Thursday, July 29, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 96

PhD: Twitter quote 96

From my PhD thesis with in-notes (text) replacing footnotes.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter 

I must be clear: theodicy is not the remedy to the problem of evil, but a speculative, and in my case, Biblically based attempt to explain how God deals with evil in his creation. Lindsley (2003: 3). In similar fashion, practical and empirical theology do not offer solutions to the problem of evil, but are theological disciplines Winquest (1987: 1) Francis (2005: 1), which assist persons to understand how evil is comprehended and dealt with in the Christian community and in society at large. 

Twitter version I

Theodicy is not the remedy to problems of evil, but is a speculative, in my case, biblical attempt at explaining how God deals with evils in his creation. 

Twitter version II

Practical and empirical theologies do not solve problems of evil, but can assist with comprehension and comfort. 

July 29, 2021 

The applied atoning and resurrection, gospel work of God the Son, Jesus Christ to those in him (Romans 9, 1 Corinthians 15, Ephesians 1-2, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, 2 Thessalonians 2, as examples), is ultimately culminated post-mortem. It is simultaneously applied in the restoration of the universe as in time, space and matter (alluded to in 2 Peter 3, Revelation 20-22 as examples). This  is the ultimate remedy to problems of evil. Problems of evil within the universe and earth will be remedied and will cease within the culminated Kingdom of God. 

The unregenerate ultimately post-mortem, will reside in the lake of fire (hell 2) as death, and hades (hell 1) are thrown into the lake of fire (hell 2)(Revelation 20: 14). I acknowledge the use of figurative language here, but reason there is a figurative, literal aspect to what is being described in this apocalyptic (revealed, revelation) literature, which is eschatological, last things, literature.

As I dealt with in my PhD thesis, the lake of fire was/is not an everlastingly intended existence for humanity to flourish in, it is the second death, everlasting death. It is not restored. A divine legacy of those that reject God and the gospel, perhaps? (Still within my Reformed, compatibilistic model)

BRUCE, F.F. (1986) ‘Revelation’, in F.F. Bruce (gen.ed.), The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Marshall Pickering/ Zondervan.

FRANCIS, LESLIE J. and Practical Theology Team (2005) ‘Practical and Empirical Theology’, University of Wales, Bangor website, University of Wales, Bangor. 

LINDSLEY, ART (2003) ‘The Problem of Evil’, Knowing & Doing, Winter, Springfield, Virginia, C.S. Lewis Institute. 

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

WINQUIST, CHARLES E. (1987) ‘Re-visioning Ministry: Postmodern Reflections’, in Lewis S Mudge and James N. Poling, Formation and Reflection: The Promise of Practical Theology by Lewis S Mudge and James N. Poling, Philadelphia, Fortress Press. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 95

PhD: Twitter quote 95

Recent from Facebook, no confirmed location.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Saturday, September 19, 2020 PhD Full Version PDF: Theodicy and Practical Theology 2010, Wales TSD 

Edited from PhD thesis

Twitter version I

In regards to empirical theology & methodology. Williams comments there are certain broad foundations of the empirical method that can perhaps be agreed upon. 

Twitter version II

In regards to empirical theology & methodology. One, experience in the empirical method is the felt, bodily, organic action of human history. 


Williams (1969: 176).


Edited from PhD thesis

This experience includes sense data, but is not limited by it. Williams (1969: 176). Williams writes that there is a mysterious disclosure of God by which God is revealed metaphysically, and he reasons that human faith cannot survive without interpreting this metaphysical experience that is manifested in all things. Williams (1969: 177-178). 

Traditional Christian thought can agree that, in a sense, God reveals things about himself outside of revealed Scripture. Mounce (1995: 77). Through creation God provided sufficient evidence for his existence Mounce (1995: 77), and therefore persons would be accountable for denying this revelation. Mounce (1995: 77). This is known as natural revelation and is distinguished from special revelation. Mounce (1995: 78). Special revelation would include Scripture and the gospel message Grenz, Guretzki, and Nordling (1999: 109), and therefore natural revelation would provide natural information concerning God Mounce (1995: 78), but not specific information in regard to salvation. Cranfield (1992: 32). The knowledge of God for humanity is limited when restricted to natural theology. Cranfield (1992: 32). It is not the same knowledge of God that is revealed supernaturally in Scripture. Cranfield (1992: 32). 

James D.G. Dunn (1988) writes it is clear that within the Romans text the concept of God revealing himself through natural theology exists. Dunn (1988: 56). This natural theology has always been apparent to humanity, and has been present as long as the cosmos have existed. Dunn (1988: 57). There is no assumption here that human beings existed at the creation of the cosmos. 

July 24, 2021 

Reviewing this more than a decade later, empirical theology, in many ways, is reading more like empirical philosophy of religion than empirical theology. In other words, under the academic umbrella of Philosophy, philosophy of religion examines religion and Christianity, extra-biblically or outside of the Bible. 

Natural revelation, is implied in Romans 1, and it not called natural revelation in Romans. Therefore, I referenced Mounce, Cranfield and Dunn, as Roman's scholars within my PhD thesis. Natural revelation can be viewed as an aspect of the study of philosophy of religion, although this academic discipline certainly interacts with biblical studies and theology. In contrast to philosophy of religion; biblical studies and various types of theology, including philosophical theology and systematic theology, would be placed under the academic umbrella of Religious Studies. 

Both philosophy of religion and philosophical theology were equally prominent within my British MPhil/PhD theses and questionnaire/survey work and I might add, are equally prominent within my website work. 

Note, in my both my formal and website academic work, I have found that there are some within Christian academia that deny there is any such thing as natural theology, it is reasoned that any actual type of theology comes from biblical revelation. It is a debate of semantics, but I can reasonably view natural theology as more so ‘natural’ philosophy of religion. 

As example, Karl Barth was a noted opponent of natural theology: 


'Karl Barth is the most famous (and infamous) opponent of Natural Theology in the world. However, in the final volume of the Church Dogmatics, Barth developed a Natural Theology of his own, that he titled "Secular Parables of the Kingdom" (c.f. CD IV/3.1, §69.2 The Light of Life).’ 


Barth, Karl (193201968)(2010) Church Dogmatics, Vol. 4.3.1, Sections 69: The Doctrine of Reconciliation, Study Edition 27, London, T & T Clark. 

Postbarthian citing Barth

Barth, Karl, G. W. Bromiley, and Thomas F. Torrance, (1975) (2005) Church Dogmatics: The Doctrine of God. Vol. II/1, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1975. 168. Print. 

'One would think that nothing could be simpler or more obvious than the insight that a theology which makes a great show of guaranteeing the knowability of God apart from grace and therefore from faith, or which thinks and promises that it is able to give such a guarantee—in other words, a "natural" theology—is quite impossible within the Church, and indeed, in such a way that it cannot even be discussed in principle.’ —Karl Barth, CD II/1 [2]’ 

Postbarthian citing Barth

Barth, Karl, G. W. Bromiley, and Thomas F. Torrance, (1975) (2005) Church Dogmatics: The Doctrine of God. Vol. IV/3/1, §69.2 The Light of Life, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1975. 168. Print. 

‘we have no need to appeal either for basis or content to the sorry hypothesis of a so-called "natural theology" (i.e., a knowledge of God given in and with the natural force of reason or to be attained in its exercise). CD IV/3.1, §69.2 The Light of Life.’ 

BARTH, KARL (193201968)(2010) Church Dogmatics, Vol. 4.3.1, Sections 69: The Doctrine of Reconciliation, Study Edition 27, London, T & T Clark. 

BARTH, KARL, G. W. BROMILEY and THOAMS F. TORRANCE, (1975) (2005) Church Dogmatics: The Doctrine of God. Vol. II/1, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1975. 168. Print. 

BARTH, KARL, G. W. BROMILEY and THOMAS F. TORRANCE, (1975) (2005) Church Dogmatics: The Doctrine of God. Vol. IV/3/1, §69.2 The Light of Life, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1975. 168. Print. 

CRANFIELD, C.E.B. (1992) Romans: A Shorter Commentary, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

DUNN, JAMES D.G. (1988) Romans, Dallas, Word Books. 

GRENZ, STANLEY J., DAVID GURETZKI AND CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press. 

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1995) The New American Commentary: Romans, Nashville, Broadman & Holman Publishers. 

WILLIAMS, DANIEL DAY (1969) ‘Suffering and Being in Empirical Theology’, in The Future of Empirical Theology, Chicago, the University of Chicago Press.


Referencing G.W. Bromiley once again 

BROMILEY, G.W. (1996) ‘Baptism, Infant', in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books. 

This is always an interesting citation, as someone that leans more towards believer's baptism. I do not think infant baptism/paedobaptism is heretical.

G.W. Bromiley(1915–2009), who as of 1996 (according to the referenced text listed credentials) was Senior Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, explains that in early church history those such as Irenaeus and Origen, who were close to the apostles, were involved in baptizing children of professing believers. 

BROMILEY, G.W. (1996) ‘Filioque’ in Walter A. Elwell (ed.) Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.

BROMILEY, G.W. (1996) ‘Trinity’ in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Brief on transhumanism

Facebook image: I have no plans to retire. 

Reasons to Believe: Newsletter (2021), May/June, Reasons to Believe, Covina, California.

On the back page (4), there is an article titled:

Will Brain Implants Provide The Means For Our Salvation? 

By Fazale "Fuz" Rana.

The article explains that in 2016, Elon Musk, helped to found Neuralink. (4) This is a company that is attempting to build a neural implant 'that can sync with the human brain.' (4). These types of implants are known as developments in 'brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. (4).

It is suggested that such technology might 'alleviate the pain and suffering associated with neuromuscular disease, brain and spinal cord injuries, loss of limbs, and many other afflictions.' (4)

It might 'mitigate pain and suffering' and be a form of human progress, which the article supports (4), and I would be in agreement.

The author then opines that transhumanists desire to create a utopia through science and technology. (4). Transhumanism could be reasoned out as a 'techno faith' of sorts. (4).

It is then asked if (paraphrased) transhumanism and this type of BCI and related technology, could 'present a counterfeit salvation?' (4).

I reason that technology when helpful to humanity should be embraced, but that true, full, complete, human salvation, as spiritual and physical in nature, requires the work of the infinite, eternal, God that is spirit (John 4: 24). God created all finite reality (Genesis 1, Colossians 1). Salvation was provided by God incarnate, God the Son, Jesus Christ and his atoning and resurrection work, in his death and resurrection, applied to believers. 

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter

Edited from original

Science has made discoveries that have assisted humanity, (Krikorian (1944)(2007: 1)) and has at the same time, helped persons understand many realities. Krikorian (1944)(2007: 1). My Reformed theological and worldview perspective deduces that human corruption cannot be entirely corrected scientifically, but human beings are changed permanently to avoid evil only by the completed regeneration work of God. Murray (1937-1966)(1977: 172). Erickson (1994: 1228). Packer (1996: 924). Mounce (1990: 394). This completed post-mortem (Revelation 20-22). Human suffering is only ended, ultimately, through this applied work of Jesus Christ.

In other words, divine supernatural assistance is required to overcome evil. I reason that scientific progress has helped humanity tremendously to live better quality lives, (Krikorian (1944)(2007: 1)), but human beings are capable of committing as grotesque and intense evils as ever in the twenty-first century. For example, nuclear technology has made nuclear weapons possible since the 1940s and there are nuclear weapons in the world which can do tremendous damage to humanity on a large scale within a few hours. This is so, in my view, because scientific knowledge has not as of yet, been able to change the essential nature of human beings. 

Even if science could perfect the physical nature of persons to avoid evil actions, assuming for the sake of argument human beings have a spirit+, it needs to be considered if materially based science could perfect the human spirit as well to avoid all wrong actions. This would appear doubtful. Simultaneously, human suffering would not end.

Philosophy and theology have assisted human beings throughout history to better understand life (Scudder (1940: 247)), but neither of these disciplines can provide a remedy to the problem of evil (Henry (1983: 282). Blocher (1994: 84)).

However, philosophy (philosophy of religion, in particular) and theology with biblical studies, can help to explain evil and suffering through effective theodicy. Scudder (1940: 247). Theodicy can and should, when done properly, adequately explain that the applied gospel work of Jesus Christ for those that believe, is the ultimate, remedy to problems of evil. As noted, ultimately completed, post-mortem.

+ Genesis 2:7. H.L. Ellison (1986) explains that in the Old Testament breath or spirit came from God and provided life and individuality. 

BLOCHER, HENRI. (1994) Evil and the Cross, Translated by David G. Preston, Leicester, InterVarsity Press. 

ELLISON, H.L. (1986) ‘Matthew’, in F.F. Bruce (ed.), The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Zondervan. 

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House. 

ERICKSON, MILLARD (2003) What Does God Know and When Does He Know It?, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.

HENRY, CARL (1983) God, Revelation and Authority: Volume 6: God Who Stands and Stays, Waco, Word Books. 

KRIKORIAN, Y. (1944)(2007) (ed.), ‘Naturalism and the Human Spirit’, New York, Columbia University Press, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University. 

MURRAY, JOHN (1937-1966)(1977) Collected Writings of John Murray, Vol. 2: Select Lectures in Systematic Theology, Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth Trust. 

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1995) The New American Commentary: Romans, Nashville, Broadman & Holman Publishers. 

PACKER, J.I. (1973) Knowing God, Downers Grove, Illinois, InterVarsity Press. 

PACKER, J.I. (1996) ‘Regeneration’ in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books. 

SCUDDER, DELTON, LEWIS (1940) Tennant’s Philosophical Theology, London, Oxford University Press. 

Cited from Sean A. Hays 

'Transhumanism, social and philosophical movement devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies.'

More on transhumanism from the same source, that I also reviewed.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

CGTN propaganda network: Thanks Mike



My friend Mike told me about CGTN, which is the You Tube channel for People's Republic of China. For clarity, I have nothing personally against China or Chinese people. I have Chinese friends, and I respect their heritage and culture. I respect China as a great, historical, world power. As a biblical Christian, I view all people as equal as in the sense, made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26-27). I, at the same time believe in the universal corruption of humanity through sinful nature and sinful choices (See Romans as key). The applied gospel of Jesus Christ to persons is the remedy which is finalized in the eventually culminated Kingdom of God (Revelation 20-22, 2 Peter 3).

You Tube 


'CGTN is funded in whole or in part by the Chinese government. Wikipedia'


'China Global Television Network (CGTN... is the international division of the state-owned media organization China Central Television (CCTV), the headquarters of which is in Beijing, China.' 


'CGTN is registered under the State Council of the People's Republic of China and is under the control of the Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party.[2][4]' 

'2 "China is spending billions on its foreign-language media". The Economist. 2018-06-14. ISSN 0013-0613. Archived from the original on 20 August 2019. Retrieved 2019-08-22.'

'4 Cook, Sarah (September 25, 2019). "China Central Television: A Long-standing Weapon in Beijing's Arsenal of Repression". The Diplomat. Archived from the original on 5 October 2019. Retrieved 5 October 2019. 

According to the Central Intelligence Agency:


'Government type: communist party-led state'


'elections: last held in December 2017-February 2018 (next to be held in late 2022 to early 2023)' 

'election results: percent of vote - NA; seats by party - NA; composition - men 2,238, women 742, percent of women 24.9%'

Not applicable seats by party, because China is a totalitarian, dictatorship which only allows the main communist party, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to rule. China has one-party rule.

List of political parties in China: Wikipedia 


'China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a one-party state under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Despite this, eight minor parties officially exist alongside the CCP in a United Front similar to the popular fronts of former Cold War-era Eastern European countries such as the National Front of the German Democratic Republic. The CCP's CGTN wing officially states that the Communist Party acts as the ruling party but cooperates with the eight minor parties.[1]'

'1 How does China’s political system work?, retrieved 2021-04-22'

Video comments

At the approximately 25 second mark, the gentleman from Brazil, Mr. Teixeira, an documented economist, Alessandro Teixeira Wikipedia, states (paraphrased) that in the context of the video, which is the pandemic, we cannot have different perceptions and different values.

Differing worldviews, paradigms and opinions on issues is a reality in the world. For example, Marxism and related communism, has a different view on human life than does biblical Christianity. The first approach sees human life as temporal only and non-spiritual, Whereas the second approach, biblical Christianity, views human life as ultimately continuing post-mortem, either in the lake of fire for the unregenerate, or within the culminated Kingdom of God (Revelation 20-22) in physical, spiritual contexts (1 Corinthians 15) as regenerate (John 3, Titus 3).

The type of consensus this speaker from Brazil requires would assuredly be non-democratic. Fitting well within a communistic, Chinese worldview. At the one minute mark, approximately, this gentleman further pushes for consensus to battle a pandemic. At 1: 10 forward, approximately, it is stated (paraphrased) that individual rights can never be more important than the societal rights. In other words, people are 'free' to comply with the state, but non-state compliance should not be tolerated.

Mr. Tao Xie Tao: The Diplomat basically agrees with the views of Mr. Teixeira. He mentions (paraphrased) the negative US media coverage on how China has dealt with the pandemic. 

However, that negative coverage is in part because there are significant doubts on the honesty and integrity of what the Chinese government is stating, in regards to the pandemic.


'Alina Chan isn't saying the coronavirus definitely leaked from a lab in China. What she is saying is what more scientists have grown comfortable discussing publicly: There's no clear evidence either way.'


'The hypotheses in play

A number of theories about how the virus may have emerged have been thrown out. Most that remain fall under three possible scenarios:

The virus evolved naturally before spilling over into humans from an infected animal.

The virus evolved naturally, but an employee at the lab became infected from a sample and accidentally "leaked" it into the community.

Scientists at the lab were manipulating virus samples and accidentally or intentionally released the pathogen.'

At the 2: 00 mark, forward approximately, Mr. Tai implies (paraphrased) that liberty and rights, which is valued in the western nations is actually, in truth, less important than the right to life. China  is presented as a key example that protects life. 

But more people may have died from this pandemic in China than has been reported.

China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs, April 1, 2020, Updated on April 1, 2020: Bloomberg 

Cited from Bloomberg

'China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.'

Philosophically and politically, a little bit of reading history, will tell the reader that millions of people have died and more will die at the hands of communist governments for being considered political enemies of the state. Life is valued when it agrees with the values of the state. 

In my view, a good life requires significant liberty and freedom for persons while living within law and order.

The disagreement proposed by Mr. Teixeira at approximately 2: 25 forward, is largely a phony bit of propaganda. The basic views of these men are the same, favouring a dictatorial, Chinese approach to the pandemic over Western approaches which allow more freedom and liberty from individuals. Mr. Teixeira's comments from the beginning of the video are then restated and he suggests past the 3: 00 mark that collectivism is required, in other words, in my humble opinion, a form of communism, or at least significant socialism. Of course the People's Republic of China is communist. Mr. Tai, of China, then basically supports the same idea as his colleague from Brazil.

BARCLAY, WILLIAM (1976) The Letters of James and Peter, Philadelphia, The Westminster Press.

BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

BRUCE, F.F. (1987) Romans, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

CRANFIELD, C.E.B. (1992) Romans: A Shorter Commentary, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

DUNN, JAMES D.G. (1988) Romans, Dallas, Word Books.

HAMILTON, VICTOR P. (1988) Handbook on the Pentateuch, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House. 

LA SOR, WILLIAM SANFORD, DAVID ALLAN HUBBARD, AND FREDERIC WILLIAM BUSH. (1987) Old Testament Survey, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1990) The Book of Revelation, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

MOUNCE, ROBERT H. (1995) The New American Commentary: Romans, Nashville, Broadman & Holman Publishers.  

PAYNE. DAVID F.(1986) ‘2 Peter’, in F.F. Bruce, (ed.), The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Marshall Pickering/Zondervan. 

Thursday, July 08, 2021

The Orthodox Study Bible: Symbol

The Orthodox Study Bible, New Testament and Psalms, (1993) Saint Athanasius Orthodox Academy,Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. 

My review, as a biblical Christian of the Reformed tradition, of this fine academic source, continues. This Orthodox source uses the New King James Version (NKJV). 

Glossary from Reverend John W. Morris, Ph.D.


'SYMBOL In Orthodox usage, the manifestation in material form of a spiritual reality. A symbol does not merely stand for something else, as does a "sign"; it indicates the actual presence of its subject. For example, the dove is the symbol which brought to Jesus the power of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3: 13-16).' (808).

End citation

My take, in basic agreement, is that biblical symbols represent the actual subject, but not in plain literal terms. Using the dove example from Matthew 3, God the Holy Spirit was present as he (God) empowered God the Son, God the Word, Jesus Christ for ministry. But it was presented in figurative literal terms in the form of a dove. 

Bible Hub: Englishman's Concordance περιστερὰν (peristeran)


Matthew 3:16 N-AFS 

GRK: καταβαῖνον ὡσεὶ περιστερὰν καὶ ἐρχόμενον 
NAS: descending as a dove [and] lighting
KJV: descending like a dove, and lighting 
INT: descending as a dove and lighting

περιστερὰν (noun, accusative, feminine, singular) The accusative case denotes and indicates a direct object. Like or as a dove.

Strong documents

Bible Hub 


Strong's Concordance peristera: a dove 

Original Word: περιστερά, άς, ἡ

4058 from the Strong hardcopy text:

περιστερά a pigeon or a dove. (76).

Bauer explains: περιστερά, άς, ἡ

The dove represented the symbol of all kinds of virtues in ancient times. (652). 'Hence the Holy Spirit, in appearing at Jesus' baptism, took the form of a dove...' (Matthew 3: 16) (652).


Thayer's Greek Lexicon 

STRONGS NT 4058: περιστερά 

περιστερά, περιστεράς, ἡ, Hebrew יונָה, a dove: Matthew 3:16; Matthew 10:16; Matthew 21:12; Mark 1:10; Mark 11:15; Luke 2:24; Luke 3:22; John 1:32; John 2:14, 16. (From Herodotus down.)

BAUER, WALTER. (1979) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Translated by Eric H. Wahlstrom, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press. 

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.

Monday, July 05, 2021

Vaccine passports ???

Photo: Driving through north east Maple Ridge, last evening with BB and JB. Photo by JB.

Alistair Steele, CBC News, July 05, 2021: Vaccine passports ignite debate over privacy vs. public health 

Cited in italics 

As a steadily rising number of fully vaccinated Canadians emerge from hiding to test the gradual return to pre-pandemic normalcy, a conundrum looms: what to do about those who, for whatever reason, haven't had a shot? 

Striking the proper balance between public health and personal freedom, and figuring out whether one must be relinquished to protect the other, will become increasingly key as the country reopens.

I am scheduled for my second vaccination on July 12. The  majority of British Columbians and Canadians will, according to media sources, be eventually fully vaccinated.

I oppose:

Any attempts by governments to force vaccinations.

Vaccination requirements for certain careers, employment and events would be dependent on contexts. For example, all medical workers would likely be required in most cases to be vaccinated for employment.

Cited in italics

For a growing number of jurisdictions and institutions, the solution is a vaccine passport, a document the bearer can show as proof of immunization against the coronavirus in order to be granted certain freedoms. On the flip side, those who can't produce such evidence because they couldn't or wouldn't get vaccinated could be denied access to businesses, flights and university dorms, to name just a few potential inconveniences.

With my limited, yet consistent, following on the mainstream media news and through online reading and listening; I have reasoned for over a year that more and more western jurisdictions, governments and some private, will favour vaccine passports as a solution. 

For my few friends that have not yet been vaccinated, I have had greater concerns for his/her future economic and social welfare, and our ability to socialize together in many contexts, than concerns that he/she could be made seriously ill from either a form of COVID-19, or something else potentially out of China, or elsewhere. These concerns over limited economic and social freedoms have also been  greater for me than concerns over possible side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Cited in italics 

Ethicists, privacy advocates and civil liberties groups have warned that such requirements threaten to create a new two-tier society, benefiting those who have been vaccinated and ostracizing those who haven't. 

Reasonable and I deduce a two-tier society will be true in at least some situations.

Cited in italics 

As of June 25, the latest update available from the federal government, three-quarters of Canadians 12 and over had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and 22 per cent were fully vaccinated.

Cited in italics 

For Arthur Schafer, founding director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, vaccine passports or "immunity certificates" are inevitable, but, he says, the federal government "badly dropped the ball" by failing to provide clear guidance to provinces and public health officials about how to manage them. 

Cited in italics 

Schafer says a fair system will ensure reasonable accommodation for those who haven't been immunized, and he points out those people aren't all Facebook-fuelled anti-vaxxers. Some are unsure because they're taking immunosuppressant drugs, for example, while others have legitimate concerns about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines or justifiable fears borne from previous negative interactions with the health-care system. 

"We should try to accommodate people who have objections, conscientious or scientific or even religious, where we can do so without compromising public safety and without incurring a disproportionate cost to society," he said. 

If such accommodation isn't made, Schafer predicts, there could be a backlash.

I think there would be some backlash, but how this would play out in the media and impact public reactions, time would tell.

Cited in italics

"If an alternative route is available, if it's effective and if the employer or the service provider doesn't make it available, then I think a challenge under human rights legislation would succeed," he said.

It is reasonable that there would be legal challenges. Not sure how various courts would interpret  human rights legislation in Canada and elsewhere. Based on my limited academic study of law in secondary school and in post-secondary, academic tutoring, the interpretation of law is never purely objective, in my opinion. The law is interpreted through the consideration of case law (developed law), which is also influenced by culture, society and public morality and ethics.

This can certainly be seen in, for example, the evolution of marriage, divorce and abortion laws in western societies over the last several decades.

Cited in italics 

According to Ontario's former privacy commissioner, Ann Cavoukian, now executive director of the Global Privacy and Security by Design Centre, Canadians shouldn't be expected to surrender their personal privacy for the sake of public health.

Cited in italics

Cavoukian is concerned about what could happen to people's private health data under a vaccine passport system, and she worries that once it's surrendered, it will already be too late.

Cited in italics 

"This data will be retained in association with your geolocation all around the world," she said. "If you're travelling, going to a football game or whatever, this information will be tracked, and the potential for surveillance is enormous."

People that are not fully vaccinated could face nearly world-wide penalties from authorities that have connected, electronic, data.

Cited in italics 

Cavoukian says people will relax once the majority of eligible Canadians is fully vaccinated. When that happens, singling out those who aren't won't seem nearly as important.

Hopefully so in most western jurisdictions, at least...

Cited in italics 

Cara Zwibel, director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association's fundamental freedoms program, says it all comes down to choice.

Cited in italics 

Like Cavoukian, Zwibel has serious concerns about sharing private health information, and she points out that while we might willingly hand our immunization records over to certain institutions, they're statutorily limited in what they can do with that information.

Legitimate concerns...

Saturday, July 03, 2021

PhD: Twitter quote 94

Photo: Banff, July 2, courtesy Deeaann on Facebook

PhD: Twitter quote 94

Edited from PhD

Twitter version I

Via Reformed tradition, I reason that revealed Scripture is the final authority for justifying a theological claim & therefore would see the empirical method’s evaluation of Biblical theology as secondary.

Inbody (1995: 215-216), referenced and responded to.

Twitter version II

I do not view empirical theology as primarily or singularly important in determining the truthfulness of a doctrine. I reason that Christian doctrine and practice must be grounded in revealed Scripture.

July 3, 2021

Within my Reformed, biblical, theological tradition, 'new theology' is not developed from the use of questionnaires, surveys and statistics used in empirical theology. Rather, theology, philosophy and worldviews can be reviewed and considered through the empirical responses.

In other words, for example, what people think about the trinity is not going to impact my trinitarian theology. Questionnaire results with surveys and statistical data 'might' impact my theological presentation of trinitarian doctrine. Based on my MPhil and PhD work, I would be orthodox in the sense of Reformed, Biblical theology, but am not likely an orthodox adherent of any form of empirical theology.

But rest assured, the questionnaires, surveys and data results from my British MPhil and PhD theses were intellectually useful and interesting.

BALLARD, PAUL AND JOHN PRITCHARD (2001) Practical Theology in Action, London, SPCK. 

BROWNING, DON S. (1985)(2005) ‘Practical Theology and Political Theology’, Theology Today, Volume 42, Number 1, Article 2, Princeton, Princeton Theological Seminary.

DEAN, WILLIAM (1990) ‘Empirical Theology: A Revisable Tradition’, in Process Studies, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 85-102, Claremont, California, The Center for Process Studies.

DUBRAY, C.A. (1911)(2007) ‘Naturalism’ in New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia, New York, Robert Appleton Company. 

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

ERRICKER, CLIVE, DANNY SULLIVAN, AND JANE ERRICKER (1994) ‘The Development of Children’s Worldviews, Journal of Beliefs and Values, London, Routledge.

FRANCIS, LESLIE J. and Practical Theology Team (2005) ‘Practical and Empirical Theology’, University of Wales, Bangor website, University of Wales, Bangor. 

GANZEVOORT, R. RUARD (2004)(2005) ‘Van der Ven’s Empirical/Practical Theology and the Theological Encyclopedia’, in Hermans, pp.53-74, C.A.M. & Moore M.E. (eds), Amsterdam.

HEIMBROCK, HANS-GUNTER (2005) ‘From Data to Theory: Elements of Methodology in Empirical Phenomenological Research in Practical Theology’ in International Journal of Practical Theology, Volume 9, December, Berlin, Walter D. Gruyter. hodology_empirical_15063.html 

INBODY, TYRON (1995) The Constructive Theology of Bernard Meland: Postliberal Empirical Realism, Atlanta, Scholars Press.

KRIKORIAN, K. (1944)(2007) (ed.), Naturalism and the Human Spirit, New York, Columbia University Press, in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University. 

PETERS, KARL, E. (1992) ‘Empirical Theology in the Light of Science, in The Journal of Religion and Science, Volume 27 Issue 3 Page 297-325, September, Oxford, Zygon, Blackwell Publishing. 9744.1992.tb01068.x 

SIRE, JAME W (1975) The Universe Next Door, Downers Grove, Illinois, InterVarsity Press. 

STRONG, J. (1890)(1986) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Burlington, Welch Publishing Company.

THIESSEN, HENRY C. (1956) Introductory Lectures in Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

WHALE, J.S. (1958) Christian Doctrine, Glasgow, Fontana Books. 

WINQUIST, CHARLES E. (1987) ‘Re-visioning Ministry: Postmodern Reflections’, in Lewis S Mudge and James N. Poling, Formation and Reflection: The Promise of Practical Theology by Lewis S Mudge and James N. Poling, Philadelphia, Fortress Press.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter 

1 Thessalonians 2:13 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
13 For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of mere men, but as what it really is, the word of God, which also is at work in you who believe.

Bible Hub: πιστεύουσιν


1 Thessalonians 2:13 V-PPA-DMP GRK: ὑμῖν τοῖς πιστεύουσιν NAS: performs its work in you who believe. KJV: in you that believe. INT: you who believe

Bible Hub: Strong's 4100


pisteuó: to believe, entrust 

Original Word: πιστεύω 


πιστεύουσιν in 1 Thessalonians 2: 13

Verb, present, participle, active & dative, masculine, plural