Photo: West Virginia, Exploring, October 5 2022, Facebook
• Quoting Clines. 550.
• 'Vindication before the friends (42: 7 ff.)'
• 'Yahweh emphasizes to the friends that it is Job, and not they, who have truly been my servant (repeated four times!), and that it is Job, and not they, who has spoken of what is right (7 f). What is remarkable, not to say comic, reversal of the roles we find when punishment for the friends' folly is only averted by the prayer of the righteous still suffering (cf. 10a) Job (8 f) !'
• 'The ones who had felt so superior to Job are the ones who stand in need of forgiveness themselves; and Job is not only vindicated before them but becomes their champion.'
• 'How can the friends' unexceptionable and respectful talk about God be termed folly when Job, whose speeches have been full of bitterness and hatred against God, is said to have spoken of God what is right?'
• 'In a time of suffering, talk merely about God is folly; only a calling upon God, however bitter and violent, can be right; for it proves the way to an encounter with God.'
• In my view, it is both logically possible and reasonably possible that what God wills and does can be hated by a human being, without God being necessarily hated.
• God should be approached in prayer, with fullness of being and in openness and honesty.
• Human beings are both finite and sinful. After the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15, Revelation 20-22) they shall remain finite.
• Philosophical and theological opinions and judgments in regards to others should be done, very prayerfully and very carefully.
• My career work appears to have options, once I am fully trained and advancing.
• Through career and inheritances my assets and net worth have gone up significantly.
• Through diet and medical maintenance, I have increased in health and decreased in size.
• As work has already mentioned, more than once, holiday time must be managed well in advance.
• I am pondering on future British Isles, Europe trips, as well as to the USA and perhaps even all
• Considering for the future a London-Vienna-Munich (Bayern Munich), Northern Italy trip.
• Mediterranean
• Down the east coast of USA.
• Thank you, Lord.
• Happy Canadian Thanksgiving
BRUCE, F.F. (1986) ‘Revelation’, in F.F. Bruce (gen.ed.), The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Marshall Pickering/ Zondervan.
CLINES, DAVID J. A. (1986) Job, The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.
CLINES, DAVID J. A. (1986) Proverbs, The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.
FEE, GORDON (1987) The First Epistle to the Corinthians, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
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