PhD: Twitter quote 65
Photos 1-2 from JCZ: World of Domes, Zoom, March 28, 2021. Photo 3 is from me.
Now to be clear, my Reformed leanings favour Believer's baptism, more so than infant baptism, within an Anabaptist position.
But my British PhD thesis work required a significant level of objectivity in research:
Twitter version I
G.W. Bromiley writes that Irenaeus (ca. 130-ca. 200) and Origen (ca. 185-ca. 254) were Church Fathers that could be traced back to the Apostles, and these men practiced infant baptism. Bromiley (1999: 116).
Twitter version II
If Irenaeus did practice infant baptism, this would trace the practice to the second century.
BROMILEY, G.W. (1996) ‘Baptism, Infant', in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.

2010 Theodicy and Practical Theology: PhD thesis, the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter