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An article from my PhD work, published originally on December 26, 2014, revised for an entry on academia.edu, December 25, 2023.
Saturday, September 19, 2020: PhD Full Version PDF: Theodicy and Practical Theology 2010, Wales TSD
Robert The Bruce statue and Stirling Castle
Seems to me I 'found' this statue as a child on our family trip to Scotland and Stirling Castle. Also on Christmas 2014, I viewed Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) on DVD. It also seems to me as a child with the family we visited Doune Castle where the cow was thrown in the film. A classic film but I think the ending should still be redone.
Seems to me I 'found' this statue as a child on our family trip to Scotland and Stirling Castle. Also on Christmas 2014, I viewed Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) on DVD. It also seems to me as a child with the family we visited Doune Castle where the cow was thrown in the film. A classic film but I think the ending should still be redone.
Reformed Theology
Reformed Theology
John R. Franke was strongly suggested to me by the external reviewer at my viva for a Reformed Theology source for my final Wales, PhD revisions.
Methodology and Theology
Methodologically, ‘theology is disciplined consideration and exploration of the content of divine revelation.’ Franke (2005: 13).
Franke cautions that although there is truth in this definition, human knowledge of God is not sufficient without a proper knowledge of humanity while this theology is being considered. Theology is always considered in the light of cultural and historical setting of the day, the implication being that a culture will influence theology and therefore theology needs to be scrutinized with this concept always in mind. Franke (2005: 14).
Erickson explains theology is to use the tools and methods of Biblical research. Erickson (1994: 21).
Franke cautions that although there is truth in this definition, human knowledge of God is not sufficient without a proper knowledge of humanity while this theology is being considered. Theology is always considered in the light of cultural and historical setting of the day, the implication being that a culture will influence theology and therefore theology needs to be scrutinized with this concept always in mind. Franke (2005: 14).
Erickson explains theology is to use the tools and methods of Biblical research. Erickson (1994: 21).
The Trinity
Admittedly the Trinity is a difficult concept, and Franke acknowledges that some, such as Friedrich Schleiermacher, view the Trinity as not a primary but secondary Christian doctrine. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751).
The doctrine is a systemized one and not a primary witness of the Christian faith. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751). I would not negate the Trinity to a secondary doctrine. Franke reasons the Trinity is a method of self-disclosure of God to and within creation. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751).
It is centrally concerned with the coming of Christ and his work, and the work of the Holy Spirit and the concept of everlasting life for believers. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751). God within the Trinity is of one essence, Barth explains in his section on the Trinity from Church Dogmatics. Barth (1932-1968: 371).
The Holy Spirit
The doctrine is a systemized one and not a primary witness of the Christian faith. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751). I would not negate the Trinity to a secondary doctrine. Franke reasons the Trinity is a method of self-disclosure of God to and within creation. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751).
It is centrally concerned with the coming of Christ and his work, and the work of the Holy Spirit and the concept of everlasting life for believers. Franke (2005: 59). Schleiermacher (1821)(1928)(1976: 751). God within the Trinity is of one essence, Barth explains in his section on the Trinity from Church Dogmatics. Barth (1932-1968: 371).
The Holy Spirit
Franke suggests that at the heart of traditional Christian and Reformed theology is the idea of the Holy Spirit guiding the community of faith into the truth of the gospel and God’s plan for the Church and the world. Franke (2005: 113).
Pneumatology can only be ventured into and understood properly under the umbrella of Christian theology. Franke (2005: 65). It can also be studied within Reformed theology.
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