PhD: Twitter quote 56
Tuesday, May 02, 2017: God In The Dock?
Twitter version I
This work is not seeking to place God in the dock or primarily to take God out of the dock.
Twitter version II
Doubtless many critics of theism and Christianity do place God in the dock and so a work should deal with these concepts.
The PhD version states 'docks'. Prisoners in the docks. To place God in various docks.
2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter
UWTSD, (2009), PhD Viva for Theodicy and Practical Theology (2010).
Internal Reviewer:
'A problem with your type of theodicy work is that it places God in the dock.'
'I do not place God in the dock, but the theodicy and problem of evil, academic discussion does at points. However, my Reformed theodicy is a reasonable and I reason, at least a significantly true answer.'