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Saturday, September 19, 2020: PhD Full Version PDF: Theodicy and Practical Theology 2010, Wales TSD
2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter
Edited on July 15, 2022 for an entry on academia.edu.
Why an Atheistic Anti-Theodicy is not Included
in the Thesis
my sample[1] has to be a certain group, and my advisors for both my MPhil[2]
and PhD[3] work determined it must be persons within the Christian
Church. Therefore, sampling atheists
would need to be necessarily excluded and I would not review as a primary philosophical
presentation a perspective that could not provide me with an empirical
there are key atheistic presentations within the work.[5] The problem of evil itself is largely a
critical and sometimes an atheistic criticism of theism and Christianity.[6] This can be seen as the problem, as framed
within the initial pages of the introduction, and with the atheistic objections of Flew and
Mackie,[7] as well as with the argument for gratuitous evil from William Rowe,[8] and
with critics of John Hick’s theodicy.[9] Atheism and an overall critical view of
Christianity, from traditional and progressive perspectives, will be examined
within this work,[10]
but the sample group is those that attend Christian Churches. Therefore, it was deemed not necessary or appropriate
within the context of this thesis to review an atheistic position against
theodicy as there are plenty of critical and atheistic citations and critiques
within my work, and far more importantly I would not be able to sample those
that represent noted positions as they are not within the Christian Church. This work is not seeking to place God in the
docks or primarily to take God out of the docks.[11]
should point out that the majority of scholars cited within this thesis do not agree with my Reformed
sovereignty theodicy. Certainly
Feinberg’s view is similar as would be John Calvin’s[12]
but Hick’s would be radically different,[13]
and I would not likely receive support from the empirical theologians
discussed.[14] I am also citing many atheists and critics of
traditional Christian views that would not agree with my perspectives.[15] I have
not attempted to write a thesis where I face little opposition, as on the
contrary, even many of the traditional Christians cited would oppose my
Reformed sovereignty perspective, such as Plantinga and incompatibilists.[16] I also have included many positions critical
of my own, such as non-traditional views on omnipotence that follows and the
views of Immanuel Kant concerning religious dogma and belief.[17] Within
Chapter Three where I discuss Reformed methodology, I also discuss different
non-Reformed perspectives. As shall be
discussed in Chapter Five, many of the questionnaire respondents do not agree
with my theodicy on key points.[18]
Critical/Atheistic Praxis
three approaches all take an ultimately positive view towards reality and that
God would eventually succeed in his purposes.[19] These three theodicy view evil as part of the
end goal praxis of bringing about a greater good and justifying God, his
perfect goodness and plans in the end.
C. Robert Mesle has noted these types of views that use greater good
arguments make God the author of evil and make evil less than genuine.[20] As noted, atheist William Rowe states that
not all evil can be used for the greater good and certainly some must be
gratuitous.[21] The greater good argument can always be
challenged with good counter-arguments,[22]
and although I disagree with the concept of gratuitous evil, I accept Rowe’s
point that some evil is inscrutable,[23]
which is evil that cannot be understood reasonably well by human beings[24] An atheistic[25]
praxis concerning the problem of evil could be that life has no deeper meaning
or purpose beyond physical death,[26]
and that all persons suffer and die with no further meaning to life.[27] Science does not offer humanity an end
directed goal of continued life.[28] As noted earlier in this work, Darrow writes
the best one can do is basically cling to life on earth as we head toward ‘a
common doom.’[29] An atheistic praxis coming from this type of
view could be criticized as negative,[30]
but science cannot be primarily sought for support of theodicy,[31]
and theodicy should be based on solid religious and philosophical
reasoning. In the case of free will and
sovereignty perspectives, there is a heavy reliance on Scriptural revelation
which is based in history.[32] Hick’s view has an understanding that God
could begin to be understood to some degree in metaphorical terms through the
writings of a variety of religious traditions.[33] He takes a Kantian understanding[34] that God could not be affirmed as an actual or
possible concept,[35]
although God can be assumed as possible.[36] Hick takes this idea of Kant’s and deduces
that when it comes to religious doctrine the noumena realm that relates to the
phenomena realm may have little in common with resulting phenomena.[37]
an idea behind the writing of this thesis has been to make it clear that blind
faith fueled theodicy is not intellectually acceptable.[38] Theodicy should be based on research and
reason using and considering a variety of perspectives.[39] I reason this thesis has demonstrated a
support for a reasonable Reformed theodicy and examined its strengths and
weaknesses, as well as objectively reviewing other perspectives.
[1] The segment of a
population selected for research. Bryman (2004: 543). Therefore in this context, it is the group of
people I chose to survey. The material
within my thesis is directly relevant to people within this population segment.
[2] For my MPhil
thesis sample, it was Bible school and seminary students within the Christian
[10] Any critical
evaluation of the problem of evil would include atheistic critiques evaluating
[11] Doubtless many
critics of theism and Christianity do place God in the docks and so a work should
deal with these concepts.
[12] Although Calvin did
not write a theodicy, his views on free will and determinism are similar to
mine as will be documented throughout the thesis.
[13] Hick’s theodicy is
a non-traditional approach as he freely admits and I document in Chapter Four.
[14] It will be seen in
Chapter Five that Reformed and Calvinist views of God’s retribution and
punishment for humanity are not strongly emphasized and supported. The overall presentation of the Dutch
empiricists is Christian, but not Reformed.
[15] Frankly, a thesis
minus serious critiques of theism and Reformed Christianity would not only be
untenable in a secular PhD context, but also a Christian one as well.
[19] A positive view of
ultimate reality has been well challenged by those such as Phillips, Roth and
Darrow within this work. Phillips (2005:
247). Roth (1981: 19). Darrow (1932)(1973: 453). An intellectual problem being that free will,
sovereignty and soul-making perspectives are all very speculative and state
that eventually reality will be different and far better than it obviously is
now empirically. Tennant, contrary to
Hick, reasons with his evolutionary view of theodicy that evil might always exist. Tennant (1930)(1956: 195). Hick
(1970: 252-253).
[20] Mesle (1986: 418).
[21] Rowe (1990: 1-3).
[24] Rowe (1990: 3). Philosophically certain evils and sufferings
are inscrutable as Rowe states, but they can still treated with appropriate
pastoral care.
[25] And certain deistic and agnostic praxis as
[29] Darrow (1932)(1973: 453).
[31] I will not support
a theodicy that is clearly against science, although I reason that metaphysical
theodicy approaches are not scientific.
[32] This has been
discussed previously within Chapter Three and is a major reason I support
sovereignty theodicy as an overall approach.
[33] Hick (1993: 126).
[36] Kant (1788)(1898)(2006: 1). Guyer and Wood in Kant (1781)(1787)(1998:
[37] Hick in Geivett (1993: 230).
[38] That type of
approach does not reasonably answer the objections and problems of those within
and outside of the Church.
[39] As with this
thesis and with my MPhil thesis, although I favour a Reformed approach, I do
examine other Christian and secular perspectives.
(2004) Social Research Methods, Oxford, University Press.
CALVIN, JOHN (1539)(1998) The Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book IV, Translated by
Henry Beveridge, Grand Rapids, The Christian Classic Ethereal Library, Wheaton
CALVIN, JOHN (1543)(1996) The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Translated by G.I. Davies,
Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.
DARROW, CLARENCE (1928)(1973) ‘The Myth of
the Soul’ in The Forum, October, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds),
A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.
(1932)(1973) ‘The Delusion of Design and Purpose’, in The Story of My Life,
October, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds.), A Modern Introduction To
Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.
FEINBERG, JOHN S. (1994) The Many Faces of Evil, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.
FEINBERG, JOHN S. (1994) The Many Faces of Evil, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.
(1781)(1787)(1998) Critique of Pure Reason, Translated and edited by
Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
HICK, JOHN (1970) Evil and The God of Love, London, The
Fontana Library.
HICK, JOHN (1978) ‘Present
and Future Life’, Harvard Theological
Review, Volume 71, Number 1-2, January-April, Harvard University.
HICK, JOHN (1981) Encountering Evil, Stephen T. Davis
(ed.), Atlanta, John Knox Press.
HICK, JOHN (1993)
‘Afterword’ in GEIVETT, R. DOUGLAS (1993) Evil
and the Evidence for God, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
HICK, JOHN (1993) The Metaphor of God Incarnate,
Louisville, Kentucky, John Know Press.
HICK, JOHN (1994) Death and Eternal Life, Louisville,
Kentucky, John Knox Press.
HICK, JOHN (1999) ‘Life
after Death’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Theology, Kent, SCM Press.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1781)(1787)(1998) Critique
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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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Translated by Norman Kemp Smith, London, Macmillan.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1997) Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Mary Gregor (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1898)(2006) The Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, London, Longmans, Green, and Co.
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KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1898)(2006) The Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, London, Longmans, Green, and Co.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1791)(2001) ‘On The Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy’, in Religion and Rational Theology, Translated by George di Giovanni and Allen Wood, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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MACKIE, J.L. (1971)(1977)(2002) ‘Evil and Omnipotence’, in The Philosophy of Religion, in Alvin C. Plantinga, God, Freedom, and Evil, Grand Rapids. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
MESLE, C. ROBERT (1986) ‘The Problem of Genuine Evil: A Critique of John Hick’s Theodicy’, in The Journal of Religion, Volume 66, Number 4, pp. 412-430. October, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
MESLE, C. ROBERT (1986) ‘The Problem of Genuine Evil: A Critique of John Hick’s Theodicy’, in The Journal of Religion, Volume 66, Number 4, pp. 412-430. October, Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
(1991) John Hick’s Theodicy, New
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(2004) ‘Suffering, Meaning, and the Welfare of Children: What Do Theodicies
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PHILLIPS, D.Z. (1981) Encountering
Evil, Stephen T. Davis (ed.), Atlanta, John Knox Press.
PHILLIPS, D.Z. (2005) The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God, Fortress Press, Minneapolis.
ROTH, JOHN K. ‘Introduction’ (1892-1907)(1969) in The Moral Philosophy of William James, John K. Roth (ed.), Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York.
ROTH, JOHN K. (1981) Encountering Evil, Stephen T. Davis (ed.), Atlanta, John Knox Press.
PHILLIPS, D.Z. (2005) The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God, Fortress Press, Minneapolis.
ROTH, JOHN K. ‘Introduction’ (1892-1907)(1969) in The Moral Philosophy of William James, John K. Roth (ed.), Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York.
ROTH, JOHN K. (1981) Encountering Evil, Stephen T. Davis (ed.), Atlanta, John Knox Press.
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Your decision to exclude atheist views of theodicy seems quite reasonable. A proper view of "church" is that it consists of those who have a relationship with God through Jesus, thus, excluding atheists by definition.
ReplyDeleteBut there are still arguments to the contrary. For example, at a practical level western atheism is just a Christian heretical cult. It is the product of Christian seminaries. We have plenty of atheist pastors and seminary professors so that we can argue that it is only because of Christianity that atheism thrives.
Chinese atheists from a formerly Buddhist background would never look at things the same way as a Western atheist, while atheists from a Muslim or Hindu background are extremely rare and usually Western educated, so heavily dependent on Christian influences.
Then there is the atheist god, which really is evolution. In practice the atheist god is sentient, omniscient and omnipotent, but not personal. Since atheists can't live without a morality that is tied to their god, we find that atheists still face the same problems from a slightly different angle.
Thank you, my friend for the support as usual.
ReplyDeleteI came to the conclusion after finishing the revisions and from cumulative research that theodicy and the problem of evil are even more so philosophy/philosophy of religion disciplines than theology ones, although both, and within the disciplines in European/UK MPhil and PhD theses, atheism certainly receives what is due.
Admiro muito seu trabalho. Aprendo muito através dele. Obrigada por compartilhar. Congratulations your these. kisses happy weekend. thank you!
ReplyDeleteEva, thank you greatly.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you and family this weekend.
Too bad those videos didn't include sound or better lighting. If they did, you might even use them as instructional videos.
ReplyDeleteDefending against a bat, etc., of course requires speed, timing, distance and precision, which obviously only come with much practice.
Even though I took Judo, a couple classes in Aikido, and some instruction from friends in Jiu-Jitsu, the first time I was attacked with a knife, I tried to grab the guy's hand, but each time I almost got my own hand slashed. I very quickly realized that was not going to work, so finally I kicked the knife out of his hand with a crescent kick, injuring his hand, and followed up with an attack to the face. Years later, someone else attacked me with a knife, and I did the same thing: a crescent kick, which not only knocked the knife out of the guy's hand, but caused the knife to be embedded in the wall, vibrating/shaking as it was stuck there in the wall, and as I glanced over at it, I had the odd thought that it looked like something you might see in a movie.
I have also been threatened with a gun and with a knife a few other times, but those times I was either able to talk my way out of it, or just remain silent, and thankfully, the Lord protected me from anything serious happening.
From my 7 security incidents here at my house, including chasing away would-be burglars 3 times, I have hidden my martial arts weapons in various locations for easy access from any room, but my favorite weapon to use is my aluminum bat. I have contemplated buying a gun, but if I merely injure an intruder, they might sue me. And if I kill them, I would then have to live with that on my conscience for the rest of my life. So that is a dilemma. However, whereas so far, I have only chased away the intruders, next time I am determined to fight them, and not let them escape uninjured, and hopefully either tie them up or incapacitate them so they will still be here when the law comes. (The last time, they had a police dog search through my house as well as the surrounding neighborhood, and they brought photos for me to try to identify the guy, but as far as I know, they never caught the guy. The first time, when a group of them tried to kick in my front door, shattering the glass on the storm door and cracking the wood on my main door, they did capture them, one officer arresting one of them in my back yard after a chase and a struggle, when they were caught taking stuff out of a neighbor's house across the street.)
Interesting good information as usual Jeff.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for an abstract look with the videos.
And to load they needed to be edited and without sound. Blame Blogger.:)
Hello to everybody on this bonny forum. Contain me inject myself. I am specialist and i am competition this site :
Waiting for all these friends.
Bonny forum?
ReplyDeleteWOW! I love all photos Dr. Russell, are incredible, wonderful...
ReplyDeleteThe fist it's my favorite :)
Sweet days!
And you as well, Sarah. Thank you.:)
ReplyDeleteClearly If you get simple beauty and nothing else you get about the best thing God invents.
ReplyDeleteI see a Bible commentary in your future...;>
ReplyDeleteBlogger: Dr. Russell Norman Murray© - Post a Comment
That seems demanding for a fancy French jacket company...
ReplyDeleteI will exchange a comment for a new jacket. I like dark blue or black XL.
Blogger: Dr. Russell Norman Murray© -Post a Comment
ReplyDeleteJawohl Herr Kommandant...
While at least not where you would like, as I am too busy with my two career path agenda.
The earliest Western theory of beauty can be found in the works of early Greek philosophers from the pre-Socratic period, such as Pythagoras.
ReplyDeleteCheck Out These Beauties
ReplyDeleteI've read some good stuff here. Definitely worth bookmarking for revisiting.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
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ReplyDeleteDo a Google search...
ReplyDeleteNot time for that jacket yet...
ReplyDeleteNot cold enough.
Dearly Beloved,
ReplyDeleteGreetings in Christ Jesus. My heart bleed as I write you this email, please accept my sincere apology if I have disturbed your peace. I also crave your indulgence to read through this email as it is not in any way a SCAM but a passionate plea from a distressed brother in the Lord.
I am Evangelist Joshua Bue 42 years and I am from Kaduna State in the Northern Nigeria where Christians have witnessed series of violent attacks from the Islamic Fundamentalist (Gboko Haram) a Muslim religious set in recent times. Many Christians have been killed, maimed and wounded while lots of property belonging to Christians have been destroyed, burnt or looted.
On a faithful night in August 4th 2012, I was asleep with my family when I heard people crying and shouting, then I heard a bang in my door calling Evangelist where are you? I manage to escape from the small window at the back thinking that they only came for me. They broke into the house, kill my wife and two children of 4 years and 6 months. Thereafter, they set the house on fire all that I had and my family were burnt to ashes. Other Christian homes were also attacked mane were killed while lots of people were displaced.
Though I am a man of God, all that occupied my mind was to commit suicide because I felt there was nothing to live for. I felt also that I should have waited to die along with my family. This sad event also brought to my memory the black day that my Father, Mother and two siblings were killed in a similar circumstance in a communal class in 1986 which made me to give my life to Christ.
When it was dawn, the security operatives came to the community and carry the dead that were not completely burnt to the mortuary while the injured were taken to the hospital. They promised to fish out the perpetrators as usual after three days the dead were buried. During the period all the displace were moved into a Council Community Hall with no toilet and other basic amenities, the feed was so poor that the Red Cross stated raising alarm of an impending outbreak of Cholera epidemic.
On impulse, I went to the motor part because I just wanted to leave the State to any where. While I was roaming about at the motor park because I do not know where to go and more so I do not have any money on me that I met a trader (Brother Emmanuel) from the Western part of the Country who came to Kaduna to buy Yam and other food stuff that he sells in Lagos State. He met me while I was begging a food seller at the motor park for food. He paid for my food and listened to to story. He was so moved by my plight that he wept. He then told me how he lost his wife in a violent clash between the Christians and Muslim in Jos another volatile area in the Northern part of Nigeria that made him to relocate back to this State. He told me that he was an active member of his local church in his community and asked me to go with him to his State because he saw my anguish.
Before this sad incidence, while I do my Evangelism because that was my calling, my wife work as a seamstress. She use part of the house we occupied for her business from where we have the money to take care of the family and from donations from good spirited and kind hearted people.
Now, I am in Lagos staying with Brother Roland I d not want to be a burden to him. I want to pick up the pieces of my life and continue with my Ministry of Evangelist. I need money to rent an apartment where I will stay buy some stuff and possibly hire a ground where for my Ministry. I know that God has not finished with me yet as I still have plenty to give to mankind and to win souls for Christ.
I am by this letter asking for your support and assistance in any way you can to get me off the ground. Nothing is too small for this noble cause. Proverb 19:17 says “He that hat pity on the poor lendeth unto the Lord and that which he hath given will he pay him back” You can also see Psalms 41:1-3 for reference.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to hearing from you. Thank you and May God Almighty bless you abundantly.
Yours in the LORD!
Evangelist Joshua Bue.
N. B. Details of these attack that have been carried out on Christians in Nigeria are all over the internet.
This is an email from 'Evangelist Joshua Bue', not directed to me personally but appears to be mass email and I could not in a brief search online find any proof of this person's existence. So I provide this as public service...
ReplyDeleteEvery girl wants to look their best.
ReplyDeleteI've mistakenly changed my admin priveleges on one particular of my weblogs to "guest". I would like the blogger folks to restore it. I are unable to come across an actual email or contact form anywhere, and I've googled every little thing, including the Blogger Group on Google Groups, where by they check out to push everyone who needs support. I might gladly pay them for better service..
ReplyDeleteEmail Blogger...