Monday, January 15, 2018

Not that concerned with religious dogma and theology

WALLACE TOM Jr. (2015) Refuting Islam, The Christian Patriots Guide to Exposing the Evils of Islam, Bellingham, Fundamental Publishers.

The book review continues...

Chapter Four: Taking A Stand

Mr. Wallace opines that the mainstream media and the government (US) are not providing a legitimate description of orthodox Islam. (29).


This should be no surprise in this Western secular age. Western media and governments, for the most part, are not that concerned with religious dogma and theology.

Romans 3, for example, documents that within the world system there are none that seeks for God  (verse 11: New American Standard Version). This is true biblical religion in context, but Western society in the majority is not interested in religious dogma and theology, period.

In some non-Western contexts there would exist a religious society that would reject the biblical God. Note that a human being needs regeneration via the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5) within the atoning and resurrection work of Jesus Christ, legal justification and sanctification to begin to seek the true God.

I would opine that Western governments are very concerned with economy and investment. If persons from Islamic countries can bring investment money into their Western nations, especially, 'money talks'. Religion is a significant concern, in a political context when it is considered radical, in other words, a threat to the Western secular 'status quo'.

Western media is often interested in discussing those in society that will not follow the status quo, and so as long as Islamic immigrants appear to do so, they are not concern on the part of media.

Biblical Christians, the ones with interest in religious dogma and theology, will often be more concerned with Islamic immigration when there is a fear that a growing Islamic population will embrace the Qur'an and Sunnah and wish to enforce Sharia Law on the Islamic population, and perhaps if their numbers have grown large enough, the entire population.

This would be of course a threat to Christian religious liberty.

Mr. Wallace on his radio show Fortress of Faith provided (paraphrased) an estimation that eight out of ten (80%) of Muslims that immigrate to America would like to be free from Islamic political dictatorship and tyranny, even if still holding to the religion. This does not read as a group more likely to embrace Sharia Law and radical forms of Islam; in contrast this reads as liberalized, secularized immigrants to the United States of America and Western societies.

The radicals would be the minority of immigrants.

As I have noted: A premise that most within Islam that immigrate to the West, favour and will favour, secularism over radical Islam, is a cumulative premise in support of an argument that the main worldview embraced in the Western world will continue to be secularism. At least in this present era and for the foreseeable future.

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