San Diego at night (photo from Ron Niebrugge)
1. Pastor Mark Slomka from Faith Community Church in San Diego, California has been nice enough to post an article where there is a link to download my questionnaire and a link to this blog. He also provided an email address where I can be reached.
Thank you very much Mark, this is very helpful and much appreciated. Mark's method is a good way to give persons the option of downloading my questionnaire from a blog. I have not looked into providing this option with either one of my blogs as I have included email interaction in the process. However, if someone returns the questionnaire through Mark's site I am willing to discuss the questionnaire and my PhD work as well. Basically, most of my completed questionnaires have been gathered through email, with some through this blog, and others have been handed out at local Christian churches.
2. My advisor in Wales has not provided me with a firm number of completed questionnaires required, but the 148 I have finished as of this morning is not enough. I am aiming to have at least 200 finished questionnaires within my possession. The amount of questionnaires I need completed and the content of the questionnaire is a joint effort. My previous advisor and my present one assisted me with putting the questionnaire together and the questions are related to my theodicy work with free will, sovereignty, and soul-making views dealing with the problem of evil. I did not review an actual feminism theodicy, but reviewed some feminist material dealing with the problem of evil and therefore included some related questions. The questionnaire is not only a product of my conservative Reformed theology, but also contains requirements from Wales, Lampeter, and a secular University. Therefore the questions are representative of the theodicy approaches I reviewed and cultural Christianity from a broad perspective, and not just my own.
3. Issuing and collecting questionnaires is a lot of work, but since I am presently done my theoretical writing I am not writing academic chapters at this time. Once my data is completed obviously I will need to complete related chapters. I will attempt at times to write some academic articles on this blog, but I have limited time and energy, especially since that even with my two surgeries in 2006, I still have 30% sleep apnea!
Thanks for reading.

A problem of evil...