Greece via email
Philosophical & Theological Ponderings on Prayer and Action
The Importance of Prayer
W.R.F. Browning
Prayer is the act of communicating with God in words or in silence, as in conversation between persons and the transcendent God. Browning (1997: 300). It is not regarded as a method of compelling God to do something primarily, but rather is asking that God's will be done and that his Kingdom arrive. Browning (1997: 300).
James Montgomery Boice
Prayer is a privilege, to speak with God.
Christians resist the evil one and his partners.
Things are requested from God.
It is central to the Christian life Biblically.
Prayer was essential to Christ and therefore naturally should be essential to believers.
God provides mercy through prayer.
God provides joy via prayer.
God provides peace from anxiety with prayer.
The Holy Spirit is granted with prayer.
Prayer is a means by which the Second Coming is to be measured, and the Church alert.
The growth of the Church is developed via prayer. Boice (1981: 483-484)
Millard Erickson
Prayer is more than self-stimulation, it is more than positive mental attitude, instead it is a right attitude in regard to God's will. Not so much what persons would like done, but the attitude that God's will should be done. Persistent petition to God for human desires and wishes is important but the goal should be that it be along the will of God. Erickson lists the Lord himself, Jesus Christ, and the Apostle Paul as two Biblical examples of those that prayed to God to have sufferings lifted but did not have sufferings removed. Erickson (1994: 406).
End citations
I am in basic agreement with the citations. As a Reformed theologian, I hold to compatibilism/soft-determinism. The opposite would be incompatibism as in all human actions are free if a person could have done otherwise. Indeterminism is also equated with incompatibilism which states that God, or any other being, cannot cause by force or coercion any human action, nor can any action be simultaneously willed by God or any other being, for the human action to remain significantly free. Compatibilism, which I hold to, would agree with incompatibilism that God or any other being cannot cause by force or coercion any significantly free human action, but contrary to incompatibilism thinks that God can simultaneously will significantly free human actions.
When a person prays that would be a secondary cause and God the primary cause of thoughts and actions. Because I am not a hard-determinist, but a soft-determinist, I still hold to human beings as a secondary cause as long as they are morally responsible for thoughts and actions.
There is a potential danger related to prayer, not too much prayer, but prayer not connected to action.
I state this because I hear and read in different Church contexts with different persons 'I will pray for you', which is a good thing, a fair amount in Western culture within the Church, but is it possible that at times prayer is replacing needed action in personal lives and ministry.
For example:
I reason in regard to potential actions resulting from prayer:
'Maybe later' as a philosophical thought or statement means many times it will never happen.
'Maybe when I am older' as a philosophical thought or statement means many times it will never happen.
'Someone else will perform that right action in regard to that person' as a thought or statement.
This may very well not occur because other like persons may use similar reasoning within the same culture within similar circumstances.
The solution would seem to be that when guided by God to pray on certain serious issues to follow-up with action, not only to continue in prayer.
Philosophical & Theological Ponderings on Natural Theology
This is edited from some comments I made on another academic theology blog in regard to Natural Theology, which I admit I am not expert on and the blogger is writing a series. I however, did come across the topic within my PhD research with philosophers such as Geivett, Plantinga, Hick and others and did use academic sources in reply....
I do not think Natural Theology is primarily, or only a discipline of apologetics. But would be of the discipline of theology as well. And it could be dealt with in philosophy as in see Geivett’s book ‘Evil and the Evidence for God’ and see also Plantinga ‘God, Freedom and Evil’.
From Grenz, Guretzki and Nordling:
Natural Theology maintains that humans can maintain particular knowledge about God through human reason by observing the created order as one locus of divine revelation. Dictionary of Theological Terms. Grenz, Guretzki and Nordling. (1999: 82).
Millard Erickson discusses Romans 1-2 with Natural Theology in his text 'Christian Theology' when he favours Calvin's views over those of Barth and Thomas and states that Paul asserts that persons do not clearly perceive God in general revelation. Sin marred this general revelation. General revelation does not allow the unbeliever to know God. Erickson notes that there is nothing within Scripture that would be a formal argument for the existence of God from evidences within general revelation. Thus the conclusion from Erickson is that a general revelation cannot be used to construct a natural theology. Erickson (1994 168:171).
I agree with Calvin and Erickson concerning their conclusions concerning the state of humanity:
I do reason that Natural Theology and Revelation (Romans 1-3 for example) has its place.
I am not clearly suggesting that a general revelation must or would construct a natural theology, but after looking through Geivett’s book for my PhD work, for example, I do think that Scriptures such as Romans 1-3, and Romans 1, in particular, could possibly philosophically influence a non-believer in regard to let us state a very limited natural theology. From a Reformed, Biblical perspective it is of course up to the Holy Spirit of enlighten a person. We know that God uses many things in that process (preaching, Scripture, Bible, etc.).
So, further from what I posted on the other site. I accept the Biblical, Reformed position that non-believers cannot know God merely by evidence of creation, as in general revelation, because the human knowledge of God discussed in 1: 21 is not a general knowledge of God. Cranfield (1985)(1992: 32). God has always been self-disclosed but humans beings have not allowed themselves to see him. Cranfield (1985)(1992: 32). They have known him, according to Cranfield in the sense of experienced him all their lives, he has sustained them, but this is not personal knowledge. It is only to 'know' God in a limited sense'. Cranfield (1985)(1992: 32).
In his commentary Mounce explains that 'Understanding God requires a moral decision, not additional information'. Mounce (1995: 79).
Therefore, again I am in agreement with Calvin and Erickson that Scripture and in particular Romans 1-3, in particular, Romans 1 demonstrates that the corruption of humanity, and that building a general revelation to a natural theology is troublesome and that God cannot be known this way. I have of course on this blog steadfastly taken a Reformed compatiblistic stand.
I am stating that God can use Romans 1-3, in particular Romans 1, in conjunction with nature/creation in influencing a non-regenerate person to consider the gospel. This could be considered in a limited sense natural theology. This could also within a Reformed, Biblical model eventually be an influence in the election of some in Christ (Ephesians 1, Romans 8).
BOICE, JAMES, MONTGOMERY (1981) Foundations of the Christian Faith, Downers Grove, IVP Press.
BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
CRANFIELD, C.E.B. (1985)(1992) Romans: A Shorter Commentary, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.
GEIVETT, R. DOUGLAS (1993) Evil and the Evidence for God, Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
GRENZ, STANLEY J., DAVID GURETZKI AND CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press.
MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1995) The New American Commentary: Romans, Nashville, Broadman & Holman Publishers.
PLANTINGA, ALVIN C. (1977)(2002) God, Freedom, and Evil, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Thank you for your thoughts on prayer, I think that sometimes prayer should be followed up by action.
ReplyDelete-Pious & Prayerful-
Beautiful Pic of ocean and beach in Greece, love to swim there!
ReplyDelete-Vacation's all I ever wanted...-
'Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughts on prayer, I think that sometimes prayer should be followed up by action.
-Pious & Prayerful-'
I followed your comment with action...
'Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Pic of ocean and beach in Greece, love to swim there!
-Vacation's all I ever wanted...-'
I would like to see Greece, and that light blue water...
as the Friends (Quakers) have it
ReplyDelete"That of God is in all, through all."
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
>< } } ( ° >
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Thank you, Cloudia.
ReplyDeleteBoth for the comment, and for the Blogger suggestion.
I will consider it now. The new Blogger comment template/interface is troublesome mainly because of word verification that is just difficult to read...
My friend, for example, sits here and struggles with it.
I really like this posting. Alot. I have a half mile walk to and from the bus each day, and it gives me a chance to focus on and talk to God. I love it
ReplyDeleteThanks, Daij,
ReplyDeleteSorry about the double comment on your blog, I was having a lot of problems using the 'Preview' with the double 'word verification'.
Blogger hassles...
Your words are very encouraging to me my friend in the context of a perhaps a controversial article on prayer.
It is not regarded as a method of compelling God to do something primarily, but rather is asking that God's will be done and that his Kingdom arrive. Browning (1997: 300).
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Too many evangelicals, Charismatics, etc., at least in the U.S., teach that God must do as we ask (assuming that we are asking something according to His many promises, which they seem to extend to include any and all promises God ever made in Scripture, no matter who those promises were directed toward), which tends to treat God as our slave (though those that teach such things would never phrase it that way).
Well-stated, Mr. Jenkins.
ReplyDelete1 John 5:14-15
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
14 This is the confidence which we have [a]before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him.
well done!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Ms. Mak S. Greece helps.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your point regarding prayer. Regardless of one's theological or philosophical convictions, it seems to me that prayer should complement action rather than replace it.
ReplyDeleteThis is not to say that prayer has no value (although as a non-believer my own feeling would be that it derives its value primarily as a source of psychological comfort and clarification), but I don't think one should ever ignore one's duty to act to help others.
'I agree with your point regarding prayer. Regardless of one's theological or philosophical convictions, it seems to me that prayer should complement action rather than replace it.'
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sarah.
Yes it should not be a replacement for action or for doing the right thing.
'This is not to say that prayer has no value (although as a non-believer my own feeling would be that it derives its value primarily as a source of psychological comfort and clarification), but I don't think one should ever ignore one's duty to act to help others.'
I reason there are psychological benefits to prayer and physical benefits. I am pleased my blood pressure is normal and better than normal at times with some of the stress I am under and I think prayer is some of the reason. Granted I also do exercise a lot...
By the way, I appreciate your perspective as a non-believer. A good different source of comments on my blogs.
hi im looking for alfie singlton is he still posting here
Dear Alf,
ReplyDeleteI am not aware of an Alf that has posted here or a Ralph, Rolph, or an Elf.
I'm looking to connect with other muppets who had invested their money with Goldman Sachs.
ReplyDeleteRowlf you may end with your tail between your legs. Or you may end up chasing your tail. Assuming a muppet dog can attach one in case of emergency...
ReplyDeleteAntidepressants are a popular treatment choice for those with moderate or severe depression. Although antidepressants may not cure depression, they can reduce your symptoms. The first antidepressant you try may work fine. But if it doesn't relieve your symptoms, or it causes side effects that bother you, you may need to try another. But don't give up. A number of antidepressants are available, and chances are you'll be able to find one that works well for you.
ReplyDeleteFinding the right antidepressant
There are a number of antidepressants available that work in slightly different ways and have different side effects. Most work equally well to relieve depression, so choosing the right one generally involves subtle differences.
This comment for the most part, was is in the most recent satire and theology post comments as well. I suppose it is appropriate as humour SPAM for Alf, Rolph, Rowlf, Elves and any Elvis that may be depressed in these tough times. But personally I would stay away from medication if medically reasonable. Instead focus on prayer and directed life improvements.
ReplyDeleteHere is a video that addresses a subject that you have addressed in a couple of your past articles, Dr. Murray:
ReplyDeleteThe Dawkins Delusion
But what about Richard Dawson?
google "Richard Dawson" "God Delusion" gets 2,890 matches.
ReplyDeletegoogle "Richard Dawkins" "Family Feud" gets 205,000 results.
Conclusion: Many more people think Richard Dawkins kissed a lot of women, than think that Richard Dawson wrote a book slamming religion.
Dawson with shades
ReplyDeleteMovie coming out this September all about HELL.
ReplyDeleteYes by Kevin Miller, I went to Columbia Bible College with him and Bobby Buff.
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing up Browning's observation of prayer about commincating with God in both silence and with words, I am wondering if communicating with God in silence means our thought life only??
ReplyDelete-Curious Being-
Not sure what you mean. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteOne can pray silently when needed, and verbally when appropriate.
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ReplyDeleteI did not feel like a VP.
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Well-written, for SPAM.
ReplyDeleteYou should have a Blog. This new notebook has the best soundcard and audio system of any computer I have owned by far.
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