Sunday, May 10, 2020

Fantastic to see Arne Novik from Norway, first time since 1985!

There were seven of us over the evening on Zoom, but I will show...Chucky, Kingpin, Arne Novik (Benny Hill) from Norway and Zombie. Thanks also, 007, the Rage and Michael.

From Arne in Norway.


  1. Yeah we were watching the Vancouver Canucks...but i don't remember who they played ...from your season ticket seats ans it was second periode and we bought ice cream and a program..

    So we were sitting in the seats and i had my program in my lap..when a little peice of chocolate from my icecream lands in on my program...
    Then i flick it off with my finger and the chocolate hits some guy sitting in the seat infront with a Dome...and he reaches back to feel what it was...and stands up and gives the finger to the blecher above...

  2. Yes, my Dad had season tickets. We probably took the bus in as teens. It seems to me that the man with the dome continually acted so hilariously and violently, that you kept throwing food particles at him, anonymously.


  3. Prior to me turning more lights on in my loft:

    Michael: Where do those dark stairs lead to?

    Me: Hell.

    (Ask a dumb question...)

  4. Think the first name from Halloween and the last name from Nightmare on Elm Street. Equals our friend.

    But I have been noting he looks like a liberal professor, with that beard. Michael wisely noticed I turn red and green on Zoom, especially my red hands. Hopefully, nothing to do with that Red Skull disease Charles Nelson Chuckles probably has...

  5. Replies
    1. Check the names of the villains from those two films (I have watched neither series of films and have zero interest in doing so). I have heard you state both names. Anyway, he is your neigbour, kind of like Bobby Buff, to me...

