Thursday, July 10, 2014

Relativism In Brief

Capri, Monte Solaro: Travel+Leisure, Facebook

ELWELL, WALTER AND YARBROUGH, ROBERT W., Third Edition (2013) Encountering The New Testament, Grand Rapids, Baker Academic.

On page 5, there is a box section entitled 'Is Everything Relative?' I will discuss shortly...

Blackburn writes that in regard to relativism it is 'the permanently tempting doctrine that in some areas at least, truth is relative to the standpoint of the judging subject ('beauty lies in the eye of the beholder'). Blackburn (1996: 326).

He makes the point the view is often rejected because an 'inability to make sense of such standards eventually paralyzes all thought'. Blackburn (1996: 326). With relativism the contrary view may also be true. Blackburn (1996: 326).

The Elwell text explains that full knowledge of truth belongs to God alone and cites, Romans 11: 33-34, and notes that God has revealed much about himself in Scripture. This has been done authoritatively through Biblical writers, via the guidance of the Holy Spirit.(2 Timothy and 2 Peter).

It is not as if Biblical truth is up for grabs in a relativistic sense.

The text deals with the issue of the ambiguity of the human perception of Scripture and it does correctly present the argument that the core conviction of Scripture can be traced and is consistent.

There is in my view a consistency in the Hebrew Bible from Genesis forward in regard to the holiness and goodness of God, and God's work with Noah, Abraham and Moses and others.

God's plans continue in a new covenant in the New Testament with the atoning and resurrection work of Christ and future culminated Kingdom of the New Testament.

Philosophically and theologically, God is infinite, omnipotent and omniscient. God has sovereign authority.

God inspired the historical, religious Scriptural texts and even as scholars are dealing with manuscript copies of originals and there are at this point 5000 plus copies, it can be considered consistent theological and philosophical evidence and information from a divine source and not relative.

Therefore not relative truth, but simply truth.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

104.1 The Hawk Facebook-Just wondering though why he is not wearing his blazer on such a hot day?
New corp. policy @ work blazer to be worn even during summer patrol (working on it).


  1. Well, have to join a union with this new employment @ corp. security...

    Filled out card tonight that mysteriously arrived via the head cleaning lady in an envelope for me to pass on to the crew.

    Guess they figure, he has the PhD?

  2. Ooops, I forgot... Today at 5 :) [Happy Hour!]

  3. The perfect last-minute gift: 35% off Family Plans!

  4. Seen in the Cafeteria - Friday, July 11, 2014

  5. 8 Bible verses now aligning with modern cures?

  6. Does that mean the rest of the day is unhappy hours?

  7. My family plans include...

    Attempting to be rational, Biblical, relational even while acknowledging the emotional nature of family planning...

  8. 'Anonymous said...
    8 Bible verses now aligning with modern cures?'

    New cult potential?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Vіew Рhоtоs оf 50+ Ѕіngles In Yоur Area!

  10. That is even worse than the add for 40+...

    No, I am not Hugh Hefner or Don Steele, not always wanting to be with under 30 y/o yw for the rest of my life, but certainly not in a position to start with middle age.

    The fact that some in society do not get this is another sign of the lack of philosophical and theological knowledge and education in society. Of course many do not even consider either, especially theology, even legit academia.

  11. Your Commissions Account Is Active

  12. Relativism: Hanging around relatives too much

  13. 'chuck e said...
    Relativism: Hanging around relatives too much'

    Yes, you need to expand socially, not as a socialist.

  14. 'chuck e said...
    Relativism: 20-something Eastern European woman thinks you're hot, 20-something North American woman thinks you're a dog'

    Ah, your your drummer friend Mike said you would be cool with the women in Poland and not with the women in Germany...predictable.

    The trillion dollar question from a Christian approach is, what is a true and good attitude to have?

  15. Naymz

    We checked the web for Russell Murray and found 6 new items.

    Tend to your reputation

    Tom & Tony

  16. My Favorite Animal

    Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken."
    She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else laughed.

    My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal.
    I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA.
    He said they love animals very much.

    I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal's office.
    I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again.

    The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was.
    I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, so I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken.

    She sent me back to the principal's office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again.

    I don't understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn't like it when I am.

    Today, my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person I admired most. I told her, "Colonel Sanders."

    Guess where the heck I am now...

  17. Paraphrased...

    Worker to me and Mr. S in person: I will only take instructions from our mgr. by email and not verbally.

    Mr. S to me, ‘He is nuts’! in parkade on the out.

    Me: ‘Lol’ parts of the drive home.

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    Fellow Malaysian,

    Everyone is talking about FX.

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    (instead of a gambler mentality)

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  19. Dear Reader,

    I'm not going to sugar coat this... are you sick of being FAT?

    I was too... ("before and after" photos here)

    Then I learned a strange secret that changed my life. I lost 52 pounds without exercising or dieting.

  20. Hanging around making easy money

  21. That sounds like a guy at work on his cell for two straight hrs...

  22. Fall asleep in 20 minutes or less!

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