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Scripture Harold Lindsell explains that the inerrancy of Scripture is rejected by many within liberal churches.[1] He reasons that inerrancy equals infallibility and a trustworthy Bible.[2]
Within progressive churches the issue of everlasting punishment can be complicated by questioning of inerrancy of related verses. The issue of the trustworthiness of Scripture mentioned by Lindsell,[3] and as well the symbolic nature of the Biblical language describing everlasting hell, could create doubt concerning the doctrine of everlasting punishment within liberal churches.
Figurative literal language, in my mind, does not in Biblical terms mean mythological language, but not plain literal language.
Therefore, everlasting hell and punishment is not Biblically dismissed as fiction because it is not described plain literally. Lindsell would support a traditional understanding of Biblical revelation where he states that through special supernatural revelation in Scripture, Jesus Christ is revealed to selected persons.[4] He does not believe that a human being can be saved outside of this revelation.[5]
Traditionalists such as Lindsell, will view any move within the Christian Church away from Biblical teaching as a negative.[6] He provides the opinion that many Christian institutions have slowly over time moved away from orthodox, Biblical theology and have gone astray.[7]
Some from the conservative perspective, who answered this question in the affirmative, may view secular influence on the Church as leading it into error. This can be seen in many Christian Church contexts today. Lindsell analyses the issue of Scripture philosophically and acknowledges that within the Christian community there have been other non-traditional ways to look at the Bible. There have been debates within the Church over inerrancy, as in the Bible being without error. He states that the term infallible can be considered a synonym of the word inerrant in the context of the Bible. Lindsell (1976: 27).
LINDSELL, HAROLD (1976) The Battle for the Bible, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.
[1] Lindsell (1976: 201-202).
[2] Lindsell (1976: 19). I can support inerrancy for the original documents, which no longer exist. No copies or translations are inerrant.
[3] Lindsell (1976: 201-202).
[4] Lindsell (1976: 17).
[5] Lindsell (1976: 17).
[6] Lindsell (1976: 185).
[7] Lindsell (1976: 185).
[8] Lindsell (1976: 185).