Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Revelation 11: The two witnesses: non-exhaustive

Revelation 11: The two witnesses: non-exhaustive

This is another fine teaching video from Mr. Bruce Gore. I appreciate his academic, preterist perspectives on the Book of Revelation, which at least warrant significant consideration on many points. In regards to much of the Book of Revelation, Mr. Gore favours, based on his contextual understanding, a symbolic, metaphorical interpretation of the verses under consideration, which from his video are Revelation 11: 1-8. In particular...

Revelation 11: 3 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

3 And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”

This is approximate, as three and a half years. The scripture is noted to document approximates.

To paraphrase Mr. Gore from the video, these two witnesses are within scholarship, generally considered to represent:

The Law: Moses

The Prophets: Elijah

Staying true to Mr. Gore's largely symbolic and metaphorical interpretations of eschatology from Revelation, he views these two witnesses as representing the early New Testament Church that lived and witnessed the Gospel work of Jesus Christ, and the new covenant, which replaced the old covenant from the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. The Book of Hebrews presents the theology of the new covenant thoroughly and Jesus Christ mentions it in the Gospel of Luke.

Luke 22:20

English Standard Version (ESV)

20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.[a]

Footnotes: a Luke 22:20 Some manuscripts omit, in whole or in part, verses 19b-20 (which is given… in my blood)

Hebrews 8:6 as example

English Standard Version (ESV)

6 But as it is, Christ[b] has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second.

b Hebrews 8:6 Greek he

Based on what Gore presents in his video, the New Testament Church presents the new covenant to Jersusalem until the fall of Jerusalem; until the fall of the city to Rome, in AD 70.

Revelation scholar Robert H. Mounce explains that 'There is little doubt that the witnesses are modelled after Moses and Elijah.' (222). Mounce's view basically agrees with Gore's on the two witnesses as Mounce writes: '...that they are not two individuals but a symbol of the witnessing church in the last tumultuous days before the end of the age.' (223). Mounce states that some scholars limit this symbolic witness to those in the early Christian Church that are martyred. (223).

The two witnesses are killed by the beast (v7), which is interpreted as the Roman Empire by Gore, and God after 3 and half days brings them back to life (v 11). Again in basic agreement with the views of Gore, Mounce views this as the resurrection of the Church (228) and that God demonstrates that he has ultimate power over life and death, (228). Those persecuted and killed within the early Church and throughout Church, history will one day be resurrected (1 Corinthians 15 and Revelation 20-22, my add).

Pastor and scholar, David Hocking documents there has been a wide variety of interpretations regarding the identity of the two witnesses. (379). There is a symbolic view relating to Israel and the Church (379), another view is that they are Israel and the Word of God (379). Further, there is a view that these might be Zerubbabel and Joshua (Gore mentions these two) which would represent the Law and the Prophets, respectively. (379). Some have suggested that they are two unknown individuals that never existed before. (379).

But Hocking appears to lean toward a more literal interpretation, being that Moses represents the Law and Elijah the Prophets. (379). He reasons that the supernatural, miraculous powers mentioned in Revelation 11: 6,  point to Moses and Elijah being the two witnesses, as the miraculous works in Revelation are similar to their supernatural works done through God in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Please see Elijah: First and Second Kings and Moses: Exodus.

Revelation 11:6 English Standard Version (ESV)

6 They have the power to shut the sky, that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague, as often as they desire.

Courson in his commentary agrees that the description in Revelation 11 matches Elijah and Moses (1726-1727), and similarly to Hocking, but perhaps with more certainty, based on his commentary, appears to take the view that Elijah and Moses will be literally present. "The witnesses are examples of what you can be in the last days in which we live'. (1727). The Christian can have a revived faith (1727), just as the two witnesses are revived in Revelation 11: 12 is the practical theology, I reason.

Greek New Testament

Bible Hub

Marshall on page 747 with dusin martusin (two witnesses) is in basic agreement with the majority of Greek New Testament readings from my the first link (my two witnesses) and the Greek rendering from the second link I present from Bible Hub (two...a witness).

The Greek New Testament website does offer an alternative but very similar rendering from the Byzantine Majority Text. dusi martusi (my two witnesses).

The symbolic, metaphorical language of eschatological concepts in Revelation, for accuracy, requires consideration while allowing for degrees of literalness with interpretation and theology. Mounce has stated in regards to the new creation (Revelation 21-22). 'Interpreters understand these figures with varying degrees of literalness.' Mounce (369).  This is true in regards to eschatological biblical texts, including significant parts of Revelation.

Saint Mark's Basilica, Venice

Ernest Hepnar photo
COURSON, JON (2005) Application Commentary, Thomas Nelson, Nashville.

HOCKING, DAVID (2014) The Book of Revelation, Tustin, California, HFT Publications. 

MARSHALL, ALFRED (1975)(1996) The Interlinear KJV-NIV, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Monday, April 27, 2020

My suggestion

New York Post: April 26, 2020


North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is either dead, brain-dead or just fine, depending on which Asian media report you believe.


A Hong Kong broadcast network claimed Saturday that Kim died, citing a “very solid source.” A Japanese magazine, meanwhile, reported late Friday that he is in “a vegetative state.” On Kim’s home turf, the North Korean media has acted as if everything is perfectly normal.

Satirically, 'a way' to make much sense of these three reports is to assume...

a) The Hong Kong broadcast is correct, Kim is dead.

b) The Japanese magazine is correct, Kim is in a vegetative state.

c) The North Korean media is correct, Kim is perfectly normal.

My suggestion

Kim Jong Un (Kim Jong-un) is now a zombie...

(That can pass as 'normal' in a communist state if the state-controlled media states it is so)


Facebook has in error blocked my second Blogger website, Satire Und Theology from posting entries on my Facebook business page, Russell Norman Murray, PhD. Facebook falsely claims I violated community standards with a recent entry where Kenneth Copeland is on a YouTube video stating...

Quote: The Devil's tryin' to give me the flu

Further, the Blogger entry and the associated Facebook entry contained the following comments from me:

Presumptive theology in regards to God, Satanic beings and humanity, and making money in the process.

Obviously, my entry was not supporting Kenneth Copeland's claim.

I have made four requests from Facebook for clarification regarding community standards. No reply.

Therefore I publish this entry on this website that can be posted on my Facebook business page.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quote: Such diversity of purpose

Kelowna 2018
Quote: Such diversity of purpose


I listened to a well-reasoned, good, online sermon today. I agree with the theology presented that God wills evil at times but in pure motives.

To paraphrase, the pastor mentioned that very often, the reasons for specific divinely willed (directly or indirectly/allowed by God, my add) evils and sufferings upon human beings are difficult to humanly understand.

I will add that apart from biblical teaching, at least typically, human beings are not provided with God's specific reasoning in particular situations and events.

I reason, in agreement with the pastor, (paraphrased) that far too often, many evangelicals, typically,
oversimplify problems of evil and problems of suffering in their attempts to help remedy the suffering (s) of persons and/or to set people and especially the sufferer, 'straight'.

It is actually a reasonable biblical, contextual understanding and Reformed theology that can set people straight.

I can acknowledge that philosophical theodicy, using theology and philosophy of religion does not take the place of effective practical theology that can assist a sufferer in having a true Christian religious experience.


2003 The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives: MPhil thesis, Bangor University 

God wills evil, but with pure motives

Calvin discussed in The Institutes the case of the Chaldeans attacking Job, that God, Satanic beings and human beings can all participate in the same evil acts:


How can we attribute the same work to God, to Satan, and to man, without either excusing Satan by the interference of God, or making God the author of the crime? This is easily done, if we look first to the end, and then to the mode of acting. The Lord designs to exercise the patience of his servant by adversity; Satan’s plan is to drive him to despair; while the Chaldeans are bent on making unlawful gain by plunder.

Such diversity of purpose makes a wide distinction in the act. . . . We thus see that there is no inconsistency in attributing the same act to God, to Satan, and to man, while, from the difference in the end and mode of action, the spotless righteousness of God shines forth at the same time that the iniquity of Satan and of man is manifested in all its deformity.

Calvin’s idea is that free human actions were first willed and determined by God. Calvin (1543)(1996: 37-40). God’s motives in willing an action were always pure, working toward the greater good even while human beings freely sinned. (1543)(1996: 37-40).

CALVIN, JOHN (1539)(1998) Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book II.

CALVIN, JOHN (1543)(1996) The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Translated by G.I. Davies, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Are you included? (Brief)

Sandy, Utah 2018
LANGER, SUSANNE K (1953)(1967) An Introduction to Symbolic Logic, Dover Publications, New York. (Philosophy).

The review continues:

Key symbols

≡df = Equivalence by definition
: = Equal (s)
ε = Epsilon and means is
⊃ = Is the same as
⊨ is Entails
˜ = Not
∃ = There exists
∃! = There exists
∴ = Therefore
. = Therefore
= Is included
v = a logical inclusive disjunction (disjunction is the relationship between two distinct alternatives)
x = variable
 . = Conjunction meaning And
0 = Null class
cls = Class
int = Interpretation
= Logical conjunction


Philosopher Langer introduces a 'new relation' called inclusion. (Note I have had this symbol in my key, as she introduced it earlier in the textbox).  means that 'a' is included in 'b' (226). This means the same thing as the sum of 'a' and 'b' is 'b' itself. (226). In mathematics is used for 'less than' (134), but is defined as is included and inclusion within symbolic logic (135).

She explains this importance...

< in this system means a + b = b, and this is the equivalent of ab = a; a proposition in terms of + (plus, addition) and x (times, multiplication), as in a x b = b or a x b = a. (227). This regarding classes does not demonstrate metaphysical nature (238), or reality or nature (238), but 'merely shows the pattern of class-relationships which we may call disjunction and conjunction, or total and partial inclusions, or overlapping, or anything else that fits the formal conditions.' (238).

(Disjunction is the relationship between two distinct alternatives).

Symbolic logic

A conjunction is a compound statement formed by combining two statements using the word and. In symbolic logic, the conjunction of p and q is written p∧q . A conjunction is true only if both the statements in it are true. 


It seems to me, symbolic logic can provide a system, with logical formal conditions for presenting propositions. I have noted that the pragmatic benefits of using symbolic logic for reasoning for me, are questionable, in that symbolic logic is difficult for the average reader to understand.

Propositions are statements, and I was required to present propositions for my British MPhil and Doctoral survey questionnaires. Interestingly, working through this section of Langer, I was not considering it as significantly philosophically beneficial, however, it became crystal clear while researching this article that a conclusion is considered a proposition in contrast to a premise or premises which support (s) the conclusion. This was not often clearly stated in much of the philosophical reading I have done over the years. Indeed in my British academic survey questionnaires, I was formally presenting:

Proposition = Conclusion


Statement = Proposition = Conclusion

One key issue in writing my Doctoral thesis's main body was to avoid presenting an assertion without an argument. As an assertion = statement = proposition = conclusion. This was left for the questionnaire surveys.

As noted in an earlier review with this text; an implied proposition is true if all the premises are true. (188). The implied proposition could also be defined as the conclusion. If the premises are false, she opines that the proposition may or may not be true. (188).

This section from Langer ended up being beneficial research.

Proposition < Conclusion

A proposition is inclusive to a conclusion. < means that 'a' is included in 'b' (226).


I ordered a trimmer from the United States, Friday (not bleach). My first do it yourself haircut is on the way...

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quote: remarkably uncool

July 7, 2019: Toward the Fraser River
Hindrances - by Michael Phillips Personal Evangelism - Part 3 of 5

Oct 08, 2017 pm 

Sermon audio link

Sermon notes


From the day of my birth until Thursday of last week, I would have said, 'Fear is the number one hindrance to Personal Evangelism'. I'm sure this is true in North Korea or Saudi Arabia, but it is not true in America.

In this country, where there is little formal or state sanctioned persecution, the main reason we don't witness for Jesus Christ is embarrassment.

Both fear and embarrassment would seem reasonable suggestions for a lack of witness and evangelism from many biblical Christians within North America. I would add, lack of biblical knowledge for some is likely a reason for hesitation with evangelism.


I suppose there are many answers to this, but let me tell you the one I think fits our situation the best. Christians in the Bay Area today are ashamed to Jesus because He is remarkably uncool. His theology is intolerant, saying there is only One God, only One Savior, only One way of Salvation, and that if you're not on that One way, you're on the way to Destruction. Can you imagine anything less cool than this?

I will admit that Pastor Phillips; mention of living in the (San Francisco) Bay Area and therefore Jesus Christ would be remarkably uncool, was funny to me. Jesus Christ, indeed, by modern western standards, is also considered theologically intolerant. The same can be stated for his New Testament writers.

A good Reformed friend of mine, now living in Calgary has said to me many times, paraphrasing a famous American pastor: 'Christians are supposed to be uncool!' In the context of this sermon, this is mainly under the review of western secular worldviews.

The New Testament, biblical worldview via progressive revelation is connected to the previous Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. The New Testament claims for Jesus Christ, include a virgin birth, the pregnancy initiated by the Holy Spirit in Matthew 1: 18, Luke 1: 35, states Browning in Oxford (389).

There were also documented miracles (see mainly Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and by his disciples through God, in Acts).

Through his crucifixion and death on the cross, his atoning and resurrection saving work is applied to those who believe in him (key theological teaching of the Gospels and the New Testament).

Jesus Christ is documented as God incarnate (John 1), and the eternal God the Son (John 1, Matthew 28 as examples), and Word of God (John 1), and as God is the creator of all things (Colossians 1).

John 1: 1-5 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 [a]He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not [b]comprehend it.

a John 1:2 Lit This one
b John 1:5 Or overpower

Colossians 1: 15 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

15 [w]He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For [x]by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He [y]is before all things, and in Him all things [z]hold together.

w Colossians 1:15 Lit Who is
x Colossians 1:16 Or in
y Colossians 1:17 Or has existed prior to
z Colossians 1:17 Or endure

E.G. Ashby explains the mistake made by the Arians that Christ is the first-born of creation was therefore created, instead of being co-eternal with God the Father. But the context does not allow that interpretation. Page 1454. Firstborn can be defined as having to do with priority and superiority of God the Son in pre-existence as God. This being a reference to his deity, not his humanity. Page 1454. Firstborn has to do the priority and superiority of Christ over creation as he was the creator and not a mere creation.

There is no sense of a literal son being born of a literal father. However, Bauer from the Greek states that the term is used in a figurative sense as in Christ is the firstborn of a new humanity. Page 726. Christ would be the firstborn of resurrected humanity within the culminated KOG.

Romans 8: 29 firstborn of many brethren.

Πρωτοτοκος, the root word is prototokos, defined as firstborn prwtotokon in Romans 8:29.

Back to the sermon...


Jesus is also uncool in His ethics. He was against Divorce, for example; or living together without marriage. And, while He never personally addressed the LGBT Thing, His Apostles did, and they were dead set against it!

In context, even as Pastor Phillips is an excellent teacher of the Reformed tradition, he is from the United States of America and generally, American evangelical churches have certain biblical issues emphasized, and some of these connect to very heated political issues.

I have not been interested in this politicized approach on my websites and am not interested in this approach. As can be seen by my writing over the years, I have no intention of singling out a particular group within sinful humanity, connected to politics and political rights within a democracy. To be clear.

My Reformed, New Testament theology appeals to universal corrupted, fallen, human nature. From Romans 3, no person is righteous (10), no one understands and no one seeks for God (11), no one does good (12). With issues such as this, the Reformed view on sinful nature is incredibly helpful and clarifies the actual, as opposed to sentimental theologies, reality between humanity and God. Universal human sinful nature, and embraced sinful choices exist, and these can only be remedied within New Testament theology by Holy Spirit regeneration (Titus 3, John 3), and the atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ applied to persons.

In both love and truth, I need to be academically and intellectually open and honest with my readers, being one that reviews Greek manuscripts and uses biblical tools, there are New Testament verses based on thousands of ancient manuscripts that agree with the theology mentioned by Phillips in regards to Jesus Christ and his Apostles views on sexual morality and ethics. Please see Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, Revelation 22, as examples.

For example, adulterers and fornicators, also outside of the applied gospel work of Jesus Christ, will as well not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6).

There are no verses that reasonably support a disagreement with what Phillips has stated. There are creative, usually liberal theologies that attempt reinterpretations for agendas, but they fail to be contextually true to the scripture. As I have noted on this website, premises (and conclusions) can be logical, but logical premises are not always reasonable and true. There can be logical theologies that are used within Christendom to counter logical biblical theologies, but they fail to be true.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 Logic versus Truth

Back to the sermon...


...Jesus is also uncool in His ethics. 


1 Corinthians 6 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [f]effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

f 1 Corinthians 6:9 I.e. effeminate by perversion


He's a Man who is naïve enough to think that you ought to have sex only with the person you're married to, and if you're not married, with no one at all, either real or imaginary. That's uncool! 

Then you think of His political stances, or rather, non-stances. I suppose our Lord had His share of political beliefs, but He considered them to be of secondary importance, not taking bold stands for 1st Century equivalents of welfare, immigration, health care, or prison reform. He may have cared deeply for such things, but you'd never know it from the Bible! 

Jesus Christ, and his key New Testament era followers, were far more interested in sharing the gospel than they were in politics.

Jesus is the uncoolest Man who ever lived; and if you're going to be His disciple, you'll also have to be uncool. The stigma keeps many Christians silent when they ought to speak up for the Lord who bought them. Does Jesus embarrass you? If He does, you need to remember I John 2:17- The world is passing away and the lusts thereof, but he who does the will of God abides forever. 

Wanting to fit in, be cool, accepted, hip, up-to-date, in step with the times, is one of these lusts, and is rushing headlong to oblivion!

If indeed, the manuscript evidence and Church history support the gospel and a New Testament worldview, then an everlasting perspective on humanity and God should be embraced.

ASHBY, E G. (1986) 'Colossians' in The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.

BAUER, WALTER (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

An increase in material possessions can lead to more time managing material possessions

Vancouver, sunset 2018
Not at all a call or suggestion for poverty. I appreciate gaining useful possessions.

However, it is my opinion and personal experience...

An increase in material possessions can lead to more time managing material possessions.

New American Standard Bible Proverbs 23: 4

Do not weary yourself to gain wealth, Cease from your consideration of it.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Semi-truck v. CN train: Today in Langley

Global BC
Global BC News


A B.C. truck driver escaped without serious injury after his vehicle was hit by a train after becoming stuck on the tracks. Video captures train hitting semi-truck with driver still inside in Langley, B.C.

I would prefer to only present this post on my second Blogger website, Satire Und Theology.


Facebook has in error blocked my second Blogger website, Satire Und Theology from posting entries on my Facebook business page, Russell Norman Murray, PhD. Facebook falsely claims I violated community standards with a recent entry where Kenneth Copeland is on a YouTube video stating...

Quote: The Devil's tryin' to give me the flu

Further, the Blogger entry and the associated Facebook entry contained the following comments from me:

Presumptive theology in regards to God, Satanic beings and humanity, and making money in the process.

Obviously, my entry was not supporting Kenneth Copeland's claim.

I have made four requests from Facebook for clarification regarding community standards. No reply.

Therefore I publish this entry on this website that can be posted on my Facebook business page.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saint Bonifaz/Saint Bonifatius--Justification and walking in white
My previous post concerning a modern church with unique architecture, was interesting for me to research and received some pageviews.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020: San Giovanni Battista/Church of San Giovanni 

The Roman Catholic Church documented today is located in Herbrechtingen, Germany.

St. Bonifatius by C18 architects, Herbrechtingen, Germany from


The church St. Bonifaz was completed 1958. During the nineties the construction defects which had appeared over the years couldn’t be overlooked any longer. The church hall and the staff rooms also needed to be refurbished. However the requirements of the church had changed. The church interior was to radiate a more collective and spiritual atmosphere, it was to ensure the intensity of a shared church service for small as well as large faith communities. In 2002 after successfully taking part in competition were commissioned to proceed with their proposal. The first phase of construction has now been finished.


The spacial arrangement stays visible through joints but the church interior is pulled together to a whole by a connecting white which transports the idea of the transcendent and the immaterial as a space made of light. The floor is covered in white terrazzo, the walls with plane painted plaster. The benches are made of wood, painted white. The altar - designed by Wolfgang Eckert - was sanctified July, 16th 2007. The artist accentuates the new beginning which is connected to the conversion. This can also be interpreted theologically: Belief implies a willingness for new beginning...

Artistically and theologically, I can reason that the colour white can be connected to New Testament conversion and spirituality. Particularly within the book of Revelation, the justified, purity of those citizens within the Kingdom of God.

I suppose the architecture is unique, and the inside design and white and black stylish, while at the same time, the white especially has me think of the inside of a 'white room', a padded cell in a psychiatric hospital.


3022 (page 59):  λευκός, (light), white.


Bible Hub

Strong's Concordance

leukos: bright, white 
Original Word: λευκός, ή, όν 
Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: leukos 
Phonetic Spelling: (lyoo-kos') 
Definition: bright, white 
Usage: white, bright, brilliant.

Justification and walking in white

In Revelation 3: 4 (To the church in Sardis): The worthy shall walk with Jesus Christ in white: λευκοῖς (Bible Hub).  David Hocking in his 'The Book of Revelation' states that these people have 'moral purity'. (181). I will add that this is through justification, the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ through his applied atonement for believers. (Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, James as key examples in New Testament books)

Romans 3:24 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

24 being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus...

Mounce in his 'The Book of Revelation' writes ...'it would mean that walking 'in white' is a way of describing those who are justified.' (112). That is New Testament and theological justification. Mounce reasons that other possible references for 'white' here are to purity, festivity and resurrection bodies. (112). These people are not worthy by their own works, not by their own 'merit' (112), but do have a sense of worthiness by staying true to New Testament faith, without apostasy.  It is mentioned in Revelation 3:5, these persons, clothed in white, will not have their names removed from the book of life. (112-113).

In Revelation 3: 18 as they are clothed in white garments...


To the church in Laodicea...


White raiment - Holiness of heart and life.

Clarke, Adam. "Commentary on Revelation 3:18". "The Adam Clarke Commentary". https: 1832.


And white raiment - The emblem of purity and salvation. See the notes on Revelation 3:4. This is said in reference to the fact Revelation 3:17 that they were then naked.

Barnes, Albert. "Commentary on Revelation 3:18". "Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible". https: 1870.
I do not suppose that citizens of the culminated Kingdom of God will have mandatory white clothing or white uniforms at all times. The book of Revelation uses a significant amount of figurative literal language, and in the examples listed, symbolism is likely used.

However, in a sense, to fulfil the scripture, I can opine that citizens of the culminated Kingdom of God will wear white at certain times and events.

HOCKING, DAVID (2014) The Book of Revelation, Tustin, California, HFT Publications.

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.

Friday, April 17, 2020

2 Timothy 3: 5: a form of godliness (Briefly)

Last afternoon
2 Timothy 3: 3-9

English Standard Version (ESV)

3 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.

5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people

New American Standard  Bible (NASB)

5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.

King James Version (KJV)

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Bible Hub 2 Timothy 3: 5

Bible Hub


a form


'Strong's Concordance morphósis: a forming, a form

Original Word: μόρφωσις, εως, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: morphósis Phonetic Spelling: (mor'-fo-sis)'

'Definition: a forming, a form Usage: form, outline, semblance.

2 Timothy 3:5 N-AFS (Noun-Accusative, Feminine, Singular)
GRK: ἔχοντες μόρφωσιν εὐσεβείας τὴν
NAS: holding to a form of godliness,
KJV: Having a form of godliness, but'

of godliness


Bible Hub


'Strong's Concordance eusebeia: piety

Original Word: εὐσέβεια, ας, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: eusebeia Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-seb'-i-ah)

Definition: piety Usage: piety (towards God), godliness, devotion, godliness.'

'2 Timothy 3:5 N-GFS (Noun-Genitive, Feminine, Singular)
GRK: ἔχοντες μόρφωσιν εὐσεβείας τὴν δὲ
NAS: to a form of godliness, although they have denied
KJV: a form of godliness, but'

Greek scholar Bauer writes under his entry for μόρφωσις, εως, ἡ from 2 Timothy 3: 5 μόρφωσιν (my add) it is those 'who hold to the outward form of religion'. (528). Further in regards to the 2 Timothy 3: 5 entry, Bauer documents, εὐσεβείας. piety, godliness as these people 'have the outward form of religion=be religious only in appearance.' (326).

Alan G. Nute from his Timothy commentaries comments that this is where religious life consists in externals only... (1488). In other words, these persons are not regenerated (Titus 3, John 3) through the Holy Spirit of God and do not actually partake in the applied atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ, God the Son.

Therefore these people show an outward form of religion, piety and godliness, in a human sense. They also demonstrate some beliefs and characteristics of a legitimate biblical Christianity but deny the power of God, because they do not truly believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and the gospel work, in a relational, trusting sense for salvation.

As long as I can remember, through God and not myself or my works, whatsoever, I have had an intrinsic belief in the Lord. One of our bible study/home group leaders has stated that I have the 'gift of faith'. True enough, by God's choice, and by grace through faith (Ephesians, Romans). I have also reasoned that Christianity is a religion academically, in a sense, and true religion, through my formal education.

Simultaneously, intrinsically, I have had doubts concerning certain persons, churches and organizations, claiming forms of biblical Christianity. But, of course, God is the only ultimate judge of persons, churches and organizations.

Here I shall appeal to Matthew 7...

Matthew 7: 21-23

English Standard Version (ESV)

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

True and genuine biblical religion, in a regenerated person, and Christian churches and organizations, can be demonstrated by an acceptance of the supernatural power of God and a significant, at least, nature, desire and will to accept biblical doctrines and biblical theology, in context, in truth and love. In other words, a legitimate biblical worldview is embraced over any other contrasting and competing, worldview.

To avoid such people, in my view, is to not embrace those within false religion and false Christianity in Church fellowship. To turn away from these religious falsehoods. It is not an instruction to ignore all people with different views on religion and Christianity. Love and respect should be shown to those in other religions, in witness as neighbours (Matthew 22, Mark 12, Luke 10).

Bible Hub

Strong's Concordance

apotrepó: to turn away

Original Word: ἀποτρέπω

2 Timothy 3:5 V-PMM-2S (Verb, Present Imperative Middle, Second Person Singular)

GRK: καὶ τούτους ἀποτρέπου
NAS: its power; Avoid such men as these.
KJV: from such turn away.

BAUER, WALTER. (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

NUTE, ALAN G. (1986) in '2 Timothy', The International Bible Commentary, F.F. Bruce, General Editor, Grand Rapids, Zondervan/Marshall Pickering.

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

You are welcome

This pandemic is an ideal time to call, email or message people and suggest that you would ‘love’ to get together with them, but obviously cannot at this time and probably cannot for months.

When this pandemic ends, you can suggest that you wanted to get together earlier but are now too busy because you have urgent post-pandemic, apocalyptic life catch up to do.

This probably provides days, weeks, months, or years, 'buffer', depending on the person or persons under consideration.

 You are welcome.

@Bobby Buff

--- goes on and on.

Facebook has in error blocked my second Blogger website, Satire Und Theology from posting entries on my Facebook business page, Russell Norman Murray, PhD. Facebook falsely claims I violated community standards with a recent entry where Kenneth Copeland is on a YouTube video stating...

Quote: The Devil's tryin' to give me the flu

Further, the Blogger entry and the associated Facebook entry contained the following comments from me:

Presumptive theology in regards to God, Satanic beings and humanity, and making money in the process.

Obviously, my entry was not supporting Kenneth Copeland's claim.

I have made four requests from Facebook for clarification regarding community standards. No reply.

Therefore I publish this entry on this website that can be posted on my Facebook business page.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Safety issues at this lab

Stock photo
I heard this story on CNN today

I chose a less clear title to avoid another possible censorship blunder from Facebook Community Standards.

Washington Post: By Josh Rogin Columnist covering foreign policy and national security April 14, 2020, at 3:00 a.m. PDT


Global Opinions

State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses


Two years before the novel coronavirus pandemic upended the world, U.S. Embassy officials visited a Chinese research facility in the city of Wuhan several times and sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the lab, which was conducting risky studies on coronaviruses from bats. The cables have fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus — even though conclusive proof has yet to emerge.

I acknowledge that coronavirus (es) is (are) found in nature...

COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin: March 17, 2020: Scripps Research Institute


Possible origins of the virus 

Based on their genomic sequencing analysis, Andersen and his collaborators concluded that the most likely origins for SARS-CoV-2 followed one of two possible scenarios. 

In one scenario, the virus evolved to its current pathogenic (capable of causing disease, my add) state through natural selection in a non-human host and then jumped to humans.


In the other proposed scenario, a non-pathogenic (not capable of causing diseases, my add) version of the virus jumped from an animal host into humans and then evolved to its current pathogenic state within the human population.

Back to the Washington Post article...


In January 2018, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing took the unusual step of repeatedly sending U.S. science diplomats to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), which had in 2015 become China’s first laboratory to achieve the highest level of international bioresearch safety (known as BSL-4). WIV issued a news release in English about the last of these visits, which occurred on March 27, 2018. The U.S. delegation was led by Jamison Fouss, the consul general in Wuhan, and Rick Switzer, the embassy’s counselor of environment, science, technology and health. Last week, WIV erased that statement from its website, though it remains archived on the Internet.

'Last week, WIV erased that statement from its website, though it remains archived on the Internet.'

Why was this key visit from the US Embassy, science diplomats and the related statement erased by WIV?


What the U.S. officials learned during their visits concerned them so much that they dispatched two diplomatic cables categorized as Sensitive But Unclassified back to Washington. The cables warned about safety and management weaknesses at the WIV lab and proposed more attention and help. The first cable, which I obtained, also warns that the lab’s work on bat coronaviruses and their potential human transmission represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic. 


'During interactions with scientists at the WIV laboratory, they noted the new lab has a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory,” states the Jan. 19, 2018, cable...'

There was a lack of trained technicians and investigators...


As many have pointed out, there is no evidence that the virus now plaguing the world was engineered; scientists largely agree it came from animals. But that is not the same as saying it didn’t come from the lab, which spent years testing bat coronaviruses in animals, said Xiao Qiang, a research scientist at the School of Information at the University of California at Berkeley.

I accept as presently reasonable and probable, there is no significant evidence that COVID-19 was engineered in some way by Chinese scientists, as the scientific consensus is that it came from animals within nature.

A level of scientific engineering of COVID-19, as China is a Communist country, in competition with western democratic nations, especially economically, is not beyond a reasonable possibility.

To be clear, this is opposed to a reasonable probability.

I will side with scientists that state, based on present evidence, that COVID-19, being within nature and animals, was not a specifically, designed virus and weapon of sorts to disrupt the world economy; and western economies. With a significant number of deaths being part of the plan.


There are similar concerns about the nearby Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention lab, which operates at biosecurity level 2, a level significantly less secure than the level-4 standard claimed by the Wuhan Insititute of Virology lab, Xiao said. That’s important because the Chinese government still refuses to answer basic questions about the origin of the novel coronavirus while suppressing any attempts to examine whether either lab was involved.

Granted, China is a totalitarian country under Communism, with heavy government use of propaganda, but the lack of transparency is a red flag. Why cannot the truth be told?


As my colleague David Ignatius noted, the Chinese government’s original story — that the virus emerged from a seafood market in Wuhan — is shaky. Research by Chinese experts published in the Lancet in January showed the first known patient, identified on Dec. 1, had no connection to the market, nor did more than one-third of the cases in the first large cluster. Also, the market didn’t sell bats.

A shaky origins story. The true origins of the virus would, it appears, may make China publicly look bad, regardless of the actual truth. Possibly, being scientifically incompetent in regards to their research of COVID-19 in the Wuhan lab under review.


The Chinese government, meanwhile, has put a total lockdown on information related to the virus origins. Beijing has yet to provide U.S. experts with samples of the novel coronavirus collected from the earliest cases. The Shanghai lab that published the novel coronavirus genome on Jan. 11 was quickly shut down by authorities for “rectification.” Several of the doctors and journalists who reported on the spread early on have disappeared.

Doctors and journalists that have disappeared. What truth is so sensitive to this dictatorship to resort to such extreme measures?


Tweak Town: Chinese phone operators lose 21 million subscribers over COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak by Anthony Garreffa | Mar 29, 2020, at 07:07 pm CDT

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Trinity & Easter: Briefly

The Trinity & Easter: Briefly

April 12, 2020

Searching my website archives, I have not previously presented this section of my Doctoral thesis as the original block paragraph. Theologically, the Trinity is essential for Jesus Christ’s death on the cross leading to his atoning and resurrection work applied to regenerated, enlightened, justified believers. The Trinity is relevant to this and every Easter that celebrates the risen Christ.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Franke reasons the Trinity is a method of self-disclosure of God to and within creation.[1]  It is centrally concerned with the coming of Christ and his work, and the work of the Holy Spirit and the concept of everlasting life for believers.[2]  Jesus Christ in his atoning work was not only a man,[3] although he did take upon himself full humanity.[4]  His atoning death was that of a God- man[5] that can save those that a mere man or creature could not.[6]  The Trinity, therefore, takes on philosophical importance within human salvation.[7]  Both Christ’s humanity and deity played central roles in his atoning work[8] and resurrection.[9]

BOWMAN, ROBERT M. (1990) Why You Should Believe in the Trinity, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

FRANKE, JOHN R. (2005) The Character of Theology, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids. 

HUGHES, PHILIP, EDGCUMBE (1990) A Commentary On The Epistle To The Hebrews, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

SCHRECK, ALAN (1984) Catholic and Christian, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Servant Books.

THIESSEN, HENRY C. (1956) Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.  

[1] Franke (2005: 65). 
[2] Franke (2005: 65).
[3] Christ was incarnate and not a creature created by God.  Bowman (1990: 19).
[4] Bowman (1990: 19).  Thiessen (1956: 299).  Hughes (1990: 55).
[5] Bowman (1990: 19).  Christ remained an incarnated true man even as he was resurrected immortal.  Hughes (1990: 55).
[6] Bowman (1990: 19-20).  A mere human being could not accomplish the mission and work Christ did. Schreck (1984: 16).
[7] Bowman (1990: 19-20).
[8] Bowman (1990: 19-20).
[9] Hughes (1990: 55).

Bad hair months?

Bad hair months?

Pops is really starting to look like Bernie Sanders...

Also, as like in the 1970s, when I was little, my hair is starting to bother me when I can feel it on my forehead. More time needs to be spent with the tap and a comb.

I could go to the 'summer dome' route, similar to 'permanent domes' such as my big brother, in Arizona, Chuckles the Red Skull and John the Rage, but I choose not to. I certainly would look even more like Marvel's Kingpin at that point.

This is generally, not my preferred type of post for this website.

Facebook has in error blocked my second Blogger website, Satire Und Theology from posting entries on my Facebook business page, Russell Norman Murray, PhD. Facebook falsely claims I violated community standards with a recent entry where Kenneth Copeland is on a YouTube video stating...

Quote: The Devil's tryin' to give me the flu

Further, the Blogger entry and the associated Facebook entry contained the following comments from me:

Presumptive theology in regards to God, Satanic beings and humanity, and making money in the process.

Obviously, my entry was not supporting Kenneth Copeland's claim.

I have made four requests from Facebook for clarification regarding community standards. No reply.

Therefore I publish this entry on this website in order to post on my Facebook business page.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Orthodox Study Bible: Easter

Happy Easter!

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee.

From this Bible's Glossary and Reverend John W. Morris, Ph.D.



'The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, also known as Pascha (from the Hebrew word for Passover). Christ proclaimed Himself as the true Passover and offered Himself as a sacrifice. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter according to the decree of the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325: the first Sunday following the first full moon following the spring equinox following the Jewish Passover. Thus, Orthodox Easter is often one, four or five weeks after the western Easter.' (797).

W.R.F Browning explains that Easter became the early celebration of the Christian Church. (108). By the third century, 'it was preceded by a night vigil.' (108). At dawn, converts were baptized and all present in the Church received communion. (108). Browning writes that there was no 'Good Friday' celebration until the fourth century. (108).

Historian, Earle E. Cairns explains that the 'Easter Controversy' arose in the middle of the second century over the question of what the proper date to celebrate Easter was. (103). The Church in the East (Orthodoxy as discussed in this article, my add) held that Easter should be celebrated on the fourteenth day of Nisan, which is the date of Passover according to the Jewish calendar. (103).


'The Eastern and Western segments of the church could not arrive at any agreement until the Council of Nicea in 325, when the viewpoint of the Western Church was adopted.' (103).


Within my Reformed tradition, I am far less concerned with historical dates for Easter, from Church history and the history and traditions of churches; and more concerned with the historicity of the New Testament in regards to the atoning and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for his chosen persons (Ephesians 1, Romans 8-9), leading to the eventual resurrection of those who believe in him (1 Corinthians 15, Revelation 20-22).

Edited from

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Jesus Christ the person is held in extremely high regard as is his ministry, atoning work and resurrection, and his person and work cannot be separated in importance. Franke (2005: 72). The New Testament not only demonstrates the witness of the redeeming act of God in Christ but is also the summation of the man that is the word of God. Hughes (1990: 38). Erickson writes that Scripture teaches the resurrection of those who believe in Christ. Erickson (1994: 1194). He also reasons it is likely that unbelievers too will be raised, Erickson (1994: 1194), although this concept is not as clearly explained as is the idea of the raising of those who trust in Christ. Erickson (1994: 1200). 

(See Mounce and his Revelation commentary cited)

Sunday, October 11, 2009: The final battles of Revelation

Thiessen bases the traditional Christian belief in physical resurrection in the texts from both Testaments and describes the resurrection bodies as both physical and spiritual in nature. Thiessen (1956: 491). Whale writes that the resurrection is not to be considered an addition to the Christian faith, but is the Christian faith. Whale (1958: 69).

The resurrection can be denied outright by critics. Darrow (1928)(1973: 266-267). Phillips provides a negative atheistic critique of eschatological Christian concepts in his Chapter, ‘Last things.’ Phillips (2005: 247-275). Phillips reasons that there is not actual hope for persons after death in another realm. Phillips (2005: 248).

This would appear empirically true in one sense as resurrections typically are non-existent, but if the Biblical resurrection is true, there is hope for those in Christ. The resurrected Christ was empirically viewed within documented Scripture. However, if one does not believe in the resurrection of Christ, God’s key witness through historical documented Scripture to the world that he wishes to save it from the problem of evil is gone. The remedy to sin and death would be non-existent and therefore concepts of a perfected world far-fetched.

Edited from:

2003 The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives: MPhil thesis, Bangor University

Church Father Irenaeus stated concerning Christ’s work defeating death: For it behoved Him who was to destroy sin, and redeem man under the power of death, that He should Himself be made that very same thing which He was, that is, man; who had been drawn by sin into bondage, but was held by death so that sin should be destroyed by man, and man should go forth from death. Irenaeus. (ca. 130-200 AD) Book III, Chapter 18, Section 7. (Note: There does not seem to be a historical date to indicate when Irenaeus wrote this work. It is estimated that he wrote the work near the end of the second century.)

Easter Island: Pixabay
BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

CAIRNS, EARLE E. (1981) Christianity Through The Centuries, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.

DARROW, CLARENCE (1928)(1973) ‘The Myth of the Soul’, in The Forum, October, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds.), A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.

DARROW, CLARENCE (1932)(1973) ‘The Delusion of Design and Purpose’, in The Story of My Life, October, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds.), A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House. 

ERICKSON, MILLARD (2003) What Does God Know and When Does He Know It?, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.

FRANKE, JOHN R. (2005) The Character of Theology, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids. 

IRENAEUS. (c 175-185)(1998) ‘Against Heresies’, in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Denver, The Catholic Encyclopedia.

IRENAEUS. (c 175-185)(2005) Against Heresies, in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Denver, The Catholic Encyclopedia.

IRENAEUS (c 185)(2005) Proof of Apostolic Preaching, Translated by J. Armitage Robinson, London, The Macmillan CO.

PHILLIPS, D.Z. (1981) Encountering Evil, Stephen T. Davis (ed.), Atlanta, John Knox Press. 

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

PHILLIPS, D.Z. (2005) The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God, Fortress Press, Minneapolis. 

THIESSEN, HENRY C. (1956) Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

WHALE, J.S. (1958) Christian Doctrine, Glasgow, Fontana Books.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Baculum, Argumentum Ad II/Appeal to Force

Granville Street 1901

This fallacy was previously discussed in 2016 from British Philosopher, Pirie.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016 Baculum, Argumentum Ad

PIRIE, MADSEN (2006)(2015) How To Win Every Argument, Bloomsbury, London.

'When reason fails you, appeal to the rod.' (46). Pirie lists Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin as a classic adherent. (47). This fallacious approach uses force as a means of persuasion as the argument would be lost without it. (46).

The threat of force does not have to be in the form of physical violence. (46). This fallacy occurs when 'unpleasant consequences are promised for failing to comply with the speaker's wishes'. (46). The author reasons that irrelevant material is brought into an argument. (46). The argument is largely abandoned and instead, forceful persuasion is used and depended on. There is a 'breakdown and subversion of reason'. (46). 

Baculum, Argumentum Ad II/Appeal to Force

Logically Fallacious

References: {apa} Jason, G. (1987). The nature of the argumentum ad baculum. Philosophia, 17(4), 491–499. {/apa}


argumentum ad baculum (also known as: argument to the cudgel, appeal to the stick) 

Description: When force, coercion, or even a threat of force is used in place of a reason in an attempt to justify a conclusion. 

Logical Form: If you don’t accept X as true, I will hurt you. 


Jordan: Dad, why do I have to spend my summer at Jesus camp? 

Dad: Because if you don’t, you will spend your entire summer in your room with nothing but your Bible! 

Explanation: Instead of a reason, dad gave Jordan a description of a punishment that would happen. 

Exception: If the force, coercion, or threat of force is not being used as a reason but as a fact or consequence, then it would not be fallacious, especially when a legitimate reason is given with the “threat”, direct or implied.

This fallacy might be used by a person or entity when as Prie noted, reason fails.

The use of this fallacy could occur for several reasons but, non-exhaustively, it could be used as...

1. X provides a sound argument with a true premise (s) and a true conclusion, that is rejected by Y.

2. X provides a less than a sound argument, that is rejected by Y.

X then resorts to the use of fallacy under review.

A valid deductive argument can have 

False premises and a true conclusion (FT)

False premises and a false conclusion (FF)

True premises and a true conclusion (TT)


True premises and a false conclusion (TF) is invalid. Valid arguments with all true premises are called sound arguments. The conclusion also being true.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press. 

CONWAY DAVID A. AND RONALD MUNSON (1997) The Elements of Reasoning, Wadsworth Publishing Company, New York.

PIRIE, MADSEN (2006)(2015) How To Win Every Argument, Bloomsbury, London.

Hollywood Reporter


Stephen Colbert will be a guest on TBS' Conan on Tuesday night — and Conan O'Brien will also be a guest on CBS' The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. The two late-night hosts will appear on one another's shows, sharing a video chat they conducted earlier in the day.

Throughout my adult life, I have watched late-night talk shows occasionally. However, last night and early this morning, I came across this discussion on television, cited above, which took place on one show and then the other. On one network and then another, simultaneously for a time in the Metropolitan Vancouver market. From both homes.

Not only celebrities are recording programs from home, but so are many people involved in media in this COVID-19 pandemic. We also see this with some pastors preaching from home.

Philosophically, it is a sometimes strange new combination of the public and the private. With future pandemics as significantly possible, this could be a trend...