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William F. Buckley Jr.
Moore Engaging William F. Buckley from New Story Media on Vimeo.
William Frank Buckley, Jr. (November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008)
I do not know much about the man, other than he was a well-known conservative author and commentator. He was a Roman Catholic. I know he had a distinctive spoken English accent that sounded as if it fused American English with British English or Continental English. Viewing his Wikipedia profile I see the accent is called 'Mid-Atlantic English'. I would associate this accent with top American Universities and academia.
A Facebook friend kindly posted this almost hour long interview. It is mostly autobiographical.
I reason I should listen to Buckley more, mainly for increased general knowledge.
However, in a religious, spiritual context, the main point I took from the interview was his argument that there was always hope, because of the (historical) Christian faith.
In context to me he was not primarily spiritualizing as in stating something along the lines of that because we are saved and are covered by the atoning work of Christ and resurrection, we have hope in the next life.
Rather, he was meaning in the temporal life context, there is hope.
I reason Buckley was largely trusting in what God, in Christ could do, as in intervening in human affairs in this temporal realm.
But there is also the work of the Lord through the Church.
Actual present hope is what needs to be stated more by Christians in this life, whether the context is Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Reformed, Anabaptist or Non-denominational.
Christian election, salvation through grace by faith alone, should be backed up with works as Ephesians 2 and James 2 note.
Greater Christian works should lead to more hope on private and corporate levels. Within the church and on the outside.
Not denying at all that ultimate culminated salvation and hope resides in the next realm as Revelation describes.
MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. End
Viva Lost Vegas?
On Facebook I posted
Shoalts: Conference imbalance works in favour of Seattle and Las Vegas
I noted as comment...
'Bob Mccown (Rogers Sportsnet) just stated, League is using Eastern Canada as potential transfer spots as many US teams losing money.'
I then found this somewhat humorous French RDS article...
Translated Quote:
'Except ... Gary Bettman seems much more eager to install a team in Seattle Seattle people themselves. The municipal council of the city of northwestern United States recently refused to modify the plans for the new amphitheater to conform to the requirements of the NHL. This would increase costs significantly. We judge that the investment is not essential. It will be for basketball, period!'
Lol... Put a franchise in an American city that will receive good fan support, probably many sell-outs, but would be the fourth professional sport and behind NCAA and wonder why the team is a break even outfit...
Further comment
'IMHO, having lived here in Greater Vancouver most of my life and also observed Seattle culture, much of it I appreciate, the argument that Seattle-Vancouver is some kind of 'Pacific Northwest' huge hockey market is bogus. The two are quite drastically different culturally when it comes to sports. Vancouver is a huge hockey market, Seattle is yet to be proven to be anything special with hockey and is huge on the NFL.'
As I have noted previously the National Hockey League has a near religious, philosophical devotion, somewhat irrational to growing the sport of hockey in the United States instead of Canada in spite of the fact that there are three potential markets in Eastern Canada those being Quebec City and especially Hamilton and Markham, Ontario that would bring about higher franchise values compared in all likelihood to any new market in the United States.
I also disagree with the notion that more new significant hockey fans will be made in newer hockey markets, rather I reason that more new significant hockey fans will be created in markets or near markets where hockey in already established culture and there is less cultural sport competition.
On Google+ I commented on a posted article, posted by a very fine young female American Reformed Blogger and Google+ Friend.
She did not write the post but linked it.
See my Google+ account associated with this blog if interested.
On Courtship (In America)
On Courtship
'The attitude is that by simply not getting married, a person wins by default. But Scripture shows us the reality: That to not get married under normative circumstances is to lose by default.'
'The command of God to marry was actually part of the first command given to the human race (even before the command not to eat of the Tree). (See Genesis 1:27-30; 2:18-25.) It is tied inextricably to God’s most basic purpose for creating the human race. Thus normatively, one cannot fulfill the “chief end of man,” as stated in the catechism, without serving God in marriage. Moreover, it is a command that is restated throughout Scripture in passages such as Jeremiah 29:6 and 1 Timothy 5:14.'
My kind response was typed on a cell with one finger and so I will re-post with some clean edits.
'I am on my cell here so one finger type.)) There are some good points on requirements, LJ. My issue has been finding in a very secular British Columbia, a much less Christian area than the United States, a theological Christian.
Also at my age I do not, having waited for someone reasonable, the experience for someone (a young woman) middle-aged with teens etc..
Also having someone left to choose from that would be middle-aged, meet physical requirements as well becomes very unlikely.
Then as well there are the unbiblical age difference hang-ups within the North American church.
Therefore for some of us theological, philosophical types the issue is far more lack of options as opposed to delay. My good married friend Anjela states I would be married no problem by now if I was living in Eastern Europe, as she is from there.
Married to a younger woman of child-bearing age that is at least a trainable Christian.
I reason this is quite likely true based on overall experience in life.
Blessings LJ:-D'
This in my opinion is a topic where I have my serious doubts that many Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians that have always known a Christianized culture in America, although the United States is seemingly becoming more secular, reasonably philosophically relate with the plight of academic, intellectual, theological, philosophical, somewhat non-conformist Christians in non-Christianized areas the world such as Canada and Western Europe.
Or Islamic nations.
Especially difficult for those having spent many years in academia, being anti-social by design in order to lead to career prospects.
The sort of culture war difficulties that many Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians are fighting a largely losing cultural battle against in the United States today, are over issues that are simply intellectual givens on the secular side here in British Columbia from as far back as I can remember intellectually.
Let us state since the early 1980s when I became more aware.
I had a very kind friend and Pastoral/Missionary Northview intern admit to me that he could not understand my plight having been married at a young age.
This is an honest assessment.
Buckley's view applies here in regard to hope.
There are opportunities for me in Eastern Europe, other, megachurch and there are online options.