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A previous recent warm day |
• Following the medical guidance and advice of the MD from the long term care home, I am expecting my Mom to pass away from dementia within the next few days. As I discussed within the previous entry, sentimental theology or sentimental philosophy does not really solve any problems here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Sentimental theology: Theology matters and so does philosophy
• The religious history of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament and the consistent theology of the ancient manuscripts even with minor textual variations, has me most confident in a Reformed, Biblical, Christian worldview and the gospel message, in comparison to other worldviews, even as there are truths is many worldviews.
• A theoretical, speculative God that does not clearly reveal plans in regards to post-mortem existence for humanity in spirit and perhaps eventually in resurrection form, is almost in my mind, as useless as the basically no or little hope for post-mortem existence within atheism or agnosticism.
• Almost, I state, that in perhaps God could/might grant post-mortem existence for certain people, but that would be hopeful speculation.
• To be blunt, in general, sentimental theology and sentimental philosophy in regards to death has the same end, that is the same theological and philosophical result, as atheism and agnosticism; which is no significant hope of everlasting, post-mortem existence.
• A Christian theist such as myself can reason that the person that has died was morally imperfect as we all are, was part of, and affected by, the problem of evil, did not receive direct communication from God normally, and likely not at any point, prior to death. From this there is not an obvious reason to realistically, and reasonably assume that a person that has passed away goes to a better place within a speculative theistic model which lacks historically based religious revelation.
• In my mind, theology and philosophy, even the very academic and technical types, have practical value in my life.
• Hebrews 9:27-28 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
27 And inasmuch as it is [a]appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, 28 so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.
Footnotes: Hebrews 9:27 Lit laid up
• Interesting from Jon Courson and his commentary here in regard to Hebrews 9: 27:
Take those who say the Bible doesn't teach against reincarnation to this passage-and wallop 'em. Courson (1488).
• Boice notes that from Hebrews 9: 27 that Christ put away sin by the sacrifice of himself, after that comes (divine, my add) judgement. Boice (348).
• Humanity is not immortal states Hughes. (387). Humanity is totally dependent on God for 'the continuance of life'. (387). Any significant everlasting life is dependent on the grace of God. In the Christian worldview, everlasting life depends on divinely applied grace through faith to persons, in the gospel message. (Romans 1-6, Ephesians 1-2, John 1 as examples).
• My three Vancouver Canucks masks finally arrived from NHL.com today after an approximately two month wait. With the longer straps they are far more comfortable than my other two cloth masks.
BOICE, JAMES, MONTGOMERY (1981) Foundations of the Christian Faith, Downers Grove, IVP Press.
COURSON, JON (2005) Application Commentary, Thomas Nelson, Nashville.
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