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Chapter One:The Fantacizers Cont.
Further into the author's section on 'The Dangers of Islam', it is stated that to be a Muslim means to be the surrendered one. (8).
Within the Islamic religion the devoted follower is completely submitted to Islam. (8).
This implies complete obedience. Wallace reasons, and I reason correctly, that includes how the Muslim is governed. (8). There is a religious/political system is play from Qur'anic Islam, somewhat similar to the Church/State model within Christian Europe that began when Emperor Constantine began to favour Christianity openly in 312. Shelby (1982: 108). The Edict of Milan in 313 allowed emperors Licinius and Constantine to legislate freedom of Christian worship and for all religions. Cairns (1981: 1993).
In 380, emperor Theodosius made belief in Christianity 'a matter of imperial command'. (110). This was a continuation of the unfortunate beginnings of European Christian empire (s), in contrast to Jesus Christ in John 18 that stated his Kingdom is not of this world. In other words, the Kingdom of God was not to strive for religious/political power within this present fallen world system.
On the hand, I can grant that these new religious freedoms were a relief for formerly persecuted Christians within the Roman Empire.
The Church/State became incredibly powerful in the medieval period with political alliances between European kings and rulers and Roman Catholic Church popes, by creating united church/state societies. The sixteenth century Protestant Reformation began to weaken this united societies concept as did the rise of the seventeenth century-eighteenth century concept of nation states. This would be in essence, secular states, even while in the case of the United States of America, religious liberty was allowed and made constitutional.
I can agree with Mr. Wallace that the Islamic ideology is in contrast to American views of liberty, freedom and the freedom of American Christian heritage. (8). Modern Western Christianity has views on religious liberty in contrast to historical religion/state systems within both Christianity and Islam.
The author opines that Western values of religious liberty are a threat to the values of Islam. (8). I agree with this where Islam is interpreted from the Qur'an in any orthodox theology that would wish to force Shariah/Islamic law upon those that do not hold to the religion and instead prefer intellectual and religious liberty.
CAIRNS, EARLE E. (1981) Christianity Through The Centuries, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.
SHELBY, BRUCE L. (1982) Church History In Plain Language, Word Books, Waco, Texas.
WALLACE TOM Jr. (2015) Refuting Islam, The Christian Patriots Guide to Exposing the Evils of Islam, Bellingham, Fundamental Publishers.