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Final Events I: Introduction
My good friend, Mr. JCZ bought me 'Final Events' for my birthday, so as it has arrived, I will begin a book review series and consider how it progresses. This has me with four book reviews at present on this website, plus other theological, philosophical and biblical issues I research, analyze and write on that come to mind. Many are subjects that I continue to work on over the years.
My MPhil and PhD research was in regards to problems of evil, theodicy, free will, determinism and the nature of God, and I continue to write on these subjects. I embedded a biblical, Reformed solution to problems of evil within my British, PhD thesis.
My Mom has recently passed and so I have extra work to do with estate issues and will be producing shorter articles for now.
REDFERN, NICK (2010) Final Events: And The Secret Government Group On Demonic UFOS And The Afterlife, San Antonio/New York, Anomalist Books.
Mr. Redfern is a full-time author, lecturer and journalist. (Back cover).
For decades, stories of alien abductions, UFO encounters, flying saucer sightings, and Area 51 have led millions of people to believe that extraterrestrials are secretly among us. But what if those millions of people are all wrong? What if the UFO phenomenon has much darker and far more ominous origins? For four years, UFO authority Nick Redfern has been investigating the strange and terrifying world of a secret group within the U.S. Government known as the Collins Elite. The group believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls, and paving the way for Armageddon and Judgment Day.
In FINAL EVENTS you'll learn about the secret government files on occultists Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons, and their connections to the UFO mystery; revelations of the demonic link to the famous "UFO crash" at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947; the disclosure of government investigations into life-after-death and out-of-body experiences; and an examination of the satanic agenda behind alien abductions. FINAL EVENTS reveals the stark and horrific truths about UFOs that some in the government would rather keep secret.
Author Redfern explains that Ray Boeche, an Anglican priest and Rector at Celebration Anglican Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, is also the founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center. He is as well a former Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network. In 1991, Boeche, after being contacted, met with two US Department of Defense physicists in regards to the subject of UFOs. (I).
Redfern learned about these meetings when he met Boeche in 2006 and then interviewed him in 2007. (I). The book states Boeche had a shorter, and then a longer meeting with the two physicists from the Department of Defense. (I). This led to Boeche being 'plunged headlong into a strange and surreal world of classified Department of Defense projects, secret meetings and follow-up dialogues...'(2).
What was presented to Boeche from these Department of Defense physicists was descriptions of NHE's or Non-Human Entities, which many within UFO research and analysis reason are aliens (extraterrestrials, my add). (2). However, in contrast, certain persons within the Department of Defense reason these are 'deceptive minions of Satan.' (2).
The Reverend Boeche has a website.
Founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center, The Reverend Dr. Raymond W. Boeche has been involved in the study of unexplained phenomena since 1965. He has served as Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network, on the Board of Advisors for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, and in various capacities with numerous other organizations around the world, involved in the study of unexplained phenomena.
Boeche has delivered juried papers at two MUFON International Symposia; was retained by the University of Nebraska as a consultant to organize, host, and present research papers at two major international conferences on the unexplained in 1982 and 1983. He has had numerous articles published, as well 4 books: a collection of his writings, "An Anthology of the Unexplained"; "The Collected Annals of the Journal of the Fortean Research Center"; "Bloodless Cuts: The Complete Collected Works of Thomas R. Adams"; and "A Time to Stand: When Government Turns Its Back on God."
Boeche is well-known as one of the primary investigators of the 1980 Bentwaters (UK) UFO incident. He is also recognized for his extensive work in the areas of animal mutilations, out-of-place animal sightings, Bigfoot reports, the Men-in-Black phenomenon, and occult religions and philosophies.
His research has often been cited in national publications such as Omni and Fate magazine, and in books by researchers such as Loren Coleman, Janet and Colin Bord, Jenny Randles, Jerome Clark, Timothy Good, and others. He has contributed to the Time-Life book series Mysteries of the Unexplained, the LBS Communications production "UFO Coverup. . . Live!" for the Fox Television Network, and Guennette Productions’ Home Box Office special, "UFO’s, What on Earth is Happening?"
He helped produce and host a popular weekly radio call-in talk show, Exploring Unexplained Phenomena for three years, is a frequent guest on other talk shows, and a popular speaker on theology and the unexplained. Cited
As a theologian and apologist, Dr. Boeche headed an outreach to the academic community and the 'New Age' movement called "Reasonable Defense" from 1987 through 1994.
From my non-exhaustive research, both Mr. Redfern and Dr. Boeche appear as legitimate researchers on the subject of UFOs and their possible ontological sources. As a theologian and philosopher of religion, I find it very interesting that representatives and physicists (these two physicists were both Christians, page 2), from the US Department of Defense would consider extradimensional alternatives to extraterrestrial UFO theory. I shall continue with the Introduction from the book in a future article.
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