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Wales: trekearth |
Theodicy and Practical Theology, The University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (2010).
Since I reason a sovereignty perspective is the most workable
and likely theodicy approach,[1] I am presenting it to those outside of the Church in the
hope that they will be impacted.This
gospel associated theodicy view allows
for the possibility of forgiveness of sins within the atonement for persons and
for persons to experience the ultimate justice of God’s culminated Kingdom.[2] Bloesch explains that
in the context of atonement and justice[3] with God’s holiness he forgives and forbears and demonstrates
his love.[4] There is within my
theodicy concepts of ultimate justice[5] and deliverance from the problem of evil and its results,
but as a Christian scholar attempting to be as accurate in understanding as
possible, I must include the concept that sin must first be atoned for in
Christ[6] before a person can experience the benefits of a culminated
Kingdom free from evil and suffering.[7] G.C. Berkouwer explains
that ‘Man[8] is-even when
alienated from God-not alone.’[9] God has still gifted fallen humanity[10] and there is a
possible limitation to human corruption, that being the grace of Christ and his
words and work.[11] God still has the power and opportunity to save
persons,[12] and humanly speaking[13] persons have an
opportunity to know Christ in conversion.[14]
G.C. (1962) Man: The Image of God,
Grand Rapids, W.M.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
DONALD G. (1987) Freedom for Obedience,
San Francisco, Harper and Rowe Publishers.
DONALD G. (1996) ‘Sin, The Biblical Understanding of Sin’, in Walter A. Elwell
(ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology,
Grand Rapids, Baker Books.
(1971) Five Points of Calvinism,
‘Forward’, Grand Rapids, Sovereign Grace Publishers.
H. (1990) The Book of Revelation,
Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
H. (1995) The New American Commentary:
Romans, Nashville, Broadman & Holman Publishers.
(1958) Christian Doctrine, Glasgow,
Fontana Books.
[1] But not the only
approach with some good and reasonable points, as there are valuable points
from non-Reformed theists and atheists within this work.
[2] Mounce explains
that the Great White Throne judgment of Revelation 20 is not an arbitrary
judgment of God but is based on the works of each person. Mounce (1990: 365-366). It is sign of the ultimate justice of God for
all persons.
[6] Green (1971: iii). Whale (1958: 81). On this matter I do not see myself as a judge
of those outside of Christ, but rather as one reporting within the best of my
ability, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, what Scripture states about human
sin and salvation.