• I did some non-exhaustive research and the quote seems legitimate.
• Jesus Christ from the Gospel of John:
BAUER, WALTER (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press.
• Regardless, it is a statement that has some intellectual merit.
• I might be accused at times at being honest to a fault.
• Blunt.
• I prayerfully ask the Lord to shed light on darkness, and secret darkness.
• John 3: 19-20 from the New American Standard Version (NASB) 19 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
• From Strong's: 4655 for darkness in John 3: 19. (88). σκότος
• Bauer explains that here is this context, darkness can be understood as 'religious and moral darkness, of darkening by sin, of the state of unbelievers and of the godless.' (757-758).
• Believers too need to reject darkness.
• Government work went well in the first official week onsite.
• Plenty to learn.
• Managers reason I can advance in the future, because of my education and work ethic.
• A few years ago, being 35+ years of age, I messaged the website of a Mr. K. Lee Christian. LinkedIn
• As a dating consultant, he told me that for a man of my age...
• (Paraphrased) Virtually no young woman 18-24 years of age would consider a romantic relationship with me.
• That was several years ago, and I have accepted that as truth since then.
• There is a proof here in my claim and actions.
• I have never since asked a young woman 18-24 years of age out on anything that was clearly potentially romantic.
• Even, if in Christ, I assumed a romantic possibility in the future, I would strongly assume the answer would be 'no' at the stage of 18-24 years of age.
• It might be very uncomfortable for both of us, if I asked, so I avoid it.
• I am to love my neighbour (Matthew 22, Mark 12, Luke 10, Galatians 5) and those in the Church.
• I might ask a young woman to a church event, or lunch after church, as that is something we are encouraged to do, but only if she mentions it first.
• I might be curious about academic endeavors and ask to keep in touch.
• But the facts are evidence shows I have accepted what Mr. K. Lee Christian stated as fact.
• He stated that in the case of secular young women, there was at times, romantic potential at 25-30+ years of age.
• He stated that with (paraphrased) religious fundamentalists there was no chance that any young woman would ever date me at my age because they are (paraphrased) relationship wise, immature. (His paraphrased words, please do not shoot the messenger here)
• I countered that I was not a religious fundamentalist, and neither would anyone I would date be a religious fundamentalist, or Christian fundamentalist. (Implying I thought there were some mature, intellectual Christian, young women and that at least theoretically it might work with me)
• Rather, I would seek someone that is a Christian intellectual.
• He never got back to me...
STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.