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Whale writes that cosmology is looking at the cosmos and visible universe from a theistic perspective denying that it is self-explanatory. Whale (1958: 22). Pojman mentions that theistic versions of cosmology deduce something outside of the universe is required to explain its existence. Pojman (1996: 37). Paul Edwards (1973) explains cosmology reasons that all things come into being through other things (Edwards (1973: 377-378)) and since a causal series of events cannot go back in infinity, there must be a first cause. Edwards (1973: 377-378) Thomas Aquinas is famous for discussing The Five Ways and his cosmological argument within Summa Theologica. Aquinas, Thomas (1261)(1920). Plantinga reasons that aspects of Aquinas’ presentation (Plantinga (1977)(2002: 80)), are reasonable, but overall the argument is unsuccessful. Plantinga (1977)(2002: 80).
I reason this does not render all arguments for first cause unsuccessful, but Plantinga points out difficulties with Aquinas’ approach, which is perhaps too extensive. Aquinas’ presentation although classic and important, is very speculative and Plantinga has disagreements with his overall work. Plantinga (1977)(2002: 80). Geivett reasons Plantinga is too negative concerning natural theology as possibly working. Geivett (1993: 59-60). Edwards comments would adequately explain a more modest and reasonable idea concerning first cause.
From my PhD
Cosmodicy Symbols Cosmodicy symbols, to Johannes van der Ven, are an immanent extension, or provide an alternative to transcendent theodicy. van der Ven (1993: 174). Larry Alderink (1999) explains that cosmology in a general sense, indicates a view of the world or universe, and in particular how it is arranged. Alderink (1999: 126).
MPhil, Bangor University, 2003: The Problem of Evil: Anglican and Baptist Perspectives
PhD, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, 2010: Theodicy and Practical Theology
March 24, 2018
Van der Ven dealt with cosmology in the context of theodicy, and used the term 'cosmodicy'.
My research via my British theses degrees and academic blogging has me not preferring a speculative cosmology defence and instead in basic agreement with the Edwards text, preferring a more narrow, modest and certain argument which presents the necessity of first cause, and God as necessary. Again…Edwards comments would adequately explain a more modest and reasonable idea concerning first cause.
ALDERINK, LARRY J. (1999) ‘Cosmology’, in Alan Richardson and John Bowden (eds.), A New Dictionary of Christian Theology, Kent, SCM Press Ltd.
AQUINAS, THOMAS (1261)(1920) Summa Theologica, London, Fathers of the English Dominican Province.
EDWARDS, PAUL AND ARTHUR PAP (1973)(eds.), A Modern Introduction To Philosophy, New York, The Free Press.
PLANTINGA, ALVIN C. (1977)(2002) God, Freedom, and Evil, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
PLANTINGA, ALVIN C. (1982) The Nature of Necessity, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
POJMAN, LOUIS P. (1996) Philosophy: The Quest for Truth, New York, Wadsworth Publishing Company.
VAN DER VEN, JOHANNES (1993) Practical Theology, Translated by Barbara Schultz, AC Kampen, Netherlands, Kok Pharos Publishing House.
VAN DER VEN, JOHANNES (1998) God Reinvented?, Leiden, Brill.
VAN DER VEN, JOHANNES (2005) ‘Theodicy Items and Scheme’, in a personal email from Johannes van der Ven, Nijmegen, Radboud University, Nijmegen.
VAN DER VEN, JOHANNES (2006a) ‘Dates of Nijmegen authors’, in a personal email from Johannes van der Ven, Nijmegen, Radboud University, Nijmegen.
VAN DER VEN, JOHANNES (2006b) ‘Symbols versus Models’, in a personal email from Johannes van der Ven, Nijmegen, Radboud University, Nijmegen.
VAN DER VEN, JOHANNES, PAUL VERMEER, AND ERIC VOSSEN (1996) ‘Learning Theodicy’, in Journal of Empirical Theology, Volume 9, pp. 67-85. Kampen, The Netherlands, Journal of Empirical Theology.
WHALE, J.S. (1958) Christian Doctrine, Glasgow, Fontana Books.
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