Thursday, May 08, 2014

Methodology: William Dean (PhD Edit)

Matera, Italy, Travel+Leisure, Facebook

I do not subscribe to empirical theological views as I take to a Reformed, historical, grammatical perspective as a philosophical theologian that also works with philosophy of religion. However, quote: 'Erickson appears to agree with this notion to a point as he comments that in theology, truth and experience are always related.[1]'

This is one of the methodology sections I was required to write for my Doctorate in order to provide methodology for my questionnaires and surveys.

As noted previously, I am obviously more of a philosophical theologian than an experimental one, although for balance will admit that concepts and theology, even from a Biblical Christian perspective are examined and pondered on. A reason to have blogs such as I do. 


William Dean (1990) comments that empirical theology begins with a particular speculative view of life,[2] which in turn leads to the use of the empirical method.[3]

Methodology: William Dean

Dean explains that for empirical theology, method is the outcome of content and not the other way around.[4]  The empirical method contributes to the continual development, correction and revision of speculative content.[5]  He writes that empirical method is distinctive in making experience the highest authority;[6] however, he reasons that even anti-experimental theologians depend on Scripture and related tradition when they are trusted and experienced.[7]  Erickson appears to agree with this notion to a point as he comments that in theology, truth and experience are always related.[8] This connection would be denied or questioned, but theological truth will always impact experience.[9]  

F.W. Dillistone (1999) writes that it is a distinctive aspect of Christianity that one learns continually through religious experience.[10]  Revelation through Christ is the source of that experience.[11] Theological empiricism examines its perspectives to determine if they are connected to the experienced world.[12]  

To Dean, empirical theology, one, begins with a speculative view of life as a struggle.[13]  He also states that, two, from moment to moment empirical theology uses a speculative model to generate piecemeal conclusions in the face of little reliable empirical knowledge.[14]  For Dean method is the outcome of content, as empirical research and findings shall determine the reasonable plausibility of the theology.  In the end, the assumptions of practical theology must be examined by consequences, and if the theology does take root in the real world.[15]

DEAN, WILLIAM (1986)  American Religious Empiricism, Albany, State University of New York Press.

DEAN, WILLIAM (1990) ‘Empirical Theology: A Revisable Tradition’, in Process Studies, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 85-102. Claremont, California, The Center for Process Studies.

DILLISTONE, F.W. (1999) ‘Religious Experience’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Theology, London, SCM Press Ltd.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (2003) What Does God Know and When Does He Know It?  Grand Rapids, Zondervan. 

[1] Erickson (1994: 29).
[2] Dean (1990: 85-102).
[3] Dean (1990: 85-102).
[4] Dean (1990: 2).
[5] Dean (1990: 2).
[6] Dean (1990: 3).
[7] Dean (1990: 3).
[8] Erickson (1994: 29).
[9] Erickson (1994: 29).
[10] Dillistone (1999: 207).
[11] Dillistone (1999: 207).
[12] Dean (1990: 5).
[13] Dean (1990: 5).
[14] Dean (1990: 5).
[15] Dean (1990: 5).


  1. Do you know Norm Davis, Sam Frost or Diana Kleyn on SkillPages?

  2. No, but I have heard of Sammy Davis Jr.

    I call my trainer @ work the Sandyman...

    Candy Man

    If I had the time I would love to do an animated (fictionalized)satirical clip on work, which I would never share online of course.

  3. Not bragging here, but if someone can successfully complete a Euro/UK research only PhD in difficult subject matter, that must be close to the most difficult work in the world.

    Not so much intellectually, primarily, but primarily because of the amount of times difficult material has to be reworked and cited.

    Other work is still a challenge, but jobs generally would seem easier.

  4. 1 - What do you put in a toaster?
    The answer is "bread." If you said "toast," then give up now and go do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, "bread," go to Question 2.

    2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink?
    Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," please do not attempt the next question. Your brain is obviously over stressed and may even overheat. It may be that you need to content yourself with reading something more appropriate such as "Children's World." If you said, "water" then proceed to Question 3.

    3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a greenhouse made from?
    Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said "green bricks," what are you still doing here reading these questions?? If you said "glass," then go on to Question 4.

    4. If the hour hand on a clock moves 1/60 of a degree every minute then how many degrees will the hour hand move in one hour?
    Answer: One degree. If you said "360 degrees" or anything other than "one degree," you are to be congratulated on getting this far, but you are obviously out of your league. Turn your pencil in and exit the room. Everyone else proceed to the final question.

    5. Without using a calculator –
    You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales.
    In London, 17 people get on the bus.
    In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on.
    In Swindon, two people get off and four get on.
    In Cardiff, 11 people get off and 16 people get on.
    In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on.
    In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on.
    You then arrive at Milford Haven.
    What was the name of the bus driver?
    Answer: Oh, for crying out loud! Don't you remember? It was YOU!

    …..Mikey’s Funnies ( by way of “Christian Voices” (



    There’s a story about a little girl who, on the way home from church, turned to her mother and said, "Mommy, the Preacher's sermon this morning confused me."

    The mother said, "Oh! Why is that?"

    The girl replied, "Well, he said that God is bigger than we are. Is that true?"

    "Yes, that's true," the mother replied.

    "He also said that God lives within us. Is that true, too?"

    Again the mother replied, "Yes."

    "Well," said the girl. "If God is bigger than us and He lives in us, wouldn't He show through?"

    Such a great question! Are you living God’s word in your actions and in what you say? Whether at home, work or play, wherever you may be, do others see Christ in you?

    …..“Christian Voices” (

  5. Once upon a time there was a very handsome male camel
    named Alfred with two huge camel humps.

    He fell in love and married a beautiful
    Female camel named Marie, who had one perfect camel hump.

    As time progressed, they became the proud parents of a wonderful
    baby boy camel, born with no humps.

    They contemplated long and hard on what to call their beautiful
    little boy.

    They finally decided on ... are you ready for this???


  6. Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has
    To say about Canadians; during a

    Recent appearance at Caesars in

    Windsor :

    If your local Dairy Queen is closed from
    September through May,
    You may live in Canada .

    If someone in a Home Depot store
    Offers you assistance and they don't work there,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time,
    You may live in Canada .

    If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation
    With someone who dialed a wrong number,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If 'Vacation' means going anywhere
    South of Detroit for the weekend,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If you measure distance in hours,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If you know several people
    Who have hit a deer more than once,
    You may live in Canada .

    If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C'
    In the same day and back again,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If you can drive 90 km/hr through 2 feet of snow
    During a raging blizzard without flinching,
    You may live in Canada .

    If you install security lights on your house and garage,
    But leave both unlocked,
    You may live in Canada .

    If you carry jumper cables in your car
    And your wife knows how to use them,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If you design your kid's Halloween costume
    To fit over a snowsuit,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If the speed limit on the highway is 80 km --
    You're going 95 and everybody is passing you,
    You may live in Canada .

    If driving is better in the winter
    Because the potholes are filled with snow,
    You may live in Canada ..

    If you know all 4 seasons:
    Almost winter, winter, still winter,
    And road construction,
    You may live in Canada .

    (this is my favourite, because how true)

    If you have more miles
    On your snow blower than your car,
    You may live in Canada .

    If you find -2 degrees 'a little chilly',
    You may live in Canada .

  7. How strange, to call diets for weight loss my brain the enemy.

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  12. Medical Term

    Redneck Definition

    The study of paintings

    Back door to cafeteria

    What doctors do when patients die

    What you be, after you be eight

    Caesarean Section
    A neighborhood in Rome

    Cat scan
    Searching for Kitty

    Made eye contact with her

    A sheep dog

    A punctuation mark

    To live long

    Not a friend

    Quicker than someone else

    A small lie

    Distinguished, well known

    Labor Pain
    Getting hurt at work

    Medical Staff
    A Doctor's cane

    A higher offer

    Rates of Pay for Working at Night,
    Normally more money than days

    I knew it

    A person who has fainted

    Second cousin to Elvis

    Post Operative
    A letter carrier

    Recovery Room
    Place to do upholstery

    Nearly killed him

    Hiding something

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    Getting sick at the airport

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  17. 'This mobile app makes $3,740 A DAY
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    As soon as you state to sign right away...RED FLAG.

    Well, actually before then...

  18. [25% Off] You deserve it!

  19. Good news (about your gift)

  20. 'Anonymous said...
    [25% Off] You deserve it!'

    I am actually, as noted, quite leery of philosophical discussion of what people deserve or do not.

    This seems at least in a strict sense the judgment of God.

    Not stating we should not have human judges and judgments, but those are more for the sake of law and order and harmony than strict senses of what one deserves.

  21. 'Anonymous said...
    Good news (about your gift)'

    I am sitting here in this pleasant Sunday after church waiting for a cheque...

  22. 'Anonymous said...
    Just quit already..'

    As long as these email messages continue I have material in which to seriously & satirically comment...

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    I was sitting next to this guy in the departure lounge. He turned to me and he said, "Gawds, I hate flying. Hate it! I can't think of a single reason why the plane should stay
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    I said, "So why are you flying then?"

    He said, "I've got to, I'm the pilot.

    …..Mikey’s Funnies ( by way of “Christian Voices” (

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    Dale wrote: "Yes! He took our team on a nuclear sub."
