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A. Plantinga and Transworld Depravity
Plantinga, like Augustine, states human beings’ wrong decisions and abuse of free will have led to an evil creation.[1] Plantinga did not propagate privation but instead developed a theory of transworld depravity.[2] The concept of transworld depravity is a further response to Mackie’s possible world approach.[3] Transworld depravity notes the idea that in any possible world, including our actual one, each person would make at least one wrong decision and the resulting bad action would lead to evil occurring within that reality.[4] Persons would always choose at least one wrong action, and God could not actualize a world where this was not the case.[5] Plantinga describes transworld depravity as: ‘A person P suffers from transworld depravity if and only if the following holds: for every world W such that P is significantly free to W and P only does what is right in W, there is an action A and a maximal world segment S’ such that (1) S’ includes A’s being morally significant for P; (2) S’ includes P’s being free with respect to A; (3) S’ is included in W and includes neither P’s performing A nor P’s refraining from performing; and (4) If S’ were actual, P would go wrong with respect to A.’[6] Bloesch notes that in every human system of ethics[7] there is demonstrated a human flaw that prohibits people from fulfilling a moral requirement.[8] Such a flaw[9] can be philosophically and theologically considered to perhaps relate to Plantinga’s theory.[10]
Plantinga notes if people suffered from transworld depravity, it would not be possible for God to actualize any possible world he could think of, specifically a world containing significantly free creatures that only commit good actions.[11] The price, according to Plantinga, of God creating significantly free creatures would be they would eventually go wrong with an action, leading to the problem of evil existing.[12] Transworld depravity, to Plantinga, would be possible and likely, even if God had created a different universe with a completely different type of rational beings with significant freedom.[13] This is so because significant freedom will eventually lead to at least one wrong action being made by each person.[14] Within this system, as long as one person makes a wrong decision the problem of evil will exist and the depravity caused will alienate that person from God’s original plan and lead to a multiplication of wrong actions.[15]
Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne suggest a concept of transworld sanctity.[16] They demonstrate that transworld sanctity is no less intellectually possible than is transworld depravity.[17] This would be a hypothetical world where persons do not commit wrong actions.[18] The authors do not present transworld sanctity as their held view,[19] as they are incompatibilists as is Plantinga,[20] but reason that Plantinga’s view on transworld depravity intellectually fails and is false.[21] It is not obviously necessary that some persons in a given world are blessed with transworld sanctity, they argue.[22] It is also not necessary that some persons in a world have transworld depravity.[23] Plantinga does not demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that all persons suffer with transworld depravity.[24] The authors therefore strongly doubt Plantinga’s free will defence.[25] They do acknowledge that other philosophers will counter that Plantinga is only presenting the possibility of transworld depravity,[26] and that is a reasonable point.
[2] Plantinga (1982: 184-189). Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 3-4). Also called trans-world depravity.
[7] Bloesch (1987: 34). Bloesch is discussing ethical systems and not a defence or theodicy, but still the concepts of human nature and actions relate.
[8] Bloesch (1987: 34).
[9] Bloesch (1987: 34).
[10] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53). Plantinga (1982: 189). Every ethical system fails because of human moral failure. Bloesch’s commentary on human ethics could also be connected to Reformed compatibilistic concepts of depravity.
[11] Plantinga (1982: 189). Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 3-4). There would be a high risk of moral evil occurring.
[13] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53).
[14] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53).
[21] Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 1).
[22] Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 9).
[23] Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 9).
[24] LaFollette (1980: 8).
[25] Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 1). Plantinga does not know that his defence is true, and LaFollette reasons it is false. LaFollette (1980: 9). As noted, Plantinga claims to write a defence that is logically possible only. He does not claim it is true. Plantinga (1977)(2002: 27-29).
[26] Howard-Snyder and O’Leary-Hawthorne (1998: 14). Plantinga argues for the possibility of transworld depravity only, strictly speaking. It is theory. Plantinga (1982: 184-189).
Transworld depravity provides the concept that in any possible world, including our own, each person would make at least one wrong decision and the resulting bad action would lead to evil occurring within creation.[1] It can be reasoned that the praxis related end goal of free will theodicy is for God within an incompatibilist, libertarian system to convince many human beings to accept Christ and turn from evil in order to fully establish the Kingdom of God.[2]
In contrast, with a compatibilistic sovereignty perspective, God is reasoned to transform and mould persons he chooses for salvation,[3] so that the culminated Kingdom takes place at God’s appointed time.[4] Both free will and sovereignty perspectives accept the Biblical idea of the culminated Kingdom, but free will places much more emphasis on the individual freely deciding that this is for him/her, rather than being determined in any way to do so.[5] Free will advocates will understand the process as God making an offer and over time convincing persons to believe it.[6] A devotion to God can only be a good thing when persons freely accept it.[7] Sovereignty perspectives reason that God alone makes the choice to begin a regeneration process that leads to salvation in a human being.[8] F.F. Bruce (1996) explains that because of the universal fact of human sin, there is no way to be accepted by God by human means.[9] This divinely guided change in a person must occur in order for salvation to ever take place within a human being with a corrupted nature.[10]
Free will theodicy, unlike soul-making theory, does not necessarily accept universalism[11] as part of its praxis and it could logically be argued that Plantinga’s transworld depravity would apply in all post-mortem situations.[12] In my view, these are perils of a praxis that rejects compatibilism and soft determinism. Even as traditional Christian free will theory would not accept universalism,[13] it still reasons eventually those citizens saved by Christ would not sin within the culminated Kingdom.[14] Those within the Kingdom will have been brought to God through Christ.[15] The resurrection work would be reasoned to change the entire nature of saved persons to sinless and allow everlasting life,[16] but without God also determining[17] that sin would never again occur, I reason that transworld depravity could always be a concern.[18]
A praxis of sovereignty theodicy would be that, from start to finish, salvation is primarily the goal directed[19] plan of God. Human beings are not brought to Christ through compulsion,[20] but when predestined in election[21] shall be convinced to accept the offer of salvation.[22] Praxis shifts from the incompatibilism of free will that assumes God desires to save all persons, but can only save those who are eventually persuaded to believe,[23] to an understanding that whom God desires to save shall be regenerated and placed in a process of salvation.[24] The problem of evil is therefore not primarily subject to, and in existence, because human sin is stalling the culmination of God’s plans.[25] I do not doubt that human beings do often oppose God’s plans, but God being almighty can overcome the problem of evil, and is working through this process slowly in history. Within a sovereignty perspective human sin does oppose God, but God will use sin for his purposes and regenerate and mould those he chooses towards salvation. As long as one can accept the idea that a perfectly moral God wills and allows evil[26] within his plans for the greater good,[27] there is a degree of intellectual certainty with sovereignty theodicy that free will theodicy lacks. God could inevitably bring about, through the use of the regeneration[28] and the resurrection of elected human persons,[29] the end of human corruption,[30] and even Plantinga’s concept of transworld depravity.[31] If God willed and created a finalized Kingdom of restored persons that had experienced the problem of evil and were saved from it, then it could be reasoned that with God’s constant persuasion through the Holy Spirit[32] and human experience and maturity, transworld depravity[33] would never take place again. No human wrong decision[34] would need to occur as God always determines otherwise, and restored human beings do not lack experience as did the first humans who rebelled against God causing corruption. I speculate that theological praxis of sovereignty theodicy is more certain and comforting than free will theodicy, as transworld depravity is overcome by taking the primary choice of human belief in God away from corrupted human beings[35] and placing it in the hands of a sovereign God.[36]
[1] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53).
[2] This assumes that human beings by grace through faith can be convinced into belief in Christ and then regenerated and indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
[3] Luther (1525)(1972: 133). Calvin (1543)(1996: 204).
[4] Calvin (1539)(1998: Book II, Chapter 3, 6). Calvin (1552)(1995: 13).
[5] Geisler (1986: 75). McCann (2001: 115).
[6] Foulkes (1989: 55). Browning (1997: 301).
[7] Augustine (388-395)(1964: 78).
[8] Regeneration consists of the Holy Spirit of God beginning the salvation process of spiritual re-creation in a human being. Grenz, Guretzki, and Nordling (1999: 101).
[9] Bruce (1996: 93).
[10] Bruce (1996: 93).
[11] Contrary to Hick. Hick (1970: 381).
[12] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53).
[13] Kreeft and Tacelli (1994: 286).
[14] Revelation Chapters 21-22 although containing figurative language describe a world free from tears and death and pain (21: 4). The New American Standard Version Bible Version (1984: 1417).
[15] Augustine viewed the atoning work of Christ as a means by which humanity can be brought back to a proper relationship with God. Augustine (398-399)(1992: 178). Christ would mediate humanity back to God. Augustine (398-399)(1992: 219).
[16] Augustine reasoned the resurrection would save believers from everlasting death. Augustine (400-416)(1987)(2004: Book 4: Chapter 13: 11).
[17] Geisler (1986: 75). McCann (2001: 115). I reason that as human nature has already demonstrated that it can fall, in the restoration it will need not only culminated perfect nature through resurrection, but also the influence of the Holy Spirit in heavy measure. Citizens will be filled with the Holy Spirit as was Stephen in Acts Chapter 6, for example. The New American Standard Version Bible Version (1984: 1234-1235). As God has developed saved persons to freely follow him with his guidance, I do not see why this would change within the everlasting realm.
[18] Without compatibilism in my view, incompatibilism and free will theory is left with the problem of explaining how human corruption and Plantinga’s transworld depravity will not prevent the salvation of persons and the completed and finalized Kingdom of God.
[19] Teleological. Bloesch (1987: 19).
[20] Shedd (1874-1890)(1980: 136-137 Volume 2).
[21] Whale (1958: 63).
[22] Feinberg (2001: 637).
[23] Peterson (1982: 104). McCann (2001: 115). Feinberg (1994: 64).
[24] Calvin (1543)(1996: 204).
[25] Peterson (1982: 104). McCann (2001: 115). Feinberg (1994: 64).
[26] Erickson (1994: 361). Many theistic and atheistic critics find this intellectually untenable. Mesle (1986: 418).
[27] Calvin (1543)(1996: 37-40). Edwards (1729)(2006: 414).
[28] Murray (1937-1966)(1977: 172).
[29] Whale (1958: 65-70).
[30] Berkouwer (1962: 192).
[31] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53).
[33] Plantinga (1977)(2002: 53).
[34] Moral wrong decisions is meant here. A lack of infinite knowledge could still lead to a human being making a non-moral mistake, for example, not playing a perfect game.
[35] Augustine (421)(1998: Chapter 13: 8). Plantinga (1982: 184-189). Calvin (1539)(1998: Book II, Chapter 2, 7). Luther (1516)(1968: 31). Feinberg (1994: 126-127).
[36] Pink (1968: 20). Green (1971: 7).
AUGUSTINE (388-395)(1964) On Free Choice of the Will, Translated by Anna S.Benjamin and L.H. Hackstaff, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
AUGUSTINE (398-399)(1992) Confessions, Translated by Henry Chadwick, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
AUGUSTINE (400-416)(1987)(2004) On the Trinity, Translated by Reverend Arthur West Haddan, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series One, Volume 3, Denver, The Catholic Encyclopedia.
AUGUSTINE (421)(1998) Enchiridion, Translated by J.F. Shaw, Denver, The Catholic Encyclopedia.
AUGUSTINE (426)(1958) The City of God, Translated by Gerald G. Walsh, Garden City, New York, Image Books.
AUGUSTINE (427)(1997) On Christian Doctrine, Translated by D.W. Robertson Jr., Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall.
AUGUSTINE (427b)(1997) On Christian Teaching, Translated by R.P.H. Green, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BERKOUWER, G.C. (1962) Man: The Image of God, Grand Rapids, W.M.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
BLOESCH, DONALD G. (1987) Freedom for Obedience, San Francisco, Harper and Rowe Publishers.
BLOESCH, DONALD G. (1996) ‘Sin, The Biblical Understanding of Sin’, in Walter A. Elwell (ed.), Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Books.
BROWNING, W.R.F. (1997) Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BRUCE, F.F. (1985)(1996) Romans, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
CALVIN, JOHN (1543)(1996) The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Translated by G.I. Davies, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.
CALVIN, JOHN (1550)(1978) Concerning Scandals, Translated by John W. Fraser, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
CALVIN, JOHN (1552)(1995) Acts, Translated by Watermark, Nottingham, Crossway Books.
CALVIN, JOHN (1553)(1952) Job, Translated by Leroy Nixon, Grand Rapids,Baker Book House.
CALVIN, JOHN (1554)(1965) Genesis, Translated by John King, Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth Trust.EDWARDS, JONATHAN (1729)(2006) Sovereignty of God, New Haven, Connecticut, Jonathan Edwards Center, Yale University.
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ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.
FEINBERG, JOHN.S. (1986) Predestination and Free Will, in David Basinger and Randall Basinger (eds.), Downers Grove, Illinois, InterVarsity Press.
FEINBERG, JOHN.S. (1994) The Many Faces of Evil, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.
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GEISLER, NORMAN L. (1986) Predestination and Free Will, Downers Grove, Illinois, InterVarsity Press.
GREEN, JAY (1971) Five Points of Calvinism, ‘Forward’, Grand Rapids, Sovereign Grace Publishers.
GRENZ, STANLEY J., DAVID GURETZKI AND CHERITH FEE NORDLING (1999) Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Downers Grove, Ill., InterVarsity Press.
HICK, JOHN (1970) Evil and The God of Love, London, The Fontana Library.
HOWARD-SNYDER, DANIEL AND JOHN O’LEARY-HAWTHORNE (1998) ‘Transworld Sanctity and Plantinga’s Free Will Defence’, in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Volume 44, Number 1, August, Springer, Netherlands, Publisher International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
KREEFT, PETER AND RONALD K. TACELLI (1994) Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Downers Grove, Illinois, InterVarsity Press.
LAFOLLETTE, HUGH (1980) ‘Plantinga on Free Will Defence’, in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 11, The Hague, Martimus Nijhoff Publishers.
LUTHER, MARTIN. (1516)(1968) Commentary On The Epistle To The Romans, Translated by J.Theodore Mueller, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House.
LUTHER, MARTIN. (1518)(1989) ‘Heidelberg Disputation’, in Timothy F. Lull (ed.), Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings, Minneapolis, Fortress Press.
LUTHER, MARTIN. (1525)(1972) ‘The Bondage of the Will’, in F.W. Strothmann and Frederick W. Locke (eds.), Erasmus-Luther: Discourse on Free Will, New York, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., INC.
MCCANN, HUGH J. (2001) ‘Sovereignty and Freedom: A Reply to Rowe’, in Faith and Philosophy, Volume 18, Number 1, January, pp. 110-116. Wilmore, Kentucky, Asbury College.
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WHALE, J.S. (1958) Christian Doctrine, Glasgow, Fontana Books.
I'm the first to post, Woo-hoo.
ReplyDeleteHey Russ, If I recall correctly you said you were done with School? Any luck finding a job?
Yes, I am now 'too cool for school'.
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of applications in for east coast employment.:)
I love to get you comments on my blog Dr Russel. I like how you translate beautifully and consistent to the English Version. I might not have time to get back to you as I would like to, but be sure that I read it all and I appreciatte as well.
You are welcome Dayane and thank you.
Sovereignty theodicy aligns with the Biblical expectation of God's culminated kingdom. But more directly, it provides assurance to the believer here and now, of salvation despite continuing struggle with sin.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Shatner "sings" O Canada
ReplyDelete'chucky said...
ReplyDeleteSovereignty theodicy aligns with the Biblical expectation of God's culminated kingdom. But more directly, it provides assurance to the believer here and now, of salvation despite continuing struggle with sin.'
Reasonable. Thank you, Chucky.
Shatner: 'Our home on native land.'
ReplyDeleteZhang you really much for your comment :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Lucy.
ReplyDeleteThat is really really nice :) thank you again :) I am happy if People like my Blog. Currently I don't have a Computer that's why I could not work further on it ... greetings from Germany !
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of "Transworld", Russia has approved an ambitious project to build a tunnel connecting Russia to North America.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Chucky
ReplyDeleteFirst link:
'In what could certainly be one of the boldest infrastructure developments ever announced, the Russian Government has given the go-ahead to build a transcontinental railway linking Siberia with North America. The massive undertaking would traverse the Bering Strait with the world’s longest tunnel – a project twice the length of the Chunnel between England and France. The $65 billion project aims to feed North America with raw goods from the Siberian interior and beyond, but it could also provide a key link to developing a robust renewable energy transmission corridor that feeds wind and tidal power across vast distances while linking a railway network across 3/4 of the Northern Hemisphere.'
Second link:
Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, USA - Fairbanks, Alaska - Fort Nelson, Canada -
3,030 miles (4,876 km);
City of Yakutsk, Russia - Zyryanka - Naukan, or Uelen (Chukotka, Russia):
2,392 miles (3,850 km);
Bering Strait Tunnel - 64 miles (103 km);
Total: 5,486 miles (8,829 km)'
Thanks Sir Chuck on your interesting comment on a rail system connecting the world, who would have thought of this incredible event happening!
ReplyDelete-Time Traveller-
If only Uncle Chucklets had the time to travel the 'vorld'...
ReplyDeleteToday my Pastor was preaching on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Now, some who have said that the Rapture is false doctrine have stated that if there is a Rapture, then that must mean that Jesus will come back a 2nd and a 3rd time (the Rapture being the Second Coming and the Second Coming actually being a Third Coming), which conflicts with what the Bible states. They claim there is a Second Coming, but no Rapture. This presented a problem to me for a while, but something my Pastor implied today gave me an answer to that: in the Rapture, the saints go to meet Jesus in the air; Jesus does not come back then.
ReplyDeleteI also suspect that, when the Rapture occurs, the world will attribute it to a massive alien abduction.
My Pastor showed a chart that seemed to show the timeline of the Judgment Seat just after the time of the Rapture, occurring before the Great Tribulation. He also stated that the Great Tribulation cannot occur until the Church is removed, calling the Holy Spirit (on Earth) the 'Restrainer.' In my mind, I thought: If that is true, then what about the 144,000? Later, however, he answered that by distinguishing between the Church and the "Tribulation saints," and he said that the "Tribulation saints" will be saved and will go to Heaven, but they are not part of the Church/Body of Christ, and they will not have glorified bodies. But this makes absolutely no sense to me; are not all saints part of the Church and the Body of Christ?
'Today my Pastor was preaching on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Now, some who have said that the Rapture is false doctrine have stated that if there is a Rapture, then that must mean that Jesus will come back a 2nd and a 3rd time (the Rapture being the Second Coming and the Second Coming actually being a Third Coming), which conflicts with what the Bible states.'
ReplyDeleteYes and where is there evidence of multiple Second Comings?
'They claim there is a Second Coming, but no Rapture. This presented a problem to me for a while, but something my Pastor implied today gave me an answer to that: in the Rapture, the saints go to meet Jesus in the air; Jesus does not come back then.'
I reason this is the Second Coming but apocalyptic language would be used in places and building exact theology can be difficult.
I Thess. 4: 13-18
Those Who Died in Christ
13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep [a]in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive [b]and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a [c]shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive [d]and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
'I also suspect that, when the Rapture occurs, the world will attribute it to a massive alien abduction'
Possible, but this is speculative of course.
'My Pastor showed a chart that seemed to show the timeline of the Judgment Seat just after the time of the Rapture, occurring before the Great Tribulation. He also stated that the Great Tribulation cannot occur until the Church is removed, calling the Holy Spirit (on Earth) the 'Restrainer.' In my mind, I thought: If that is true, then what about the 144,000? Later, however, he answered that by distinguishing between the Church and the "Tribulation saints," and he said that the "Tribulation saints" will be saved and will go to Heaven, but they are not part of the Church/Body of Christ, and they will not have glorified bodies. But this makes absolutely no sense to me; are not all saints part of the Church and the Body of Christ?'
Yes, all saints are part of the Church of and the Body.
Cheers, Mr. Jenkins.
Cleveland '72 Mahavishnu show -- one of my faves as well. Fantastic playing and sound quality.
ReplyDeleteIf only they could get together again...
Yes, along with Rush my favourites as electric musical acts.
ReplyDeleteI pray you're able to find the job that God is planning for you to have, soon. Interesting note on the Transworld. I wish there could be a tunnel between the state of Oregon and Paris France
ReplyDeleteThanks very much, Alieux.
ReplyDeleteParis would be an interesting place to be connected to because of the sights, culture and food.:)
Betcha y'all didn't know I did some electric work on the movie "Rancid" a few years back...
ReplyDeleteI was also a New York lawyer...
ReplyDeleteWell get the resume ready and find some work that staying at home with Mother of Chucky will allow...
ReplyDeleteMore weekend silliness from a scammer online:
I am Mrs Melissa Rolax,i have a business proposal of Four million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only for you to transact with me.
Prior to your acceptance and as soon as I receive your return mail Via my email address:( Deleted ).
I will let you know what is required of you.
Your earliest response to this letter will be appreciated.
Best Regards,
Mrs Melissa Rolax'
The e-book was a trial idea and with a web search of thekingpin68 I do have some affiliates. It would perhaps be good to eventually sell the e-book as part of an academic thesis course.
ReplyDeleteI have come across on the web:
This product review is above average at 3.44/5.
This affiliate is listing/selling the book and rates it 4.4/5
Software Bonus
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i like your blog. it is great. I'll be back on your post hope will get new update.
ReplyDeleteLaws of prosperity
Thank you for your interest in the Antichrist post (Sunday, July 20, 2008) which you originally commented on in the Archives. As I noted as part of the blog update you mentioned I would repost your comment here as well.
ReplyDeleteSon of missionary aviator Nate Saint invents an actual flying car.
ReplyDelete'October 13, 2010 - Steve Saint of I-TEC drove his road-legal flying car from Florida to Oshkosh this summer. Since then the FAA has also issued the Maverick a S-LSA aircraft airworthiness certificate. I-TEC hopes to be in production by EAA Oshkosh 2011.'
ReplyDeleteYes, I posted this topic on Facebook as well. Thanks, Chuck.
Wow, what great talented musical ability from John M. Very fast guitar playing.
ReplyDelete-Amused by Music-
-Amused by Music-
ReplyDeleteAgreed, thanks.