Monday, February 01, 2021

Final Events IV: Chapter I Continued

Final Events IV: Chapter I Continued

Edited February 3 2021

REDFERN, NICK (2010) Final Events: And The Secret Government Group On Demonic UFOS And The Afterlife, San Antonio/New York, Anomalist Books.


Finishing up with Chapter I..

Previous entries for context

Monday, January 18, 2021: Final Events III: Chapter 1 Review

Thursday, August 27, 2020> Final Events II: Introduction Continued

Friday, August 07, 2020: Final Events I: Introduction


Author Redfern explains that Ray Boeche, an Anglican priest and Rector at Celebration Anglican Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, is also the founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center. He is as well a former Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network. In 1991, Boeche, after being contacted, met with two United States Department of Defense physicists in regards to the subject of UFOs. (I). 

Redfern learned about these meetings when he met Boeche in 2006 and then interviewed him in 2007. (I). The book states Boeche had a shorter, and then a longer meeting with the two physicists from the Department of Defense. (I). This led to Boeche being 'plunged headlong into a strange and surreal world of classified Department of Defense projects, secret meetings and follow-up dialogues...'(2). 

What was presented to Boeche from these Department of Defence physicists was descriptions of NHE's or Non-Human Entities, which many within UFO research and analysis reason are aliens (extraterrestrials, my add). (2). However, in contrast, certain persons within the Department of Defence reason these are 'deceptive minions of Satan.' (2).

The two men Boeche met with were 'physicists' (2). They were both Christians and while working for the US Department of Defense, an aspect of their work was to contacts NHE's. (2). The next part of this text is revealing:


'And part of this effort was to try and control the NHE's and use their powers in military weapons applications and in intelligence areas, such as remote-viewing and psychotronic weapons.' (2).

These two Department of Defense, physicists reasoned the NHE's 'were not extraterrestrial at all; they believed they were some sort of demonic entities.' (2). Further the scientists stated that all the benevolent or beneficial contacts with these entities were 'tainted'. (2). Eventually the results of the contacts worked out to be 'bad'. (2). The scientists therefore viewed these encounters as demonic as opposed to extraterrestrial. (3). From a biblical context, the entities were viewed as deceivers of humanity. (3).

The two scientists that held to Christian faith and philosophy reasoned that others with the US Department of Defence were 'being lulled into a false sense of security' (4). The text explains that the supposed technology provided by the NHE's, such as psychotronic weapons and  remote viewing was not really being done by the Department of Defence, but the entities 'were always the causal factor'. (4). 

February 1, 2021: 

Chapter I: Thee Quest Begins- Continued

The book written in 2010, explains that the author, Redfern, since meeting with Boeche has 'dug deep into the central theme of his revelations.' (8). Redfern states that this secretive group of American government, military, and intelligence employees collectively call themselves the 'Collins Elite'.

Redfern opines


'Yet for all their military-swagger, ingrained machismo. and bravado, the Collins Elite live in a perpetual state  of overwhelming apprehension, fear and absolute dread.' (8).

This state of mind arises from the actions of what this group perceives as 'hostile and ominous intruders from a realm of existence far different than the one we now inhabit..' (8). According to the Collins Elite, states Redfern these aliens/extraterrestrials are not 'friends and allies' (8) of humanity. (8).



'In essence , the Collins Elite utterly refute and reject any and all notions that extraterrestrials have ever visited planet Earth or have abducted human beings for the purposes relative to medical examination, scientific study, and hybridization-a scenario that many UFO researchers strongly assert is taking place. Instead, the conclusion of the group is that we have in our midst a cold-hearted and sinister intelligence of demonic origins that masquerades as alien, whose presence in our world threatens each and every one of us, and that consigns all of us to, perhaps quite literally a living hell.' (8).

I will continue to work through this chapter within my next  related entry however: I note that at the end of this chapter Redfern explains 'the accounts, beliefs, theories and conclusions that I have uncovered are strictly those of the people who have been willing to have them published. (11). Redfern is providing a message as a messenger. (11).

Academically, it would better to have primary citations from people such as Boeche, the Collins Elite and the United States, Department of Defense. That being stated, I am reviewing this book as a secondary source, and do not academically dismiss it as such.

My expertise is not in UFO research or the occult. But biblically and theologically, I am at least, allowing the intellectual possibility the United States, Department of Defense has been dealing with demonic entities pretending to be aliens. I realize this is less palatable than actual extraterrestrials for many within present, Western and American, secular worldviews. I am claiming no level of relative certainty here in regards to the content of the book under review...

Redfern explains that the Collins Elite has fear and suspicion that through these interactions with the extraterrestrials the human race is being convinced to abandon 'the teachings of religion.' (9). Rather, it is a belief in Satan himself that is being pushed by these alien entities under 'the deceptive guise of an advanced alien entity.-as our savior, shortly before our countdown to Armageddon beings...'(9).

This is connected to UFOlogy and the aliens known as the Grays. (9). Within the US Department and the US government are officials that desire to engage these extraterrestrials in order to make use of alien technologies. (9-10). Quote: 'a technology that appears to be a strange, magical brew comprised of truly advanced science, ancient alchemy, and archaic rite and ritual. (10).

Many secular humanists that deny the relevancy and truthfulness of God's revelation through the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, manuscripts and translations, making up the Bible, would find UFOlogy more palatable within a worldview than a biblical faith and philosophy. However, this approach to UFOlogy requires plenty of faith, including assuming the benevolence and wisdom of extraterrestrials that directly or indirectly allow their extraterrestrial science and weaponry to be used by, in the case under review, the United States government. 

Note, that not all that study UFOlogy would necessarily consider the Grays or all extraterrestrials benevolent.  For example, the author of the book under review, seemingly has his doubts. But, in the content of their acceptance by those in the US government, the aliens are considered well-meaning. 

By biblical standards (Genesis, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews) all government is ruled by finite and sinful (imperfect), human beings, and by secular humanistic standards, finite and imperfect, human beings.

Why should these finite extraterrestrials be assumed to be definitively and definitely, less imperfect?

They evolved? From what?

Who created these aliens? 

Scientifically, time, space and matter are finite. 

Scientifically the 'big bang theory' is a cosmological theory that all matter and energy in the universe originated from a state of enormous density and temperature 'that exploded at a finite moment in the past' where space and time came into existence. (Oxford Dictionary of Science: 85). According to the Oxford Dictionary of Science, the universe will eventually have a heat death. (386). When entropy is maximized and 'all large-scale samples of matter are at a uniform temperature.' (386). Future 'heat death' indicates a finite universe. 

Philosophically to avoid a vicious regress, a first cause exists, that is of absolute necessity in any possible world. This God is infinite (where not logically contradictory), eternal, beyond finite, time, space and matter, yet able to interact within creation. 

Theologically, this is where a reasonable, human, hope, faith and trust should reside, as opposed to reasonable, human hope, faith and trust in other finite entities, fictional or non-fictional. 

Biblically, the sinful fall of humanity (Genesis, Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, Revelation, as examples) leads to both disbelief and false belief in the biblical God. According to the New Testament, this fracture is only repaired through the applied atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ for believing humanity by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 1-2).

Archives: Vicious Regress

Archives: First Cause

Oxford Dictionary of Science, (2010), Sixth Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

REDFERN, NICK (2010) Final Events: And The Secret Government Group On Demonic UFOS And The Afterlife, San Antonio/New York, Anomalist Books.

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