Thursday, January 28, 2021

Perichoresis: In Brief


Journey to Space, January 2021 Facebook 


S.M. Smith explains that perichoresis means mutual indwelling and mutual interpretation and deals with both the 'Trinity' and 'Christology'. (843).

Trinitarian theology of perichoresis was used in the Greek theology (843) of John of Damascus in describing the inner relationship between the persons of the Godhead. (843).

Angus Stewart


(Slightly modified from an article first published in the British Reformed Journal)

John of Damascus (c.675-c.750), though little known by most in the West today, is probably the most famous theologian in the last 1,500 years of the Eastern church. 

John of Damascus

Cited by Angus Stewart

(In regards to the nature of God, my add)

Uncreated, without beginning, immortal, infinite, eternal, immaterial, good, creative, just, enlightening, immutable, passionless, uncircumscribed, immeasurable, unlimited, undefined, unseen, unthinkable, wanting in nothing, being His own rule and authority, all-ruling, life-giving, omnipotent, of infinite power, containing and maintaining the universe and making provision for all (OF 1.14). 

(In regards to the Trinity. my add)

The subsistences [i.e., the three Persons] dwell and are established firmly in one another. For they are inseparable and cannot part from one another, but keep to their separate courses within one another, without coalescing or mingling, but cleaving to each other. For the Son is in the Father and the Spirit: and the Spirit in the Father and the Son: and the Father in the Son and the Spirit, but there is no coalescence or commingling or confusion. And there is one and the same motion: for there is one impulse and one motion of the three subsistences, which is not to be observed in any created nature (OF 1.14).

Image: Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, page 843.

The Pocket Dictionary under the entries: perichoresis and circumincession states this theology affirms that within the trinity, essence is shared by each of the three persons, in a manner that does not blur the distinctions between them.(26). Therefore, quote: 'By extension, this idea suggests that any essential characteristics that belongs to one of the three is shared by the others. (26). This view also affirms that the actions within the trinity are always done within a divine unity. (my specific paraphrased comment, based on 26).

Note that God the Son (God the Word), as God incarnate, alone takes a finite, human body (now resurrected, see Gospels/Acts for event).

Non-exhaustive in regards to that unity in purpose: 

Colossians 2:9-10 (Him is Jesus Christ) 'New American Standard Bible (NASB) 9 For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, 10 and in Him you have been made [a]complete, and He is the head [b]over all rule and authority; Footnotes: Colossians 2:10 Lit full Colossians 2:10 Lit of '

N.T. Wright explains in regard to Colossians 2: 9-10, it is an continuation of 1:19 (109), 'for all the fulness to dwell in him.' (NASB). 'He is uniquely God's presence and his very self'. (109). Wright reasons that Paul is teaching monotheistic doctrine here and not that Jesus Christ is a second deity. (109). Christ is the embodiment of full deity. (109).

Hebrews 1; Greek scholar Walter Bauer defines 'Hupostasis' the original ὑπόστασις, εως, ἡit from the Greek as substantial nature, essence, actual being, reality. In the context of Hebrews 1: 3 the Son of God is the exact representation of God’s real being. (page 847). Erickson further explains that each member of the Trinity is quantitatively equal. Erickson (1994: 337).

Matthew 28: 19-20 and Acts 5 are two examples from the New Testament demonstrating the Holy Spirit as God, interacting within the trinity.

Matthew 28:19-20 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 19 [a]Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you [b]always, even to the end of the age.” Footnotes: Matthew 28:19 Or Having gone; Gr aorist part. Matthew 28:20 Lit all the days 

Acts 5: 2-6 New American Standard Bible (NASB) It is stated that one can lie to the Holy Spirit (verse 3) and therefore lie to God. 'You have not lied to men, but to God.' (verse 4). 

All three distinctions within the trinity are infinite, of one ontological (existence and being) essence and nature, and yet with distinctions and communicate with each other in eternal relationship. God as trinity is relational in nature and therefore humanity is made in God's image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27). Humanity is therefore specifically relational in the context of being made in the image and likeness of God. God could create finite creatures capable of relationship and communication, because that is also an aspect of God's nature.

BAUER, WALTER. (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

GRENZ, STANLEY J., DAVID GURETZKI AND CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press.

JOHN OF DAMASCUS (c.675-c.750)(1996) Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, trans. S. D. F. Salmond, in The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, eds. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, vol. 9
Covenant Protestant Reformed Church: Revered Angus Stewart 

SMITH, S.M. (1996) ‘Perichoresis’ in Walter A. Elwell (ed.) Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books. 

WRIGHT, N.T., Colossians and Philemon, (1986)(1989), IVP, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 50

PhD: Twitter quote 50

Photo: Petro Canada, December 21, 2020 

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter


Y. Krikorian (1944)(2007) explains naturalism is part of nature, contains nothing supernatural, and that the scientific method should be used to explain all aspects of reality, including those assumed to be ‘spiritual’ in nature. Krikorian (1944)(2007: 1).

 I can accept that science must use natural and not supernatural means (Dubray: 1911)(2007: 1) (Krikorian (1944)(2007: 1), and is clearly often a discipline with different methods than theology or philosophy. One should not expect scientific method to be religious in nature. Many Christians of moderate positions and various traditions would disagree with the concept that nature is the fundamental and original source for all that exists. Dubray (1911)(2007: 1).

God is revealed in Scripture to be spiritual in nature as described in John 4:24, therefore God could never be proven to exist through the empirical, scientific testing of matter. Science is therefore a discipline outside of the realm of the supernatural.

DUBRAY, C.A. (1911)(2007) ‘Naturalism’, in New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia, New York, Robert Appleton Company.

KRIKORIAN, Y. (1944)(2007) (ed.), ‘Naturalism and the Human Spirit’, New York, Columbia University Press, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University. 

Twitter version I

Y. Krikorian explains naturalism is part of nature, contains nothing supernatural; the scientific method should be used to explain all aspects of reality, including those assumed to be ‘spiritual’ in nature. add.

Twitter version II

I can accept that science must use natural and not supernatural means and is clearly often a discipline with different methods than theology or philosophy. 

Friday, January 01, 2021: Philosophy: Induction, Deduction, Abduction

Sunday, January 24, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 49

PhD: Twitter quote 49

Facebook image

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter


Hans-Gunter Heimbrock (2005) notes that since religion and faith is experimental within empirical theology (Heimbrock :2005: 273-299), the social sciences have been used to examine social dynamics, conditions and contexts of religious life. Heimbrock (2005: 273-299). Francis (2005: 4). Cartledge (2003: 248-249). He reasons that pastoral work has also been assisted in this process. Heimbrock (2005: 273-299). There has been increased discussion involving standards and criteria for appropriate empirical research in theology. Heimbrock (2005: 273-299). 

Philosophically, I do not view Christian faith and philosophy as primarily experimental, (Heimbrock: 2005: 273-299), although I can grant Heimbrock’s point that the social sciences can deal with the existing experimental aspects of religion and assist in understanding. Heimbrock (2005: 273-299). Francis (2005: 4). Cartledge (2003: 248-249). The experimental nature (Heimbrock: 2005: 273-299). of empirical theology can not only lead to a better understanding of practical theology within the Christian Church, but when applied the theodicy related questions in this project, can help to explain how the theoretical theories of theologians and philosophers are being understood and accepted by persons that attend church. 

CARTLEDGE, MARK J. (2002) Charismatic Glossolalia, Hants, England, Ashgate Publishing Company. 

CARTLEDGE, MARK J. (2003) Practical Theology, Carlisle, Cumbria, England, Paternoster Press. 

FRANCIS, LESLIE J. and Practical Theology Team (2005) ‘Practical and Empirical Theology’, in University of Wales, Bangor website, University of Wales, Bangor. 

HEIMBROCK, HANS-GUNTER (2005) ‘From Data to Theory: Elements of Methodology in Empirical Phenomenological Research in Practical Theology’, in International Journal of Practical Theology, Volume 9, December, Berlin, Walter D. Gruyter. 

PhD: Twitter quote 49

Religion and faith is experimental within empirical theology. Philosophically, I do not view Christian faith and philosophy as primarily experimental.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

PhD:Twitter quote 48

PhD:Twitter quote 48

Photo: Flexpeditions Revelstoke January 4 2021

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter


I reason that the atoning and resurrection work of Christ for believers must remain an essential element of Christian preaching, teaching and ministry. 

However, Brown believes the Bible teaches that there is hope for those in the world who are poor and oppressed. Brown (1984: 14). Gebara (2002: 107). Brown explains that if God sided with these suffering persons in Biblical times, he also does today. Brown (1984: 14). I can grant this proposition (Brown (1984: 14), and state that although the salvific work of Christ for humanity should remain the core of Christian faith and philosophy, simultaneous to this Christians must help in an earthly physical sense, those they are attempting to assist in a spiritual sense. This is an important and essential way of making theology practical. 

BROWN, ROBERT MCAFEE (1984) Unexpected News, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press. 

GEBARA, IVONE (2002) Out of the Depths, Translated by Ann Patrick Ware, Minneapolis, Fortress Press.

Twitter version I

I reason that the atoning and resurrection work of Christ for believers must remain an essential element of Christian preaching, teaching and ministry. 

Twitter version II

The salvific work of Christ for humanity should remain the core of Christian faith and philosophy, simultaneous to this Christians must help in an earthly physical sense.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

PhD:Twitter quote 47

PhD:Twitter quote 47

Twitter version I

Harold Lindsell (1976) explains it is always a possibility that persons in the church can in practice deny what they believe in principle, although principle and practice should work together. 

Twitter  version II

Harold Lindsell noted it is a possibility that persons in the church can in practice deny what they believe in principle. (Belief does not always lead to proper actions, my add)

Smartwool Canada January 15 2021 Joey Vosburgh, photo.   

LINDSELL, HAROLD (1976) The Battle for the Bible, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Monday, January 18, 2021

Final Events III: Chapter 1 Review

Final Events III: Chapter I


This book review continues. Very slowly, seeing the last entry was in August, as I have several things I am researching and writing on, and I have other work to do in life. I do often link previous related entries and archives can be found through search, top tight.

I had to republish twice. Blogger was not saving many of my edits/revisions. This had not been an issue in quite a few months.

REDFERN, NICK (2010) Final Events: And The Secret Government Group On Demonic UFOS And The Afterlife, San Antonio/New York, Anomalist Books.


Thursday, August 27, 2020> Final Events II: Introduction Continued

Friday, August 07, 2020: Final Events I: Introduction

Author Redfern explains that Ray Boeche, an Anglican priest and Rector at Celebration Anglican Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, is also the founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center. He is as well a former Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network. In 1991, Boeche, after being contacted, met with two United States Department of Defense physicists in regards to the subject of UFOs. (I). 

Redfern learned about these meetings when he met Boeche in 2006 and then interviewed him in 2007. (I). The book states Boeche had a shorter, and then a longer meeting with the two physicists from the Department of Defense. (I). This led to Boeche being 'plunged headlong into a strange and surreal world of classified Department of Defense projects, secret meetings and follow-up dialogues...'(2). 

What was presented to Boeche from these Department of Defence physicists was descriptions of NHE's or Non-Human Entities, which many within UFO research and analysis reason are aliens (extraterrestrials, my add). (2). However, in contrast, certain persons within the Department of Defence reason these are 'deceptive minions of Satan.' (2).

August 27, 2020

The two men Boeche met with were 'physicists' (2). They were both Christians and while working for the US Department of Defense, an aspect of their work was to contacts NHE's. (2). The next part of this text is revealing:


'And part of this effort was to try and control the NHE's and use their powers in military weapons applications and in intelligence areas, such as remote-viewing and psychotronic weapons.' (2).

These two Department of Defense, physicists reasoned the NHE's 'were not extraterrestrial at all; they believed they were some sort of demonic entities.' (2). Further the scientists stated that all the benevolent or beneficial contacts with these entities were 'tainted'. (2). Eventually the results of the contacts worked out to be 'bad'. (2). The scientists therefore viewed these encounters as demonic as opposed to extraterrestrial. (3). From a biblical context, the entities were viewed as deceivers of humanity. (3).

The two scientists that held to Christian faith and philosophy reasoned that others with the US Department of Defence were 'being lulled into a false sense of security' (4). The text explains that the supposed technology provided by the NHE's, such as psychotronic weapons and  remote viewing was not really being done by the Department of Defence, but the entities 'were always the causal factor'. (4). 

January 18, 2021: 

Chapter I; Thee Quest Begins

The book written in 2010, explains that the author, Redfern, since meeting with Boeche has 'dug deep into the central theme of his revelations.' (8). Redfern states that this secretive group of American government, military, and intelligence employees collectively call themselves the 'Collins Elite'.

Redfern opines


'Yet for all their military-swagger, ingrained machismo. and bravado, the Collins Elite live in a perpetual state  of overwhelming apprehension, fear and absolute dread.' (8).

This state of mind arises from the actions of what this group perceives as 'hostile and ominous intruders from a realm of existence far different than the one we now inhabit..' (8). According to the Collins Elite, states Redfern these aliens/extraterrestrials are not 'friends and allies' (8) of humanity. (8).



'In essence , the Collins Elite utterly refute and reject any and all notions that extraterrestrials have ever visited planet Earth or have abducted human beings for the purposes relative to medical examination, scientific study, and hybridization-a scenario that many UFO researchers strongly assert is taking place. Instead, the conclusion of the group is that we have in our midst a cold-hearted and sinister intelligence of demonic origins that masquerades as alien, whose presence in our world threatens each and every one of us, and that consigns all of us to, perhaps quite literally a living hell.' (8).

I will continue to work through this chapter within my next  related entry however: I note that at the end of this chapter Redfern explains 'the accounts, beliefs, theories and conclusions that I have uncovered are strictly those of the people who have been willing to have them published. (11). Redfern is providing a message as a messenger. (11).

Academically, it would better to have primary citations from people such as Boeche, the Collins Elite and the United States, Department of Defense. That being stated, I am reviewing this book as a secondary source, and do not academically dismiss it as such.

My expertise is not in UFO research or the occult. But biblically and theologically, I am at least, allowing the intellectual possibility the United States, Department of Defense has been dealing with demonic entities pretending to be aliens. I realize this is less palatable than actual extraterrestrials for many within present, Western and American, secular worldviews. I am claiming no level of relative certainty here in regards to the content of the book under review.

Brief on Satan

Satan is also known as the devil and other biblical names. But in this limited  website context, in regards to Satan, according to Greek scholar, Walter Bauer:

σαταν ὁ,indeclinable (no change of form of word, my add)  and σατανᾶς  ὁ, ᾶ (Bauer 744).

Walter Bauer (1979) in agreement with Strong, Strong (1890)(1986: 152), describes ‘Satan’ or ‘Satanas’ as the Adversary, enemy of God and those who belong to God. Bauer (1979: 744). Bauer goes on to note that Revelation, Chapter 2, verse 13, is describing Satan as persecuting the Church. Bauer (1979: 745). It appears by studying the Greek copies of the New Testament and assuming a type of contextual, literal hermeneutical method of examining Scripture, it is possible to view satanic beings as literal and historical beings…

Bible Hub: Encyclopebia of the Bible–Satan


'The NT reveals that Satan is the ruler over a powerful kingdom of evil which he rules with intelligent consistency. In refuting the charge that he was casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul, Jesus pointed out the absurdity of the charge since it meant that Satan “is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?” (Matt 12:26).' 


'Satan is also described as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31). The “world” (κόσμος, G3180) which he rules is the present world system organized according to his own principles, methods, and aims...'

Satan is called the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4: 4).


'In his ambition to assume the place of God Satan is mastered by a consuming passion to receive worship as God. That master passion was revealed in Satan’s bald offer to invest Jesus with authority over the kingdoms of this world on condition that He would worship him.' (Matthew 4, Luke 4 my add).


If the story presented by Redfern is significantly true, again I do not claim relative certainty, the behavior of the evil entities is consistent with the nature and work of biblical, satanic beings. In particular, with ontological deception (nature of existence). Biblically, Satan is the deceiver of the whole world (Rev 12:9: NASB). These would be fake aliens/extraterrestrials attempting  to gain human reliance on these entities through the use of great power which also leads to human fear of that same power.

BAUER, WALTER. (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

STRONG, J. (1986) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Pickering, Ontario, Welch Publishing Company.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

PhD:Twitter quote 46

PhD:Twitter quote 46

Theodicy is a definite theological problem for Christianity and theism, but Christians can be confident that it can be intellectually, adequately dealt with, in particular in my view, with an emphasis on the sovereignty of God. 

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

PhD Full Version PDF

Ernest Hepnar photo with Air Canada

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Orthodox Study Bible: The Jeff

The Orthodox Study Bible: The Jeff 

Edited for an entry on January 29, 2023

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee.

Thank you to The Jeff for the comments in the last entry, comments section:


What's the difference between Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox?

My guess is that the first is biblical, and the other two are not, as I understand the latter two to not believe in salvation by faith in Christ Jesus alone. 

Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone”
Sola fide: “faith alone” 
Sola gratia: “grace alone” 
Solo Christo: “Christ alone” 
Soli Deo gloria: “to the glory of God alone” 

Review of Orthodoxy

My replies based on my research within The Orthodox Study Bible. Again from my theological perspectives within the Reformed tradition.


Within a Reformed perspective and evangelical view, the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ in justification (Romans, Galatians) is applied immediately upon salvation: 

2 Corinthians 5:21 New American Standard Bible 21 He made Him who knew no sin to be  sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

In contrast, orthodoxy from the Orthodox Study Bible, views justification as 'the act whereby God forgives the sins of the believer and begins to transform him or her into a righteous person.' (801). It is noted that justification cannot be earned by works of righteousness (801). This is a gift of God (801). It holds to a form of justification by faith, admitted.

Grenz, Guretzki, Nordling 

A Protestant, Reformed, evangelical, perspective, views justification as a legal term meaning the sinner is acquitted (69). This justification makes the now regenerated (John 3, Titus 1 Peter 1, my add) Christian acceptable to the Holy God. This is through justification by grace through faith (69). 

Alone. Justification by grace through faith alone, is a Protestant, Reformed, evangelical doctrine and not held to within Orthodoxy. 

On page 346 at Romans 5, the Orthodoxy article states:

Quote: 'Through His mercy we are justified by faith and empowered by God for good works or deeds of righteousness which bring glory to him.' 

By their own definition, Orthodoxy here, denies works righteousness for salvation. But by my theological reasoning, by adding the concept of cooperation by His grace, it denies a Protestant/Reformed doctrine of justification by faith, that is, justification by grace through faith alone. 


A former pastor of mine, that is Reformed and Presbyterian, visited me at my work at the time. He opined that an Eastern Orthodox priest he knows, denies justification by faith, 'alone' within his teaching. My former pastor agreed with me that Orthodoxy does exhibit fine scholarship. He reasoned that Orthodoxy views that justification equates to one realizing the he/she is a son/daughter of God. This is not a typical, at least, Protestant or Reformed view, but can be equated with being born again (John 3) and being regenerated (Titus 3), without an emphasis on legal justification. 

According this Orthodox Study Bible:

Ephesians 2:8-10 New King James Version (NKJV) 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. 

The Orthodox Study Bible (440) (Again paraphrased within the British academic system) Notes: Ephesians 2: 8-10 By the unity of grace, faith, and works persons are brought into the Kingdom of God. (440-442). These are not equal, for grace is uncreated and infinite. (442). Human faith is limited and can grow... (442). Good works flow out of a true, authentic, faith. Works do not earn a person this great treasure (442). 

I read this as stating that good works cannot earn a person justification and that good works cannot earn a person salvation. Salvation is a gift and those who receive it shall do good in Jesus Christ and the triune God. (442). 

Direct quote:

'We are not saved by good works, but for good works.' (442). 

Romans 1: 17 is interpreted in notes as presenting the righteousness of God as a right relationship with God. (338). This bible text then states that Christ's righteousness is given to us and by our own cooperation with God, we continue to be righteous, in it. (338-339). This participation takes place via human faith. 

A Protestant view will emphasize that salvation and justification is only a work of God. In other words, a Protestant and especially a Reformed view would not state that those in Christ, cooperate in justification and righteousness. 

An Orthodox concern may be justification and salvation must have human cooperation, otherwise risking a forcing or coercion of salvation. A Protestant and especially Reformed concern with the concept of cooperation, may be that it might be works righteousness. My Reformed theology views the human embracing of salvation, including justification and imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, in a sense as philosophically and theologically, a human secondary cause; but very importantly, only the primary cause, the triune God, creates the means of salvation through the atonement and resurrection. 

In this way, those in Christ, being regenerated by God alone, only accept salvation as a divine gift and this also avoids the problem of divine force or coercion. It is also not a (fallen) human work of salvation. Even Christ's righteousness, as God-man, for salvation, is divine righteousness from God: Romans 1-6, Ephesians 2: 8. It is incarnated divine righteousness in a perfect person. 

A human secondary cause, is embracing and not creating salvation. In a similar way that God can be a primary cause by willing directly or allowing, a human being, can be a secondary cause by embracing what God has caused. 


By their own definition... 

Orthodoxy here, denies works righteousness for salvation. But my theological reasoning, in regards to justification by faith, by adding the concept of cooperation by His grace, it denies justification by grace through faith alone. 

A significantly free response within moral responsibility in faith is not forced or coerced, but it is also not done in libertarian free will. Those whom God chooses, will freely believe (Ephesians 1-2, Romans 8-9), they will not reject salvation as God has regenerated and simultaneously converted the person (s) that believes by grace through faith. 

Orthodoxy versus Reformed


The Orthodox Study Bible text states that Christ's righteousness is given to us and by our own cooperation with God, we continue to be righteous, in it. (338-339). This participation takes place via human faith. 

A Protestant and especially Reformed concern with the concept of cooperation, is the danger (s) of works righteousness. I realize, having worked through a significant amount of the Study Bible, with a prayerfully open-mind, that official Orthodox doctrine does not hold to works righteousness toward obtaining salvation.

My Reformed theology views the human embracing of salvation, including justification and imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, in a sense as philosophically and theologically, a human secondary cause; but very importantly, only the primary cause, the triune God creates the means and application of salvation through the atonement and resurrection. 

I might coin the secondary cause here as a 'passive cause'.

Collins is rather helpful here:

secondary cause in British English


a cause which is not the primary or ultimate cause 

the distinction between the universal and primary cause and the particular and secondary cause

Not the ultimate cause, exactly.

In this way, those in Christ, being regenerated by God alone, only accept salvation as a divine gift and this also avoids the problem of divine force or coercion. People are not saved or damned through hard determinism (objections from philosophical theology, philosophy of religion), with no secondary agency involved. It is also not a (fallen) human work of salvation. Human righteousness (the human nature) is universally fallen and tainted in sin. Christ's righteousness as both God and man, is still divine righteousness and a gift of God (Ephesians 2: 8). It is a divine righteousness which is incarnated into a perfect human being. It is not universal, human righteousness as we know it in this present realm.

It might be more clear to state that a human being has secondary agency in embracing salvation. The secondary cause in secondary agencies, merely embraces the applied atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ, including justification and sanctification. 

Philippians 2:12-13 New American Standard Bible

12 So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to [a]desire and to work for His good pleasure.  Footnotes Philippians 2:13 Or be willing

As secondary causes, as secondary agents, we embrace and work through, by grace through faith, the salvific work that only God has completed and applied through Christ.

From my MPhil 

John Calvin (1543) stated concerning free will: If freedom is opposed to coercion, I both acknowledge and consistently maintain that choice is free and I hold anyone who thinks otherwise to be a heretic. If, I say, it were called free in this sense of not being coerced nor forcibly moved by an external impulse, but moving of its own accord, I have no objection. Calvin (1543)(1996: 68).

To be clear, human secondary cause, is embracing and not creating salvation through any work of (fallen) human righteousness. There is the imputed, divine, righteousness of Jesus Christ, the perfect God-man (Romans, Galatians, as examples).

God alone, through the atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ, and regeneration and application to believers, is the primary and first cause of salvation. God alone provides and applies salvation.

Human secondary cause, within salvation, embraces the salvific work of God. This theology both avoids works righteousness (bible and theology) and hard determinism (philosophical theology, philosophy of religion).

But by my theological reasoning, although Orthodoxy does hold to a form of justification by faith (348, 801), by adding the concept of cooperation by his grace, it denies justification by grace through faith alone. This doctrine especially key from Romans, Galatians, Ephesians and Hebrews. If by works righteousness, concepts within James and Romans 4 (4: 22 Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness) are meant, as in showing salvific faith by works and obedience, I can accept that as embracing salvation, but I would not use the term 'cooperation'. 

It could be stated that God the Son has infinite, divine righteousness (spirit of God). Without a mixing of natures, divine and human nature remain distinct, God the Son, and now God incarnate, has finite, perfect human righteousness in his human brain. But, as infinite nature surpasses the finite human, this makes the righteousness divine, biblically speaking. The source is divine (Romans, especially).

Romans 1:16-17 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed [a]from faith to faith; as it is written: “[b]But the righteous one will live by faith.”

STRONGS NT 1343: δικαιοσύνη

Righteousness, the condition acceptable to God 


N-NFS= Noun, nominative, feminine, singular. From δίκαιος meaning righteous

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

CALVIN, JOHN (1539)(1998) The Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book II, Translated by Henry Beveridge, Grand Rapids, The Christian Classic Ethereal Library, Wheaton College. 

CALVIN, JOHN (1539)(1998) The Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Translated by Henry Beveridge, Grand Rapids, The Christian Classic Ethereal Library, Wheaton College.

CALVIN, JOHN (1543)(1996) The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Translated by G.I. Davies, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

COURSON, JON (2005) Application Commentary, Thomas Nelson, Nashville.

FEINBERG, JOHN.S. (1986) Predestination and Free Will, in David Basinger and Randall Basinger (eds.), Downers Grove, Illinois, InterVarsity Press. 

FEINBERG, JOHN.S. (1994) The Many Faces of Evil, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House. 

FEINBERG, JOHN.S. (2001) No One Like Him, John S. Feinberg (gen.ed.), Wheaton, Illinois, Crossway Books.

GRENZ, STANLEY J. DAVID GURETZKI and CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press.

LUTHER, MARTIN. (1525)(1972) ‘The Bondage of the Will’, in F.W. Strothmann and Frederick W. Locke (eds.), Erasmus-Luther: Discourse on Free Will, New York, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., INC.

POJMAN, LOUIS P. (1996) Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, New York, Wadsworth Publishing Company.

STACE, W.T. (1952)(1976) Religion and the Modern Mind, in John R. Burr and Milton Goldinger (eds.), Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, London, Collier Macmillan Publishers.

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company. 

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee.

2003 The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives: MPhil thesis, Bangor University 

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

PhD Full Version PDF

PhD and MPhil links

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Orthodox Study Bible: Acts 2: 21 & Romans 10: 13

The Orthodox Study Bible: Acts 2: 21 & Romans 10: 13

This entry serves as a continuation from the January 5 article:

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. 

Tuesday, January 05, 2021: The Orthodox Study Bible: Acts 2: 21

Where I stated:

This Orthodoxy Bible uses the New King James Bible (NKJV) 

Acts 2: 21 21

And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved.’ 

In context, the Apostle Peter quotes from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Book of Joel 2 28-32. 

With these New Testament citations of the Old Testament, as Peter is cited in Acts 2: 16-21, the context provided is not identical as the older original. A reason is that the Hebrew Bible and its covenant, although remaining as scripture, are accompanied by, as in progressive revelation, the New Testament and its covenant (Luke 22: 20 & Hebrews as examples). The New Testament emphasis is the new covenant, doctrines and theology, which replaces the old covenant. Still the Hebrew Bible should be understood as well in its original context within the old covenant. 

The Orthodoxy text states in regards to Acts 2: 16-21, that Joel was one of the early prophets (ninth century, BCE) that proclaimed God's sovereign Lordship and judgement in the last days. (275). With Pentecost the first part of the prophecy was answered with the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit to believers. The second part will be fulfilled at the second coming of Jesus Christ. (275).

John Calvin: Acts 2:21

'And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord' (36)

Calvin reasons 'God invites everyone to himself for salvation, without exception.' (36). One key example mentioned by Calvin is Romans 10: 13. (36). 'Only our disbelief stops us from calling on God.' He quotes Jesus Christ in John 16:24, as in Ask and you shall receive. (36).

Edited from 2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

John Calvin’s (1543)(1998) theology holds to a strong view on God’s sovereignty and to a limited view of human freedom. In modern, but not Reformation era terms, Calvin could be considered a compatibilist and explains that those who committed wrong actions performed them willfully and deliberately.

Calvin viewed God as working his good purposes through the evil conduct of people, but he pointed out that God’s motives in willing these deeds were pure while those who committed wrong had wicked motives. Calvin (1543)(1998: 37). 

Calvin reasons that a person is not forced or coerced to believe in the gospel. Calvin (1543)(1996: 68).

He suggests outward human preaching ‘strikes only the ears’ while the inward instruction of the Holy Spirit is how a person is enlightened in Christ. Human preaching is valuable in that it works at times in conjunction with the Holy Spirit transforming individuals. Calvin (1543)(1996: 233). 

There is a traditional Christian and Reformed concept and theology that the Holy Spirit is God and does the work that only God can do. The Holy Spirit works directly upon a human mind, in a sense remaking a person and creating a person after the image of Christ. 

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. 

Romans 10: 13

Romans 10:13 New King James Version 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (NKJV).

In regards to Romans 10: 13, the Orthodox Bible explains 'All may come freely if they will.' (363).  

This is coming from an Orthodox, not Reformed, theological perspective that generally, in my opinion, in philosophical terms, is more incompatiblistic than compatibilistic. In other words, a greater emphasis on human free will and somewhat less emphasis on the sovereignty of God.

John Calvin: Romans 10: 13-17

On Roman 10: 14-17, to follow up on verse 13.


And this is a remarkable passage with regard to the efficacy of preaching; for he testifies, that by it faith is produced. He had indeed before declared, that of itself it is of no avail; but that when it pleases the Lord to work, it becomes the instrument of his power. And indeed the voice of man can by no means penetrate into the soul; and mortal man would be too much exalted, were he said to have the power to regenerate us; the light also of faith is something sublimer than what can be conveyed by man: but all these things are no hindrances, that God should not work effectually through the voice of man, so as to create faith in us through his ministry. 

It must be further noticed, that faith is grounded on nothing else but the truth of God; for Paul does not teach us that faith springs from any other kind of doctrine, but he expressly restricts it to the word of God; and this restriction would have been improper if faith could rest on the decrees of men. Away then with all the devices of men when we speak of the certainty of faith. (347).


True New Testament regeneration (John 3, Titus 3) is via God the Holy Spirit, by the lead of God the Father within the applied atoning and resurrection work of God the Son, to believers. Human beings within a fallen nature, embrace degrees of sin and evil. They are not forced or coerced to believe in the gospel, although admittedly, God may force or coerce events leading to human beings being regenerated in conversion, which is humanly embraced. Human beings within a fallen nature, embrace sin and evil. They are not forced or coerced, in unbelief, although admittedly God may force or coerce events leading to further hardened views toward God (Romans 9, Exodus 1-18).

It is this theological and philosophical (philosophy of religion) writer's view that human moral accountability exists where within the fallen (Genesis 1-3, Romans) nature, the human will, acts and actions are not forced or coerced. Every believer embraces the gospel even as God first and essentially, regenerates. Every unbeliever rejects the gospel, even as God chooses not to regenerate such a person. This is an aspect of my compatibilism/soft determinism within a Reformed tradition.

Titus 3: 5-7: Regeneration

Titus 3:5-7

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs [a]according to the hope of eternal life.

Bible Hub

Strong 3824

'Strong's Concordance paliggenesia: regeneration, renewal Original Word: παλιγγενεσία, ας, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: paliggenesia Phonetic Spelling: (pal-ing-ghen-es-ee'-ah)

Short Definition: a new birth, regeneration Definition: a new birth, regeneration, renewal.'

From Titus 3: 5

The main text

Spiritual rebirth (figurative), spiritual regeneration (figurative). (72).

Being spiritually transformed by God, to be in relationship, fellowship with God through the applied atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ. Spiritually enlightened by the triune God in order to accept the salvific work of God. The Father sends, the Son completes the atoning and resurrection work and the Holy Spirit regenerates and yet the trinity is of one infinite, eternal essence and works together in unity.

Greek scholar Bauer documents this as:

The rebirth of the redeemed person. (606). The regeneration and rebirth via the Holy Spirit. (606).

Greek New Testament

With five Greek manuscript versions there is agreement on: paliggenesiaV

Pastor Courson explains that those in Christ have been 'washed and renewed' (1424), not because of our own human righteousness, but because of the work of Jesus Christ. (1424). We have been renewed  and washed. (1424). Washing is symbolic, in part at least through baptism, in my view. Although there is the idea of being cleansed of sin through the sanctification process.

Nute suggests in his commentary that washing is the cleansing in the new birth. (1496). And this may include the thought of baptism as a symbol of cleansing. (1496). The Pocket Dictionary defines regeneration as rebirth or re-creation as in being born again. (101). But salvation does include legal justification and the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ to believers, and as well, sanctification.

Theology II

My final comments are that Acts 2: 21 and Romans 10: 13, and supporting contexts, not to simply prooftext, work with my Reformed theology that whom God regenerates, he/she freely believe in the gospel. This means that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord and everyone that calls upon the name of the Lord, has belief an in/on the true God and Lord in salvation (justification and sanctification), through grace through faith alone. It does not mean that all believers are particularly theologically or doctrinally astute. In other words, I certainly believe, for example, there are non-Reformed believers and that none of us have perfect belief, theology, doctrines and dogma.

Biblically and throughout Church history, there are false believers that call upon the name of the Lord, but are not regenerated in true belief. These are in my view persons trusting in work's righteousness theology.

BAUER, WALTER. (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.

CALVIN, JOHN (1552)(1995) Acts, Translated by Watermark, Nottingham, Crossway Books.

CALVIN, JOHN (1539)(1509-1564), Tim Perrine, CCEL Staff Writer, Commentary on Romans, Translated, Grand Rapids, Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 

CALVIN, JOHN (1539)(1998) The Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Translated by Henry Beveridge, Grand Rapids, The Christian Classic Ethereal Library, Wheaton College. 

CALVIN, JOHN (1540)(1973) Romans and Thessalonians, Translated by Ross Mackenzie, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 

CALVIN, JOHN (1543)(1996) The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Translated by G.I. Davies, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

COURSON, JON (2005) Application Commentary, Thomas Nelson, Nashville. 

GRENZ, STANLEY J., DAVID GURETZKI AND CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press. 

NUTE, ALAN G. (1986) in 'Titus', The International Bible Commentary, F.F. Bruce, General Editor, Grand Rapids, Zondervan/Marshall Pickering. 

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Pickering, Ontario, Welch Publishing Company.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Brief Tuesday Bullets: Not a televangelist

• The discomfort and suffering of my one, amblyopic, myopic eye, from a 27 gauge needle and its affects, three times and counting, is made worth it  by slightly improved vision, in comparison to before the injection.

• I am thankful to VGH/UBC (the photo is of the actual needle, the previous time) for the treatment.

• Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; Save me and I will be saved, For You are my praise. Jeremiah 17:14 New American Standard Bible (NASB), I am thankful to God.

• Notice the Donation button, top right: After 17 years of website work on Blogger with two related websites, I have been informed by some in  professional ministry that my Zoom meetings and website work are ministry. 

•  Pondering on it, as I provide ministry, often difficult academic work and education, receiving donations is moral, ethical and just, There is no expectation that this will now, or in the future, be my main source of income.

• Our (pandemic era) Zoom meeting is every Saturday, Please email me at, if interested and a nice person. Our meetings have featured people from British Columbia, Alberta, Florida, Norway and Australia.

Monday, January 11, 2021

PhD:Twitter quote 45

PhD: Twitter quote 45

Photo: JLFernandes December 4 2020, Facebook

Paraphrased citation

The work of Christians should involve ending, and not promoting evil, whether in a Christian or secular work environment. Gebara (2002: 107). 

GEBARA, IVONE (2002) Out of the Depths, Translated by Ann Patrick Ware, Minneapolis, Fortress Press. 

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

PhD Full Version PDF

Thursday, January 07, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 44

PhD: Twitter quote 44

Photo: Italian National Tourist Board - USA and Canada-January 4, 2021 

PhD version 

With citation removed 

A traditional orthodox Christian perspective would be that Scripture, at least with primary doctrines, is not inconclusive or ambiguous, but trustworthy as the Holy Spirit inspired chosen persons to write the Scriptures and what is written is what God desired. 

Twitter version one

Biblical Christianity views Scripture, as not inconclusive or ambiguous, but trustworthy as the Holy Spirit inspired chosen persons to write the Scriptures.

Twitter version two

Biblical, orthodox, Christianity views Scripture, as not inconclusive or ambiguous, esp. with key doctrines, but trustworthy as the Holy Spirit inspired chosen persons to write the Scriptures.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

The Orthodox Study Bible: Acts 2: 21

The Orthodox Study Bible: Acts 2: 21

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. 

This Orthodoxy Bible uses the New King James Bible (NKJV) 

Acts 2: 21

21 And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved.’

In context, the Apostle Peter quotes from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, Book of Joel 2 28-32.

With these New Testament citations of the Old Testament, as Peter is cited in Acts 2: 16-21, the context provided is not identical as the older original. A reason is that the Hebrew Bible and its covenant, although remaining as scripture, are accompanied by, as in progressive revelation, the New Testament and its covenant (Luke 22: 20 & Hebrews as examples). The New Testament emphasis is the new covenant, doctrines and theology, which replaces the old covenant. Still the Hebrew Bible  should be understood as well in its original context within the old covenant. 

My focus however in this limited space, website format, is the Acts version. This article will be unexhaustive.

The new covenant...


Luke 22:20 

New American Standard Bible (NASB) 

20 And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup which is (a) poured out for you is the (b) new covenant in My blood. 

a Mt 26:28 Mk 14:24
b Ex 24:8 Je 31:31 1 Co 11:25 2 Co 3:6 Heb 8:8 Heb 8:13 Heb 9:15


PROBLEM: In Acts 2, Pentecost arrives, and the disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit. In response to criticism, Peter says that what they hear and see was “spoken by the prophet Joel” (cf. Joel 2:28–32). Yet, in the passage that Peter quotes, there are events in it that did not happen at Pentecost, like the moon turning to blood. Does Peter err on this occasion? 

SOLUTION: First, Peter was simply showing that Pentecost involved a partial or initial fulfillment of Joel 2:28–32. This partial fulfillment was in regard to the indwelling Holy Spirit for believers. And this is exactly what happened on the day of Pentecost. Joel says that God “will pour out My spirit on all flesh ... I will pour out My Spirit in those days” (Joel 2:28–29). And God did pour forth His Spirit on the day of Pentecost. 

Second, Peter’s reference was to indicate that the last days had been inaugurated (cf. Heb. 1:1–2; 2:4). The wonders of the sky above and the signs on the earth beneath (Acts 19–21) are to take place later on in earth’s history at the time of Christ’s second coming. Notice that these things will happen “before the ... great and notable day of the Lord” (v. 20) which is yet future (cf. Matt. 24:1ff). 

This excerpt is from When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1992). © 2014 Norman Geisler and Thomas Howe. 

The Orthodoxy text states in regards to Acts 2: 16-21, that Joel was one of the early prophets (ninth century, BCE) that proclaimed God's sovereign Lordship and judgement in the last days. (275). With Pentecost the first part of the prophecy was answered with the outpouring of God the Holy Spirit to believers. The second part will be fulfilled at the second coming of Jesus Christ. (275). 

Some key New Testament sections related to the second coming are Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12. (My add)


Key for the Acts-Joel example: 

Different Languages: The Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew, with parts in Aramaic, the New Testament in Greek, with parts in Aramaic. 

Indirect quotations: The New Testament writers frequently quote the Old Testament without verbal exactness. Most likely, many of the quotations were from memory. At times the citations were made according to the sense of the Old Testament rather than making a direct quote. Sometimes the quotations in Scripture are indirect not direct. An indirect quotation does not cite someone directly but does report accurately what that person said. 

Indirect quotes were used to emphasize the New Testament covenant, doctrines and theology.

Strong's Concordance 

Original Word: ἐπικαλέω 
GRK: ὃς ἂν ἐπικαλέσηται τὸ ὄνομα 
Verb-Aorist-Subjunctive-Middle-3rd Person Singular


Corey Keating 


As far as the tense of the verb in the subjunctive mood, it should be remembered that the subjunctive only shows the kind of action (verbal aspect or ‘aktionsart’) and not time. Only verbs in the indicative mood indicate time in an absolute sense. (See intermediate discussion of verb tenses). However, the ‘time’ implied by the subjunctive is usually future since it is a mood of contingency. Thus the future indicative and the aorist subjunctive are closely related and sometimes used in substitution for each other. 

Aorist is past tense. Subjunctive is usually, future tense. The middle is neither active or passive.

Humanly speaking, based on the New Testament Greek, and accurate translations, the Lord can be theologically called upon, in biblical times up to present times and future times, within this present realm.

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.

Friday, January 01, 2021

Philosophy: Induction, Deduction, Abduction

Philosophy: Induction, Deduction, Abduction

PAPINEAU, DAVID (Gen. Ed) (2016) Philosophy: Theories and Great Thinkers (2016), New York, Shelter Harbour Press.

Induction versus Deduction

Image: Induction and deduction, page 93.

Unlike deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning does not necessarily follow with a logical conclusion. (93).

This text writes that 'inductive reasoning is not indubitably valid...' (93). 

Many philosophers today believe that 'inductive reasoning is simply a different way of providing reasons for beliefs.' (93).

My example of inductive reasoning: I bought a book that so far only contains modern Canadian stamps through page 45 of 50. I assume the book only contains modern Canadian stamps.

(Perhaps, but unlikely, the last page has modern American stamps, for example)

This opposed to deductive reasoning. (93). Premise (s) + premise (s) = conclusion.


Saturday, August 02, 2014: Types Of Arguments

In 'How to Evaluate an Abductive Argument', Kenneth Samples explains three approaches in logic:

Deduction, which establishes with certainty true conclusions 

Induction, which establishes probably true conclusions 

Abduction, which uses a set of established facts to infer the best explanation. 

Samples admits the abduction method is less well-known. Reasons (2014: 2). Indeed, abduction is not mentioned via the index in 'Philosophy: Theories and Great Thinkers' text under review which is from two years later in 2016. My other new philosophy textbook under review: 'The Little Book of Philosophy' see previous website entry, only mentions deduction via the index, stating: 'Pythagoras also established the principle of deductive reasoning'...(21). This was used to build toward a conclusion, so the text uses 2 + 2 = 4. (21). Therefore premise + premise = conclusion, my add.

Blackburn defines abduction as a term introduced by Peirce 'for the process of using evidence to reach wider conclusion, as inference to the best explanation'. (1). Peirce thought that these findings were to be examined for a rational explanation. (1).

Also citing Blackburn:

He explains that deduction is 'A process of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn a set of premises.' (96).

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Supplement to Abduction-Peirce on Abduction

Peirce, C. S. [CP]. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, edited by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss, and A. Burks, 1931–1958, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Peirce cited:

As he says, “[a]bduction is the process of forming explanatory hypotheses. It is the only logical operation which introduces any new idea” (CP 5.172); elsewhere he says that abduction encompasses “all the operations by which theories and conceptions are engendered” (CP 5.590).

Abduction relies on inference.   

I infer from the accused murderer's sinister smile, during a description of the crime in court, that he/she is guilty of murder.


In the philosophical literature, the term “abduction” is used in two related but different senses. In both senses, the term refers to some form of explanatory reasoning. However, in the historically first sense, it refers to the place of explanatory reasoning in generating hypotheses, while in the sense in which it is used most frequently in the modern literature it refers to the place of explanatory reasoning in justifying hypotheses. 

In the latter sense, abduction is also often called “Inference to the Best Explanation.” This entry is exclusively concerned with abduction in the modern sense, although there is a supplement on abduction in the historical sense, which had its origin in the work of Charles Sanders Peirce 

Blackburn's definition on induction sheds some more light...

Induction, Deduction, Abduction

Blackburn cited:


'The term is most widely used for any process of reasoning that takes us from empirical premises to empirical conclusions supported by the premises.' (192). Induction is commonly 'distinguished from arguments to theoretical explanations.' (192).

From the 'Elements' text, it appears that abductive argumentation is not reviewed. 

Inductive arguments are mentioned in the context of 'inductive generalization' where the inference is from some sample of a population to all or some percentage of its members. Elements (1997: 43). The authors state that there is no 'simple answer' to support evidence for an inductive generalization but statistics are used to avoid 'gross errors'. Elements (1997: 43). 

The authors then contrast induction from deduction. The two types of arguments are contrasted. Nondeductive are contrasted from deductive arguments and the terms inductive and induction are used for 'reasoning that generalizes from particular instances'. Elements (1997: 43). 


Deductive reasoning: conclusion guaranteed 

Deductive reasoning starts with the assertion of a general rule and proceeds from there to a guaranteed specific conclusion. Deductive reasoning moves from the general rule to the specific application: In deductive reasoning, if the original assertions are true, then the conclusion must also be true. For example, math is deductive: If x = 4 And if y = 1 Then 2x + y = 9 


In this example, it is a logical necessity that 2x + y equals 9; 2x + y must equal 9. As a matter of fact, formal, symbolic logic uses a language that looks rather like the math equality above, complete with its own operators and syntax.' 


Inductive reasoning: conclusion merely likely 

Inductive reasoning begins with observations that are specific and limited in scope, and proceeds to a generalized conclusion that is likely, but not certain, in light of accumulated evidence.


Abductive reasoning: taking your best shot 

Abductive reasoning typically begins with an incomplete set of observations and proceeds to the likeliest possible explanation for the set. Abductive reasoning yields the kind of daily decision-making that does its best with the information at hand, which often is incomplete. A medical diagnosis is an application of abductive reasoning: given this set of symptoms, what is the diagnosis that would best explain most of them? Likewise, when jurors hear evidence in a criminal case, they must consider whether the prosecution or the defense has the best explanation to cover all the points of evidence. While there may be no certainty about their verdict, since there may exist additional evidence that was not admitted in the case, they make their best guess based on what they know.


While cogent inductive reasoning requires that the evidence that might shed light on the subject be fairly complete, whether positive or negative, abductive reasoning is characterized by lack of completeness, either in the evidence, or in the explanation, or both.



'1. Verfaillie, Catherine. "Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells Can Become Blood Vessels." News release from the University of Minnesota. Jan. 30, 2002. June 1, 2005. 

2. Thagard, Paul and Cameron Shelley. "Abductive reasoning: Logic, visual thinking, and coherence." Waterloo, Ontario: Philosophy Department, Univerisity of Waterloo, 1997. June 2, 2005. <>'

Brief Comments

Academically, in my writing, I rely more on deductive reasoning and arguments than inductive or abductive reasoning and arguments, but certainly make use of all three in academia and life. With deduction I am seeking to present, a logically consistent, reasonable premise (s) and conclusion. Or a logical, reasonable, statement/proposition, if not an argument. Induction relies on probability and abduction relies on inference.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.  

CONWAY DAVID A. AND RONALD MUNSON (1997) The Elements of Reasoning, Wadsworth Publishing Company, New York. 

DIELS, H. and W. KRANZ, 1952, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (in three volumes), 6th edition, Dublin and Zürich: Weidmann, Volume 1, Chapter 14, 96–105 (Greek texts of the early testimonia with translations in German. Referred to as DK.). 

LANGER, SUSANNE K (1953)(1967) An Introduction to Symbolic Logic, Dover Publications, New York. (Philosophy).

PAPINEAU, DAVID (Gen. Ed) (2016) Philosophy: Theories and Great Thinkers, New York, Shelter Harbour Press.

PEIRCE C. S. [CP]. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, edited by C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss, and A. Burks, 1931–1958, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

PIRIE, MADSEN (2006)(2015) How To Win Every Argument, Bloomsbury, London.

POJMAN, LOUIS P. (1996) Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, New York, Wadsworth Publishing Company.

SAMPLES, KENNETH (2014) How to Evaluate an Abductive Argument, Reasons to Believe, Covina, California.

SZUDEK, ANDY & TORSLEY, SARAH (2018) The Little Book of Philosophy, Landau Cecile (Ed), London, DK Publishing. 

Reformatted and revised for an entry on on 20240622