890)(1980: 152 Volume 1). 

Twitter version IV

God is eternal and without beginning or end. Bavinck (1918)(2006: 148 Volume 2). 

Twitter version V 

God is eternal and infinite, he is eternal now, ‘the permanent now’ and eternity results from his infinity. Weber (1955)(1981: 455). 

Twitter version VI

God has eternal existence as a ‘just and wise person.’ Frame (2002: 388). 

Twitter version VII

God’s essence is eternal and necessary (logically must exist), and the finite universe is temporal and contingent (not necessary). Shedd (1874-1890)(1980: 191 Volume 1).

October 28, 2021

Twitter version VIII

The necessary, that which exists by necessity, exists in any possible world, or any possible reality.

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SHEDD, WILLIAM G.T. (1874-1890)(1980) Dogmatic Theology, Volume 2, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers. 

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