New Westminster, BC (photo from trekearth.com)
I thought I would post something slightly different today.
1. Helen who writes the artistic Muisto blog, disagrees with some of my article entitled, A philosophy of linking, which is in the May archives.
Helen was nice enough to link my posting. I shall return the favour and link her article in order that her perspective is provided, and I also made the following edited comment at the end of Helen’s article.
Hi Helen.
Thanks for the link and insights.:)
Personally, I do not link primarily to create traffic as the quality of a blog is more important than the amount of traffic. If I comment on a blog it is because I think the blog is good (such as yours) and the exposure my blog receives in return is a bonus. I do comment on blogs that do not link me, but will primarily comment on blogs that are of good quality that also support me. I would not want a situation where I am primarily linking others and supporting their work and assisting them to receive comments and I am not receiving links back and struggling to receive comments. I ask for a link for a link to help ensure that my blogs are at least receiving a small amount of support and that I am not simply writing articles for myself and thinking to myself…well done satirical, kingpin...lol.
I realize that there are other reasonable ways to approach linking, other than mine, such as yours.
2. I have been on the Christian dating site, Christian Café, for seven years and most of time it has been with occasional free days provided each year. I have learned not to take on-line dating very seriously. I think a young woman would usually have to be met in person to know if there is any mutual romantic attraction. The other day I received an email on the site from a woman who was documented to be local, and with no photograph. Her personal information listed her as 31-35 years old, with blonde hair and in good physical condition. She was basically what many men in our Canadian society would consider to be a good prospect. In the email dialogue she seemed interested in my dissertation work, but since I am only on the site for a few free days at a time, I thought that I would provide her with an email address, so perhaps we could email chat occasionally. She later on the Café informed me that she was not sure if she was interested in staying on the site. From my research the last few years on women and dating, this young woman was showing signs of little or no interest in dialogue with me, and so I figured that it was a waste of our time. But, I thought I would ask her if she wanted to complete a problem of evil questionnaire.;) She seemed open-minded concerning the questionnaire and I sent her one through regular email. I assumed I would not receive any more Café messages from her.
The other day she emailed me on regular email explaining that she was very sorry, but this was all a ruse. She was investigating someone else, but realized that I was not that person. She stated that she really had no interest in the problem of evil, was probably ten years older that me, and was working on a PhD in Theology herself. She wanted to let me know the truth since she reasoned that I was being sincere with her in the dialogue. She noted that she would try and complete the questionnaire for me.
Hmm, no wonder I am still single…

The type of incident in the cartoon has never actually happened to me!
I lean toward the Mr. T philosophy when it comes to linking, as in:
ReplyDelete"I pity the fool who comes to this blog!
Here are some links to some GOOD blogs!"
As part of the "Friday fun" I had a classic pic of Mr. T which I wanted to insert here but that didn't work, so I put it up back on my blog. Oh well.
There's a very interesting blog called:HOW TO TELL IF A GUY IS A JERK!
After reading the second part of your post, Russ, I propose that guys come up with our own equivalent site which would help us identify a MS. JERK.
Thanks, Tom. Those are very good comments. I think Mr. T is very entertaining. The philosophy of linking is a debatable subject and both Helen and I have made good points. I suppose I am looking to use my blogs, especially this one, to boost my career aspirations somewhat by becoming more known.
ReplyDeleteThe woman that did the ruse seems nice and did apologize, but her actions do highlight some of the negativity concerning relationships in Canadian and western society.
I checked out the link you provided and it looks like a potentially controversial site.
It seems there is a lot of self-deception going on out there. Those who deceive themselves are likely to deceive others without thinking anything of it.
ReplyDeleteGood and reasonable point, Chucky.
ReplyDeleteHey Russ,
ReplyDeleteBelow is what I commented on Helen's blog:
I have many links and they are mostly friends that I know personally from school. I've found blogs to be a great way to reconnect with old friends and I hope that I will help other friends "bump" into each other after so many years.
I do have a few blog friends, such as Russ, in which I have linked based on the same principles you've listed.
I'm a "liberal linker" - if I like what I read, read it often and trust the writer then there's a pretty good chance that I'll set a link.
Your S&T blog is a great example. Although over my head a lot of times, I enjoy your writen thoughts as you do your disertation - I think of it as auditing your classes!
As for the on-line gal - Wow!
I agree though, there's something to be said about emailing and telling the truth!
Keep up the search!
Thanks Wade. I always appreciate your comments.
ReplyDeleteYour thoughts on linking make sense. One reason I wrote the article on linking was so that others would know where I stand on the issue. I recently made some slight changes to thekingpin68 article entitled, A philosophy of linking after I did a newer article on linking on satire and theology named Updated links.
I learn from your blog as well Wade, and from Helen and others too. Thanks for the encouragement Wade, please pray God will bless me with the search.
nice work
ReplyDeleteI like it
thank you and have a nice day
Thank you, Sharm. I left a comment on your humourous site.