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Reformed Theologian Gerrit Cornelis Berkouwer from my PhD work.
The Biblical God’s Dealings With Humanity
G.C. Berkouwer explains
is-even when alienated from God-not alone.’[2] God has still gifted fallen humanity[3] and
there is a possible limitation to human corruption, that being the grace of
Christ and his words and work.[4] God still has the power and opportunity to save
persons,[5] and
humanly speaking[6]
persons have an opportunity to know Christ in conversion.[7]
reasons that God wants a free man, not a mechanical tool or creature that can
be maneuvered as the Almighty sees fit. Berkouwer
(1962: 333).
I reason human freedom always operates within the framework of God’s sovereignty and providence. However, the concept of God forcing and/or coercing persons to commit actions would be denied by many within Reformed theology. Frame (2002: 153). Berkouwer (1962: 333).
April 18, 2014
I reason human freedom always operates within the framework of God’s sovereignty and providence. However, the concept of God forcing and/or coercing persons to commit actions would be denied by many within Reformed theology. Frame (2002: 153). Berkouwer (1962: 333).
April 18, 2014
noted on my blogs, I would agree and therefore deny that compatibilism/soft determinism with
significantly free human and secondary cause actions, includes divine force and/or
coercion. Rather God simultaneously causes and wills human thoughts, acts/actions. God performing such with infinite knowledge in infinite holiness and moral perfection; secondary beings, such as angels with finite knowledge and limited holiness and limited moral perfection, sinless. Fallen significantly rational creatures with finite knowledge and in unholiness and sin, such as fallen angels and human beings, although God/Holy Spirit can and does influence the Christian believer at times in regard to thoughts, acts/actions (John 20, Acts). The believer having the imputed righteousness of Christ in justification (Romans 1-4). Influence of the non-believer by God is also possible and reasonable, although outside of election and regeneration and other aspects of salvation including justification. Being chosen and regenerated New Testament concepts for those in Christ.
G.C. (1962) Man: The Image of God,
Grand Rapids, W.M.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
(1999) ‘The Bible on the Problem of Evil: Insights from Romans 3:1-8,21-26;
5:1-5; 8:28-39’, IIIM Magazine Online,
Volume 1, Number 33, October 11 to October 17, Fern Park, Florida, Third
(2002) The Doctrine of God, P and R
Publishing, Phillipsburg, New Jersey.