PhD: Twitter quote 105
Photo: 38A_SouthTower0753-credit-Angelo-Hornak-1Resize-768x1024,Manchester Cathedral official
Walking from Crumpsall to Central Manchester, I always enjoyed seeing the English flag, Saint George's Cross at Manchester Cathedral. A little different than the equally impressive Union Flag, that was usually flown in more corporate settings, especially in London.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
PhD Full Version PDF: Theodicy and Practical Theology 2010, Wales TSD
The concept that God cannot change is one of immutability. God cannot change in ‘attributes, consciousness, and will.’ Thiessen (1956: 127). The idea being that God does not change or develop, but some scholars reason this understanding is to be more attributed to influences from Greek philosophy than the Bible. Grenz, Guretzki and Nordling (1999: 64). Some reason, as do I, that God is eternally immutable, but can change in how he deals within temporal situations with finite beings. Grenz, Guretzki and Nordling (1999: 64).
From my PhD footnotes
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Some reason, as do I, that God is eternally immutable, but can change in how he deals within temporal situations with finite beings. Grenz, Guretzki and Nordling (1999: 64).
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