Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Philosophical & Psychological Tactics


At this point I am keeping things on an anonymous level...

My ideal preference.

As many of you will realize that know me personally and also online, I have thought it a good idea to pursue a multi-career, or at least a two career path option in life. In other words, I should not just depend on potential work based on my BA, MTS, MPhil, PhD degrees in Religious Studies and Philosophy, and sure enough after 400+ CVs sent out, that is a very reasonable thought.

I have been willing to assist with any family networking marketing endeavours. I have taken internet courses on copywriting, E-book writing and recently internet marketing. I completed 19-20% of the internet marketing course. I reason the material is basically sound and good, but I am not going to attempt to pay for it with outrageous, unreasonable levels of credit. Not with persons calling almost weekly looking for new four figure investments that are virtually mandatory with services not provided under my initial investment. I originally signed with a two figure offer. I then received a couple of phone calls including one from a Vice-President inquiring about training me and the cost originally was going to be a number I rejected and so we agreed on a much lesser amount. I was informed that would be the last major financial investment needed by me. They stated that my word of mouth testimony of success would make up the difference.

Now remember, although I do not have a business background, per say, I do have PhD in Theology/Philosophy and psychological use of words, or lack of use of words, is key in life. In academia and in business. What I was not told initially was that they have business partners that provide services, not provided under my initials fees, that I would need to pay for, in order for the business to work. Doubtless, there is benefit the parent company receives from them receiving new clients, which in itself I do not have a problem with, but I think the parent company should be more up-front with information. So there was calls from an associated company in regard to establishing a Nevada LLC for protection from bankruptcy if sued, a Tax Agreement, as in IRS tax counsellors, and another associated New York City company in regard to a Business Plan. But once the phone call came to the concept of Drop Shipping, I had had enough. If I had been told this business was really a $10, 000-$40, 000 potential start-up venture I would have declined. But instead the company psychologically starts with a two figure promotion to sign a student up, then a reasonable deal on websites is offered from a business partner, then a call from a Vice-President is provided a few days later for potential training which I negotiated down substantially.  I actually negotiated with everyone that called. I specifically asked if any further investment would be requirement and the Vice-President stated, ‘No’ and also stated that a certain income level was guaranteed or my money back, of course I am claiming this at this point in writing.

Now, of course this financial claim of his is a technicality, as more than likely his company, the parent company, receives a commission, kick-back, portion, amount, of the payment that a student pays to the other companies, when the parent company weekly has these companies call students informing them services are basically required. I am not arguing that they are not good services, as when explained to me such as LLC, Tax Guidance and a Business Plan they all makes sense. And once one has a firm business plan finding Drop Shippers, or learning EBay, if one is not experienced, it would almost always pay to have professional companies to work on behalf of a new business, finding suppliers.

The problem is on several levels, but I will mention two. There is lack of transparency by the parent company up-front, and likely lack of available credit from many of those involved in such a venture. Basically, a philosophical and psychological tactic is to commit someone to the program with financial investment as if the only reasonable way out will be to go all the way, maximize out one’s credit card as if ‘failure is not an option’ and find a way to make it in that business. But, a bank and credit card company can always intervene and credit is limited.  As well, I think more than just student coaching should be covered by the initial financial investment. The company I dealt with has only been online since 2011 and has mainly good reviews and good control over them online but I reason these tactics are dangerous public relations on their part. They are very much risking their reputation and those of their business partners. I emailed them all after an initial phone call to the Vice President was not returned.

After the initial post I actually received a very late night offer via email from someone on the 'Team' to give me for free three figures worth of product to 'compensate' me. When I replied this obviously in context would not work, she went ahead with the refund. Now she stated it will take 48 hours to process. I will wait and see whether it is the standard two figure refund or the full negotiated figure for teaching...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cognitive Dissonance

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming-trekearth

Philosopher George A. Graham explains cognitive dissonance as the mental discomfort that arises from conflicting beliefs or attitudes held simultaneously, meaning at the very same time. The concept came from a book from Leon Festinger in 1957.  Graham (1996: 127).

 Blackburn mentions that Festinger was an American psychologist, the book was 'Theory of Cognitive Dissonance'. Festinger suggested that cognitive dissonance had 'motivational characteristics' meaning that when it occurs the amount of dissonance depends on the relative intensities with the dissonant elements. Graham (1996: 127).

It may take place in two major areas, as in self-deception and weakness of the will. Graham (1996: 127). A key point raised by Graham is that one may become weak-willed when dissonance arises from the expected and reasonably understood results and consequences of doing what is right. Graham (1996: 128).

Blackburn writes that Festinger's research and concepts led to ideas that a person's known wrong concepts may lead to reformation and strategies of belief that are surprising. Blackburn (1996: 67).

Home caring for my disabled  Mother (among other projects) it serves as a practical extension to my academic life study on the problem of evil and theodicy. I understand that all of us have physical and mental problems as we all have corrupted natures (Romans 3, Romans 6), and only a physical resurrection into perfection and non-decay as described in 1 Corinthians 15 is going to fix these massive problems.

If one is born with a particular physical problem and this is not dealt with at youth, at middle-age, by the time the senior years arrive a person could be faced with severe problems, disability or even premature death before the senior years.

From a mental perspective, mental error at youth, uncorrected, appears to work the same way. Bad thinking habits that begin at youth, or middle-age, whatever middle-age is as that is a debatable concept in itself, can carry on in the senior years. And to make things considerably worse because of the corruption described in Romans not only will a person physically decay and die, because of a physically failing brain due to age in a physical universe where bodies decay and die, but because of bad thinking patterns massive mental failure on certain levels is a real possibility. The Oxford Dictionary of Science in regard to decay and decomposition states that it is (1) the breakdown chemically of organic matter into its constituents by the action of decomposers and also (2) a chemical reaction by which a compound breaks down into simpler compounds and elements (2010: 225).  Cognitive dissonance being a classic and primary example of bad thinking patterns, error that could begin earlier in life because of life pressure in one or more areas of life, 'the amount of dissonance depends on the relative intensities with the dissonant elements'.

Keys appear to be to trust in the Lord for guidance and wisdom. Proverbs 3: 5 being an important verse where it notes to trust in the Lord, not leaning on one's own understanding. Taking this to a New Testament perspective one would need to be guided by the Holy Spirit (John 15 the Helper, Acts 6).

Practically, it seems although perfect or total objectivity is not humanly possible that objectivity would be an enemy of cognitive dissonance. Objectivity would be able to see through the contradiction and eliminate it. Also the truth, as in the truth shall set you free in John 14: 6 would be the enemy of cognitive dissonance.  God is a God of hyper-love, yes, but is also a God of hyper-reason, so within an infinite God and the God-man, also perfectly rational, so there is no cognitive dissonance. It can reasoned his followers should be rational within the truth and not confused.

Therefore cognitive dissonance is a condition to strongly avoid.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

GRAHAM A, GEORGE (1996) ‘Cognitive Dissonance’, in Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Oxford Dictionary of Science, (2010), Sixth Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Wyoming, Apple

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dispensationalism & Covenant Theology In Brief

Hohenaschau Castle, Germany-trekearth

Dispensationalism according to J.C. O'Neill is a system of Biblical interpretation that began in the nineteenth century that allowed the students of the Bible to understand the Bible as one book. O'Neill (1999: 158). The concept being that no portion or part of Biblical Scripture would be understood apart from Scripture as a whole, in its entirety, a concept of C. I. Scofield (1843-1921). O'Neill (1999: 158). Dispensationalism is traced back to the teachings and writings of John Nelson Darby from Dublin (1800-1882) that was an early leader of the Plymouth Brethren. O'Neill (1999: 158). This system is referenced in the Scofield Reference Bible of 1902-1909, revised 1917 and 1966. O'Neill (1999: 158). The theology states that Biblically there is one redemption through Christ as planned. God deals with humanity through seven dispensations. These are Innocence (Genesis 1), to the expulsion from the Garden of Eden due to the Fall; Conscience or Moral Responsibility (Genesis 3) to the Flood; Human Government where God set this up, leading to the call of Abraham and following; Promise which is Israel's stewardship of God's law and truth, this would include the Mosaic law and Ten Commandments, Law, disciplinary correction up until the death of Jesus Christ; The Church and The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2) to Christ's return; and the 1000 year Kingdom of Revelation 20: 4 leading to the finalized everlasting state otherwise known as the 'eternal' state.

C.C. Ryrie reasons that at least three dispensations were mentioned by the Apostle Paul; one before the present time (Colossians 1: 25-26), the present time (Ephesians 3: 2), the future administration/Kingdom, and this assumes a fourth dispensation of pre and post fall. This makes five, the other two within Ryrie's view to make seven are after the Noahic flood and another with Abraham his call and followers. Ryrie (1996: 322).

Ryrie writes against a frequent criticism of dispensationalism by stating there have not been several ways of salvation in several dispensations, as the atoning death of Christ has always been the means of salvation. Ryrie (1996: 322). However, Ryrie, correctly on this point, I reason, warns against reading too much of the New Testament back into the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and reminds the reader that progressive revelation took place and that the context of faith changed in dispensations Ryrie (1996: 322).

Or if we reject the concept let us state Biblical eras rather than dispensations. True enough as under the old covenant there was mosaic law and under the new covenant there in the atoning work and resurrection of Christ, but both rely on the work of Christ for ultimate completed atoning work.

Ryrie writes that the system was developed by John Nelson Darby in recent history, relatively speaking, but he does not agree concepts were not mentioned previously noting Johnathan Edwards as one older historical example.

To further note, dispensation is from the Latin 'dispenso' to weigh out, to administer as a steward. Richardson (1999: 158). Theologically a system to regulate human obedience to God in religious and moral matters and therefore there is the concept/theory that there have been Biblical dispensations established. C.C. Ryrie places the related words back to New Testament Greek concepts of regulating and administration. Ryrie (1996: 321).

Covenant Theology

Covenant Theology according to M. E. Osterhaven is from the Reformation, so from a Reformed perspective and the sixteenth century. Osterhaven (1996: 279).  Early developments were from writings of Zwingli and Bullinger, Anabaptists and also John Calvin. Calvin being a major theological player. Osterhaven  (1996: 279).

Covenant theology, also known as Federal theology views God in a covenant with humanity similar to how God interacts in the Trinity. Osterhaven (1996: 279).  R. E. Clements describes the covenant tradition as developing very strongly in the Protestant tradition since the Reformation. Within the Westminster Confession of 1647 there is a concept of a unity of Biblical revelation with a denial of any concept that in the Old Testament there was any such thing as a covenant of works in regard to salvation. Clements (1999: 128).

Covenant of Works, this is also known as the Edenic covenant. This included a promise of everlasting life on  the condition of obedience for a certain period, death as a consequence of disobedience, the existence of the trees of life and of the knowledge of good and evil. Osterhaven (1996: 279).

As there was a fall, there is good news that God did intervene with another covenant in grace (Osterhaven (1996: 279).

Covenant of Redemption, reasons the trinue God eternally had a plan to save humankind. Osterhaven (1996: 279-280). Readers of my blogs, this one in particular will see how this fits in with my Doctorate and a compatibilist understanding that God as the cause of all things willingly allowed the fall in order to atone for persons, the elect through Christ, because ultimately, in the everlasting completed Kingdom God wanted persons that had experienced the problem of evil, results of the fall, salvation, and now in the perfected state with the guidance of the Holy Spirit would without a sin nature, having being purged in the resurrection, never sin again, or be seriously tempted to sin again. These persons would have levels of maturity and understanding and experience that Adam and Eve did not have in the Garden. A key point from my PhD thesis.

Covenant of Grace, encompasses the Gospel, atoning work, resurrection, election and culminated Kingdom hoped for, and promised in Revelation and 2 Peter. Osterhaven (1996: 280).

Both approaches include elements of systematic theology and therefore deduction. When I attended Columbia Bible College which was Mennonite and Anabaptist I was taught that the entire dispensational system was too subjective with too much guess work. But at Trinity Western University/Canadian Baptist Seminary one of my theology professors was a dispensationalist and/his main point was that the system wished to take the Bible literally, plain literally when required by context, and figurative literally when required by context. This assuming the Scripture was never fictional or myth. I have never been convinced by dispensationalism, although this professor made very good points on the literal nature of Scripture. I suppose there is something to the point that in the New Testament era I reason that the Apostles has certain spiritual abilities that we do not have today, but that would only make the New Testament a different 'dispensation' in a sense and would not be classic dispensationalism. Rather, just a belief that the Biblical/Apostolic times or in that era it contained certain miraculous events not typical today.  In those eras at times Prophets and Apostles performed miracles in order to foreshadow the coming culminated Kingdom of God. Miracles are possible today, no major theological argument here, but should not be expected, at least in that same context as we do not have Biblical Prophets and Apostles today.

A covenant/theology approach, although I do not list myself as a covenant theologian per say is in line with Reformed theological views, both Presbyterian and at times Baptist. Working through the speculative issues involved here seem less problematic with my Reformed compatiblistic views.

CLEMENTS, R.E. (1999) ‘Covenant’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Theology, Kent, SCM Press Ltd.

O'NEILL, J.C. (1999) ‘Covenant’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Theology, Kent, SCM Press Ltd.

OSTERHAVEN, M.E. (1996) ‘Covenant Theology’, in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.

RICHARDSON, ALAN (1999) ‘Dispensation’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Theology, Kent, SCM Press Ltd.

RYRIE, C.C. (1996) 'Dispensation, Dispensationalism', in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.

Bayern, Keonigssee, Germany-trekearth

Saturday, November 10, 2012



Browning in his Oxford Bible Dictionary writes that a typical human expression provided for the emotion of terror would be in a verse such as Exodus 23: 27. Browning (1997: 134).

Exodus 23:27

English Standard Version (ESV)

'27 I will send my terror before you and will throw into confusion all the people against whom you shall come, and I will make all your enemies turn their backs to you.'

He noted the more important Biblical fear, as in awe of God, the holy God. This should induce a hatred of evil. Browning based this on Proverbs. Browning (1997: 134).

Proverbs 8:13

English Standard Version (ESV)

‘13 The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.’

Browning further explains that there is in the New Testament a fear of the awesome, as in the supernatural, the Resurrection of Christ, being prime example in Mark 16: 8.
A Canadian Anabaptist History Professor of mine at Trinity Western University/Canadian Baptist Seminary stated in lectures that the modern Evangelical Church liked to emphasize very heavily in evangelism, the forgiveness, grace and mercy of God, and negate divine anger. The professor understood as I do that the evangelical position is a Biblical perspective as via Romans in the atonement and legal justification there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 1-NASB/ESV). The Holy Spirit guided life allows one in Christ to walk in faith, as one not able to fully follow the law. But the professor stated that the Church needed for the sake of sanctification, which is be to set apart, to made holy by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit until glorification at resurrection Grenz, Guretzki, Nordling (1999: 105), to have a healthy fear of God, that also reviews his people at judgment day as mentioned on this blog (Hebrews (9: 27, 2 Corinthians 5: 10).

Therefore, I would reason that there are negative fears such as satanic fears, fears very much of the sinful nature, fears that work against faith, fears of tomorrow which Jesus warned against...

Matthew 6:34

English Standard Version (ESV)

'34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.':

These are fears that are admittedly often very difficult to overcome in life, but these are not examples of healthy Biblical fear.

Healthy Biblical fear is a fear of being on the right side of God in this life in order to receive in grace granted still, a reasonable review in the next life.

As well, from philosophy of religion and psychological perspectives I can without difficulty agree with Browning that it is normal for certain human beings to have particular fears, not all human beings having the same fears, such as fears of physical pain, suffering, death, torture, humiliation, and to some extents the unknown and the future. This is part of being a finite and fallen being in a fallen world, but these fears too should be faced in prayer and in faith. Notice the tension between what Jesus stated about not worrying about tomorrow and a natural human inclination to be concerned about tomorrow. As Christians this requires reasonable, well-reasoned faith.

BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

GRENZ, STANLEY J., DAVID GURETZKI AND CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press.

Sunday, November 04, 2012



Revised for an academia.edu entry on December 26, 2022

Louis P. Pojman  defines metaphysics as beyond physics. The study of ultimate reality, which is not accessible/available through empirical senses. He lists free will, causality, the nature of matter, immortality and the existence of God as being within the study of metaphysics. Pojman (1995: 598).

These are of course familiar topics on this philosophical theology and philosophy of religion website, although I do not use the term 'metaphysics' very often.

British philosopher, Simon Blackburn explains the term was used for three books from Aristotle after 'Physics' and is a term that raises enquiry about questions that cannot be answered by science and its empirical methods. Blackburn (1996: 240). 

Blackburn mentions the hostility to metaphysics throughout modern times especially as David Hume mentioned having it 'committed to the flames' in 'Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding' book  xii Pt 3.  Hume (1748) Blackburn (1996:  240).

It is assumed by some naturalists that the scientific method would be the only way to answer any real questions that would arise within metaphysics. Blackburn (1996: 240).

Panayot Butcharov defines it generally as the philosophical investigation of nature, and its reality, in how it is constituted. The study of non-physical entities, for example God, would be addressed. Butcharov (1996: 489). Metaphysics would be rejected by positivism on the basis of being meaningless. Since it is not empirically viable. Butcharov (1996: 489). Positivism being a form of empiricism viewing empirical science as the means of gaining knowledge and metaphysics, theology, and even aspects of philosophy as being viewed as questionable in obtaining knowledge.

A key point rendered is with that of the philosopher of religion, Pojman: The study of ultimate reality, which is not accessible/available through empirical senses. I view this as correct, and since empirical science is limited on these realities then it cannot be used as the only way to answer any real questions that would arise within metaphysics.

My views are as a Reformed, Biblical, philosophical theologian and also a philosopher of religion that can attempt to look at religion and Christianity from a secular, 'outside' of the Bible perspective.

There is extant:

Documented historical revelation within the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
Documented historical revelation with the New Testament
These make up the Bible

There is also philosophical reasoning, speculation, propositions and conclusions and therefore arguments within philosophical theology and theistic, philosophy of religion that can be made in regard to free will, determinism, first cause, everlasting existence, life and death, and other issues.

These two areas combine to make up some very serious, academic disciplines that obtain knowledge such as Old Testament Studies, New Testament Studies, Biblical Archeology/Archaeology, Biblical Languages and Linguistics, Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, Philosophical Theology and Philosophy of Religion.

At the MPhil level quite likely, and at a PhD level most likely, one within a Religion or Philosophy Department will have interaction with modern science. For my PhD revisions after my verbal Viva I was required to consult several science journals in regard to consciousnesses and to implement this scientific research into my Doctoral thesis.

I would reason that the dismissive conclusions of positivism and other empiricists, in basic agreement, are incorrect and that there are legitimate, serious, complex academic metaphysical disciplines related to Theology and Philosophy at times. Science is still, of course, used as an academic discipline to obtain truth as well. 

But, metaphysics and scientific, empirical, research and findings, do not cancel each other out, academically.

ARISTOTLE (1936) Physics, Translated by Apostle, Hippocrates G. (with Commentaries and Glossary). Oxford: University Press. 

ARISTOTLE (2018). Physics, Translated by Reeve, C. D. C. Cambridge, MA: Hackett Publishing Company. 

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

BONJOUR, LAURENCE. (1996) ‘A Priori’, in Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

BUTCHAROV, PANAYOT (1996) ‘Metaphysics’, in Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

EDWARDS, PAUL AND ARTHUR PAP (1973) (eds), ‘A priori knowledge: Introduction’, A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press. 

GUYER, PAUL AND ALLEN W, in KANT, IMMANUEL (1781)(1787)(1998) Critique of Pure Reason, Translated and edited by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

HUME, DAVID (1739-1740)(1973) ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’, in Paul Edwards and Arthur Pap (eds.), A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press. 

HUME, DAVID  (1748) (1910)(2014) 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding', text derived from the Harvard Classics Volume 37, 1910, P.F. Collier & Son, web edition published by eBooks@Adelaide. Last updated Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 13:38.

HUME, DAVID (1779)(2004) Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Lawrence, Kansas. 

KANT, IMMANUEL (1781)(1787)(1998) Critique of Pure Reason, Translated and edited by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 

KANT, IMMANUEL (1781)(1787)(1929)(2006) Critique of Pure Reason, Translated by Norman Kemp Smith, London, Macmillan. 

KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1997) Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Mary Gregor (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 

KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1898)(2006) The Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, London, Longmans, Green, and Co. 

KANT, IMMANUEL (1791)(2001) ‘On The Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy’, in Religion and Rational Theology, Translated by George di Giovanni and Allen Wood, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 

KENT, JOHN (1999) ‘Positivism’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), New Dictionary of Christian Theology, Kent, SCM Press Ltd. 

POJMAN, LOUIS P. (1996) Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, New York, Wadsworth Publishing Company. 

WEIRICH, PAUL. (1996) ‘Comte, Auguste’, in Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Of course if one fell over the edge for safety reasons he/she by design would fall into a catchment area of some sort where other water is stored. Even so, not a place where I would want do a martial arts workout.

Photo 1: Seoul-trekearth
Photo 2: Kuala Lumpar-trekearth
Photo 3: Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore at 55 Storeys-Google Images

Friday, November 02, 2012

Lewis: Time Cannot Cancel Sin

Versaille, France via trekearth

Fire Lake, BC via trekearth


The Problem of Evil : Anglican and Baptist Perspectives: MPhil thesis, Bangor University (2003)

Russell Norman Murray

Related post:

C.S. Lewis and Wickedness 2008

Lewis (C.S.) also tackled the view that time cancels sin. He made an interesting point here: The guilt is not washed out by time but by the repentance and the blood of Christ: if we repented these early sins we should remember the price of our forgiveness and be humble. As for the fact of sin, is it probable that anything cancels it? All times are eternally present to God. Lewis (1940)(1996: 54-55). I agree that time cannot cancel sin, and that this is a huge error in thinking in today’s western world. The example of divorce comes to mind. It seems to me that an adulterer who has abandoned his/her mate after enough time often thinks that all should be forgiven, and that "we should stay friends." Although, I totally agree with God’s call for forgiveness, in the case of sin, friendship should be conditioned on things being set right with repentance, as well as forgiveness taking place. For things to be set right then, a wrong has to be admitted and seen for what it is, evil, and not simply overlooked after a certain amount of time. Lewis pointed out that nothing could truly cancel sin. Interesting speculation indeed, as he points out Christ paid for our sins, but sin is sin and will have always have taken place. I think, however, that God, as well as paying for sins with Christ, can also render the power of these sins useless in everlasting existence. Lewis warned against the idea that there is safety in numbers. Just because all people are evil does not make it right for individuals to do evil actions. The idea of speeding in a dangerous fashion comes to mind on a lighter note. In a more serious way, the persecution of different groups by a culture may be overlooked by the majority of the population, for example the Jews in Nazi Germany in Lewis’ era.

LEWIS, C.S. (1961)(1983) A Grief Observed, London, Faber and Faber.

LEWIS, C.S. (1941)(1990) The Screwtape Letters, Uhrichsville, Ohio,
Barbour and Company.

LEWIS, C.S. (1940)(1996) The Problem of Pain, San Francisco, Harper-Collins.


To further comment on my MPhil work, those in Christ have sins forgiven within the new covenant as Jesus is the mediator of this in Hebrew 12: 24, and there is an everlasting inheritance 9: 15. There is the promise of the resurrection from First Corinthians 15. There is promise of judgment after death Hebrews 9:27,  and judgment for those in Christ, Second Corinthians 5: 10.

To add to my MPhil work I will state that I still agree that time does not cancel out sin (sins) even as the atoning and resurrection work of Christ is completely theologically and philosophically reasonable and sound.  So, although with the eventual restored Kingdom of God from Revelation Chapters 21-22 in everlasting existence, everlasting life, everlasting paradise, in a restored earth and universe, the power of sin will be rendered useless eventually; at this time, the sins persons that follow God do commit, although forgiven within the atoning work of Christ, the atonement, can have a lasting harmful effect on self and others.

To make matters worse as finite beings with lack of omniscience persons can lack knowledge of some of the damage done to others.

Therefore it is wise to seek Godly guidance now, seeking the Holy Spirit, being willing to repent, repenting when needed.